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If i want a script to wait until a group is spawned in and alive then run rest of the code, is this command correct?

waitUntil {!isNull _grp01};

Or is it better to check if leader have spawned in then run code?

waitUntil {!isNull leader _grp01};

private _grp01 = [_pos, east,[0,1,2,3,4,5] apply{selectRandom Rivergroup},[],[],[1,1],[1,1],[]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

//waitUntil {!isNull _grp01};
//waitUntil {!isNull leader _grp01};

_x setSkill ["AimingAccuracy",0.01];
} forEach (units _grp01);


Also, if i want a script to check if a marker still exist should i use isNil or equalTo?


params ["_markerpos"]; <--- being sent each time a new mission starts.

while {true} do {

if !(_markerpos isEqualTo []) then {
something happens


if (!isNil ("_markerpos")) then {
Something happens

sleep 5;


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1. Yes, no need to waitUntil

2. a marker is not an object. It's very specific. A marker is named by a string "yourMarkerName"  not a param like "_marker"  . So, you have to check :

"yourMarkerName" in allMapMarkers

For markers placed during mission, see this command for more details.

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On 11/28/2019 at 7:26 PM, pierremgi said:

Should work. verify _markerPos is defined and allPlayers returns at least one player

You can try:

waitUntil {sleep 5; count allPlayers >0 && { allPlayers findIf {(_x distance2d _markerpos) < (250 + round (random 50)) && (ASLToAGL getPosASL _x)#2 < 2} > -1 } };

waitUntil {sleep 5; allPlayers findIf {(_x distance2d _markerpos) < (250 + round (random 50)) && (ASLToAGL getPosASL _x)#2 < 2} > -1};

It did work, just some wierd error when testing it in debug.




I did a test with the code below and it worked, not sure if it's better or worse compared to the above code, what you think? @pierremgi The debug test thing don't work when using these codes so not sure about the result.

waitUntil {sleep 5; allPlayers unitsBelowHeight 20 findIf {(_x distance2d _markerpos) < (250 + (random 50))} >-1};


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waitUntil {sleep 5; (allPlayers unitsBelowHeight 20) findIf {(_x distance2d _markerpos) < (250 + (random 50))} >-1}; should work

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