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Robby Lee

Minor Friendly Fire Suggestion

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As a duo, you should have the option to cancel the fact that your teammate is a threat.  For instance, if I'm playing with a friend, and I step into their line of fire and die -- I'm don't think they should be considered a threat.  An easy way to solve this would be to have a "Press Y" prompt on the spectating screen to cancel the threat indicator for your duos partner.  I don't see how this could be abused -- and it still maintains the punishment for team killing UNLESS the victim cancels it after the fact.

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It could be abused in some ways. Especially if you know that you wont appear on the map !


So if you're a threat because you didnt take care of your friend while you were shooting, it seems fair to me. You were a threat for your team mate ! It should stay also because players exchange weapons. And Im fine with giving some weapons like that, once or twice, until we could have something more specific, like the weapons boxes, BUT its not free, you're in game, and as it could be unfair to use a game for that, you'll be chased.


Theres nothing to do with team killing, its like a very hard rule. We have it all or we deactivate it. 

It force us to get good position with our teamate. The penalty if we dot it must be strong, with no compromise. 



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