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Should add a view of stats such as kills, highest kills in a single encounter, successful escapes with air drops, amount of different resources looted, Etc. Also a easy way to view others stats. 

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I agree, a stats screen is a great way to encourage continued play & to see how you stack up against other players or simply to see how your own performance is improving. I wouldn't be surprised if this is added in the near future

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I would also tend to agree. I personally wouldn't want to see the stats (kills, air drops, successful escapes etc) of other outlanders at the start of an encounter, as that could dramatically change outlanders tactics during the current encounter. Some may disagree, but that's my view.

But I do think some kind of table for the above stats, as there is for donated food, accessible at the shooting range maybe, would be a good feature.

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Had a quick think about the stats I would like to see tabulated:-

Number of Encounters played.

Number of safe exits.

Number of kills.

Number of crates.

Total distance covered.

Number of Challenges completed


If anyone wants to add more, feel free.

Again Devs, I would award free crates/crowns for milestone achievements.

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