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HptFw. MoinxDGamer

Problem with Textures in Ship Config

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Hey guys and gals


Recently I was trying to add ships to my custom (mod) faction. Implementing the ships I had no problem, but as soon as I tried to add my own skins to the ships, I encountered a problem.

I doesn't seem to be possible to add my skins to the ships, at least the way I was trying. Here's my code. Please help me 🙂


class CfgVehicles 
  	class ship;
	class B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F;
	class RHIB: B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F
		side = 1;
        	scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
        	crew = "Custom_Uniform1";
        	faction = "Coast Guard";
        	displayName = "Festrumpfschlauchboot";
		model = "\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Boat_Transport_02\Boat_Transport_02_F.p3d";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Coast-Guard\Data\Rhibboat_co.paa"};	
	class B_Lifeboat;
	class SRHIB: B_Lifeboat
		side = 1;
        	scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
        	crew = "Custom_Uniform1";
        	faction = "Coast Guard";
        	displayName = "Festrumpfschlauchboot(klein)";
		model = "\A3\Boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\Boat_Transport_01_F.p3d";
		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Coast-Guard\Data\Boat_Transport_01_rescue_CO_1.paa"};


I tried to add the Skins in the editor via setObjectTextureGlobal and it worked with the ingame ships, however with the boats in my faction it didn't work.




The inner ships textures have been replaced with setObjectTextureGlobal and the outer ones are the boats from my faction.

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If you inherit from B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F you don't need to point at the model again, neither do you need to specify the hiddenSelections, they are already on the base version. Are you sure you've got the correct hiddenSelections[] anyway? Just try commenting this line and the model line and see if it works.

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I commented the hidden selections and the model on both ships and on the Lifeboat it now showed the vanilla (orange) Lifeboat texture, instead of the black one. But my textures didn't show up. 

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but you didn't comment the hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = correct? Can you post your edited cfg ?

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Here it is

	class ship;
	class B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F;
	class RHIB: B_G_Boat_Transport_02_F
		side = 1;
        	scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
        	crew = "Custom_Uniform1";
        	faction = "Coast Guard";
        	displayName = "Festrumpfschlauchboot";
		//model = "\A3\Boat_F_Exp\Boat_Transport_02\Boat_Transport_02_F.p3d";
		//hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Coast-Guard\Data\Rhibboat_co.paa"};	
	class B_Lifeboat;
	class SRHIB: B_Lifeboat
		side = 1;
        	scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
        	crew = "Custom_Uniform1";
        	faction = "Coast Guard";
        	displayName = "Festrumpfschlauchboot(klein)";
		//model = "\A3\Boat_F\Boat_Transport_01\Boat_Transport_01_F.p3d";
		//hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Coast-Guard\Data\Boat_Transport_01_rescue_CO_1.paa"};


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mmmm that seems correct. Maybe the path to your texture is wrong? maybe - is not a valid character for an addon you would have to call it CoastGuard instead of Coast-Guard. Does it work for other vehicles, uniforms in your addon?

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The base for your boat has 2 textures: one for the interior and one for the exterior


So you should have two also. 1 is exterior, 2 is interior

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In your original config you are using the wrong selection names. "camo1" doesn't exist in the RHIB, they are "camo_1" and "camo_2". I haven't checked what they are for the Assault Boat/Lifeboat but it's probably not "camo".


If you put the wrong selection names in it, it will break the ability to retexture that vehicle because the selections no longer correspond with what sections are available in the model.

You should not need to include the hiddenSelections[] = {...}; array at all in a vehicle retexture config, since it's already defined in the base class. It's only needed for people making new models.

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Got it working @HptFw. MoinxDGamer:

class cfgVehicles
	class C_Boat_Transport_02_F;
	class TestBoat_R : C_Boat_Transport_02_F
		displayName =  "testBoat";
		side =1;
		textureList[]= //must be added for the texture to show



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textureList[]= must be present otherwise the textures won't show


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