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WHY is this Profilename topic so complicted?

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My Profile name is generated and Arma is showing my real name. I've created a second profile and played with it. Then I resetted my computer and the only profile that is still there is the one with my real name. Im so annoyed of this topic and there is nothing useful in the internet. WHY CAN I NOT CHANGE MY PROFIL NAME? Why is Bohemia doing this so bad? Is there a way to change my main profile name or not? I dont want to play with my real name and i dont want to create a second profile that will not be saved when i reset my computer.....

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Unfortunately, you can't change your main profile name. Not sure why, but it's how it has been since the dawn of time. I usually name my Windows profile the same as I would I most games anyway, so that works out for me. Restarting your computer shouldn't be wiping a profile. If it was I'd say you've got a problem with Windows or another program in that case. 

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I had the same trouble when I recently installed Arma 3 on my new PC but it was easily fixed, see if this helps-


My old screenname "Mick" came up, so I had to click (yellow circle), then click on the name panel-




If you click 'New' to create a new player (Player 1) you can change his name to whatever name you want to play under-




Click on whatever name is showing and you'll get the option to switch to another name or create a new name.

PS- Although I never use 'Mick' I'm not going to delete it in case it holds basic account details and stuff-





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