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Phenomenal Game - A Few Ideas

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Just wanted to formalize this recommendation as I think it is important. 


I think that a small Television and chair should go on the table where the rubix cube puzzle is. People could sit there and watch others that are in encounters. It would be a spectator mode for friends, randoms and high ranked outlanders. Viewers could watch the action and spin and zoom around players that are still alive in the encounters. This would build a community very effectively.


Love the game and thanks for listening.

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Beautiful game and well done on all of your hard work. Thank you and just a few thoughts to make it even better...

1. More shelter upgrades which result in more to do in the shelter. A fishing gear box on the pier which is currently unused would be great. Fishing rods, lures etc. Caught fish pay out with challenges, food or crowns. You can do fishing properly just keep it unpredictable i.e. make fish rare to bite and difficult to catch, with plenty of species. Another shelter upgrade could be to get that TV working to allow you to Spectate friends or top ranked players (most kills or most donated food). Call it “Outlander TV”or something. Another idea is to get the Arcade game upstairs working with a simple and fun mini-game.

2. More maps and weapons which I know you are already working on.

3. Continue to smooth out landscape movement (mainly moving over rocks and uneven terrain), shooting, interactions and vaulting.

4. Need a purpose for food.

5. 3 player teams - I understand 4 is not likely possible.

6. Decrease the cost of boosts a little so more people use them in the lobby.

7. Improve fall damage so that its much less. Only really taking place during real falls from high cliffs or ledges.


Beautiful game and thank you 👍


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Good suggestions overall Paddre. Rational for the cost of crowns appears in another Crown related thread.

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