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Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does

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When you think bugs and glitches and this half finished broken game can’t get any worse, the simple minded people at Bohemia find a way to make it worse every chance they get. 

After the latest update like so many others I play Xbox live with I have also given up and quit/uninstalled the game. We will no longer support these crooks who are either unconcerned with the huge list of known bugs and issues or just plain incapable of doing anything to make it better.


Make no mistake there is a reason mods delete almost every thread created by community members to shed light on these issues. There is a reason several of us have been given “warnings” when shedding light on these issues.  

It’s very simple, It’s easier to hide all these issues then actually work towards fixing them.

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Hello, @Th3Truth


My name is Rob, I am the Head Moderator of the Bohemia Interactive Forums. 


I can assure you the Vigor team is working hard on fixing issues, and improving the game for everyone, however as you can surely understand one cannot just press 1 button and fix everything in a game, it takes time.


In regards to your statement: 


Make no mistake there is a reason mods delete almost every thread created by community members to shed light on these issues. There is a reason several of us have been given “warnings” when shedding light on these issues.

We would never hide posts, nor give out warnings to forum member based of feedback threads on these forums, however your posts were not feedback threads, they were posts like this one. These types of posts are against our forum guidelines rule #1: 


1) No Flaming/Flame-baiting/bigotry


I do understand your frustrations, however, if you have feedback in regards to our games please create an actual feedback thread where you point out the issues you've encountered rather than create posts like these, as you are in fact breaking our guidelines. 

If you are found to be breaking our rules once again, our moderation team will have to take further action.


I hope this is all understandable. 


Have a fantastic week! 


- Rob

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Let’s be real here. This game is free. You don’t have to pay anything to play it. You have no place to make claims or demands on a game that is free. Even if you loose loot, the game crashes or something absurd happens like out attends suddenly providing a lot less crowns. It’s a freaking free game. 

Any money you spend on it is your choice. You are never made to make a purchase. There is no crookish behavior involved at all. Sometimes I hate the free to play model because people come on with such entitlement as to what a game should provide. Get over yourself. 

From what I have heard, this game is at the bottom of the totem pole for staffing so it does take longer for this game to get updates and fixes, but we literally just got an update that fixed bushes and the gameplay has never been more fun since. No more bush buddies waiting for one to leave to gun them down, people are more tactical and the game is great. The weight system and MG balancing has given everyone a fair chance at fights and grabbing supply drops. 

They are doing a great job and this post should be deleted honestly as it’s just a cry for attention.

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@ Rob - I created several threads in the correct forum trying to shed light on the cheaters / exploits. No mods or devs had acknowledged any of the cheats/ exploits I was reporting at the time and literally every one was removed. So I did try, and in doing so learned posting how to spot cheating and exploits was against guidelines even in the “issues” forum. 

@kuljack - I hear you loud and clear and that’s why I personally won’t purchase any more crowns

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Glad to hear y’all had an update and fixed the bush exploit, that’s the main issue I was trying to shed light on weeks ago. Would of been nice to let the community know y’all were aware and planned on working towards a fix. I can understand the game can’t be fixed with one button but it only takes a few buttons / keystrokes to let the community know it’s been acknowledged and would be addressed eventually. 


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I have in several earlier posts mentioned the need for a formal ticketing system to record bugs and issues. Whether or not this project is at the appropriate stage in it's development lifecycle to introduce one I can't say. But it would certainly help appease outlanders who feel they get little or no response when raising bugs and issues on this forum. Be it in the correct place or not.


I personally think that problems are getting addressed in a reasonable timescale, given the vast landscape of BI's ongoing projects. But as with all projects, communication with stakeholders is a key factor in developing and maintaining customer satisfaction.

And at the end of the day, outlanders are the key stakeholders and customers.

Keep up the good work.

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