G'day all,

Years ago I attempted this idea on ARMA 2:OA and was not able to get a fully working scenario. It was playable to completion but not enjoyable because the premise was let down in execution. Original forum topic, here: With some great mods available I was able to get very close to this original conception in ARMA3 and release to Steam! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1859288055   And to try and help my Russian speaking Stalkers-in-arms I string-tabled the whole lot (but only machine translation, so any volunteers to turn it into native Russian would be awesome; eg. alter cultural slang, transliterations and such).   Namalsk Stalker Mini Sand Box - survival version After the explosion the military are coming for you. Find the captain and what is going on as you try to survive in a Stalker-inspired Namalsk. Ravage AI raiders and survival system. 20+ tasks and save your game with ARMA-3 vanilla save system. Earn a cache discovery system with over 70 caches to be found. There are no artifacts, per se, in the game to avoid downloading 3Gb+ of ARMStalker for just a small component. ACE medical has been limited to basic so it is not as intrusive but we still get the nice ACE menus.   Намальск Сталкер Мини Песочница - версия выживания
После взрыва за вами идут военные. Найдите капитана и узнайте, что происходит, когда вы пытаетесь выжить в вдохновленном Сталкером Намальске. Ravage AI рейдеры и система выживания. 20+ заданий и сохраните свою игру с помощью ванильной системы ARMA-3. Заработайте систему обнаружения кеша с более чем 70 кешами. По сути, в игре нет артефактов, которые позволили бы не загружать 3Gb + ARMStalker только для небольшого компонента. Медицинское обслуживание ACE было ограничено базовым, поэтому оно не столь навязчиво, но мы все еще получаем отличные меню ACE. К сожалению, русскоязычная часть этой игры переведена автоматически. Если кто-то хочет сделать это лучше, свяжитесь со мной.   Style of Game Single Player RPG (E&E + tasks + sandbox)   Mods list: Most of the mods' settings are set to NOT overwrite the client. You can tweak it to whatever you enjoy. ace (I like the menus, but dialed down the medical a lot for SP)
Multi-Play Uniforms
MCC Sandbox (only there for the cold filter) Friths Ruin
Enhanced Movement (I think this is the culprit of the ACE interact warnings)
CUP Weapons
CUP ACE3 compatibility for CUP Weapons
CUP Units
CUP Vehicles
CUP Terrains - Core
CUP Terrains - Maps
Namalsk CUP Replace (Rail Patch)
CBRN Defense Units (LEGACY REUP)