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ACE Advanced ballistics - How do you use the G7 drag model with the AtragMX?

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Hello everyone!


I have been diving into the ACE Advanced Ballistics recently, as our unit decided to try and add a dedicated Sniper team to our roster. After a few weeks of testing and reading guide/watching tutorials (none of which seem to know everything, had to figure out stuff by researching real life ballistics and dive into the config files), I think I have a decent grasp of the mechanics, and our first Sniper team trials work prefectly.

Right now, we are using a modded Sniper Weapon System (SWS) with a G1 ballistic coefficient, which pairs well with the C1 model used by the AtragMX ballistic calculator, so all is good.
That being said, we might want to expand in the future to allow the team to field a variety of SWS, so I have been scouting other modded weapons. The community has made some awesome models and weapons in general, but I noticed many of those are coded with the G7 drag model (in their config files, I mean).

Now, I know G7 is better suited for long-range shooting, as it is made for a boat-tailed bullet, whereas the G1 model is for flat-based bullets, so I'd be all for using G7. The issue is that the AtragMX only computes with C1 (which is pretty close to G1), and not with G7, and this won't change anytime soon (I specifically asked one of the ACE modders).

My question would be: how would you use a G7-coded weapon with the AtragMX?

So far, here's the solutions I've gathered:


  • I know one can calibrate the drag model with the Truing Tool, but that would give a new C1 value. Would that work?
  • Would it be better to tweak the config of the weapon with a G1 BC?
  • I found a Ballistic coefficient converter online, would converting to C1 and then truing the BC work?
  • Someone suggested using real-life calculators, like Applied ballistics, but we'd rather keep it in-game as much as possible, and we can't really ask all of our snipers to buy a 30 dollars app.


If anyone has a good suggestion, I'd be grateful and all ears! 😄

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How do you use the G7 drag model with the AtragMX

You don't.


1 hour ago, Krataniel said:

we can't really ask all of our snipers to buy a 30 dollars app

There are free versions, for example of Strelok.


1 hour ago, Krataniel said:

I found a Ballistic coefficient converter online, would converting to C1 and then truing the BC work?

Yes, that's what most people do.


1 hour ago, Krataniel said:

I know one can calibrate the drag model with the Truing Tool, but that would give a new C1 value. Would that work?

Should, but seems like too much work if you can just use a online converter to convert it for you.

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hi guys, i hope this is the right place to have this discussion. so early in ace adv ballistics when ruthberg was still on this regularly, with distance the BC changes. what we did was, as the atragMX people will tell you, is to use the truing tool to update three BCs based on range. one at zero. one at the subsonic transition range. and one at about three hundred meters after the subsonic transition. However my recent tests show this has been depreciated and ace adv ballistics ignores the fact that in real life the BC is not constant, instead using a constant BC. can anyone confirm this? thanks in advance, and thank you Ruthberg and ace team.

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