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[SOLVED]Jet tailhook down Useraction?

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I've been searching through Actions and many wikis...but couldn't find anything about this.

Any scripted command for AI planes to lower the tailhook?

I'm trying to do is a little snippet to place the player plane with an add-action, set up for final landing on the carrier Freedom.


So far this is what I get, and it works...but I would like to get the hook down as well.

vehicle player setPosASL [26089.8,19323.9,250];
vehicle player setDir 170;
vehicle player setAirplaneThrottle 0.4;
vehicle player action ["flapsDown", vehicle player];
vehicle player action ["flapsDown", vehicle player];
vehicle player action ["LandGear", vehicle player];
vehicle player setvelocity [50 * (sin (getdir vehicle player )), 50 * (cos (getdir vehicle player )), 0];

NOTE: I'm aware that there's an "autolanding" feature.

Thank you all.


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1 hour ago, zagor64bz said:

Any scripted command for AI planes to lower the tailhook?

In the configViewer under one of the planes look at its UserActions class. There should be code in there for tail hook up/down.

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21 hours ago, Larrow said:

In the configViewer under one of the planes look at its UserActions class. There should be code in there for tail hook up/down.

Yap, there is one indeed:


this animate ['tailhook',0];  ///tailhook down

this animate ['tailhook',1]; ///tailhook up


EDIT: Even though the tailhook lower with this animate ['tailhook',0];  ///tailhook down, it throws an error.

You need to use the whole codes sequences:

vehicle player animate ['tailhook',0];
vehicle player animate ['tailhook_door_l',0]; 
vehicle player animate ['tailhook_door_r',0]; 
vehicle player say 'Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_down_sound'; 
vehicle player say3D 'Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_down_sound';
vehicle player SetUserMFDvalue [4,1]; 
[vehicle player] spawn BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook;


So, the little script is now complete:

vehicle player setPosASL [26113.9,19591.6,300];
vehicle player setDir 170;
vehicle player setAirplaneThrottle 0.5;
vehicle player action ["flapsDown", vehicle player];
vehicle player action ["flapsDown", vehicle player];
vehicle player action ["LandGear", vehicle player];
vehicle player setvelocity [60 * (sin (getdir vehicle player )), 60 * (cos (getdir vehicle player )), 0];  
vehicle player animate ['tailhook',0];
vehicle player animate ['tailhook_door_l',0]; 
vehicle player animate ['tailhook_door_r',0]; 
vehicle player say 'Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_down_sound'; 
vehicle player say3D 'Plane_Fighter_01_tailhook_down_sound';
vehicle player SetUserMFDvalue [4,1]; 
[vehicle player] spawn BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook;

This will move the player plane in the correct descending path about 1km from the carrier, at 1000 ft altitude,+/- 160mph, 50% throttle, flaps down, and now tailhook down.

After that, is up to the player to land that sucker.


Thanks, LARROW!!!

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