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ZN Anhor

infiSTAR scripting prob

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Hi Folks,


I know, this is not the infiSTAR forum, but their support is absolutely bad at the moment. And maybe someone of you already experimented with it ....


infiSTAR has some built-in animations for the players ....... for example, the "Fuckfinger" animation or the "Surrender" animation.


Now I came up with the glorious idea to expand the whole thing to give the players more interaction possibilities! Below is the code I inserted .....




chatAnimationCommands[] = {
    {{"!finger","!fuck"}, "acts_briefing_sb_in", 0},                                                  //origin infiSTAR
    {{"!001"}, "Acts_A_M01_briefing", 0},                                                             //myself
    {{"!002"}, "Acts_Kore_PointingForward", 0},                                                 //myself
    {{"!003"}, "Acts_NavigatingChopper_Loop", 0},                                           //myself
    {{"!004"}, "Acts_PercMstpSlowWrflDnon_handup2", 0},                            //myself
    {{"!005"}, "Acts_ShowingTheRightWay_loop", 0},                                       //myself
    {{"!006"}, "Acts_CrouchGetLowGesture", 0},                                               //myself
    {{"!surrender","!giveup","!hands"}, "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon", 0} //origin infiSTAR



There were 2 problems ......


1. Most animations will not run, though infiSTAR says they can be canceled with "Space"


2. Canceling with "Space" does not work


What did I miss, what did I do wrong? Has any experience with the matter?





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Idk what's the problem i tried it myself various different animations, but most of them just don't work. Even when you play the cammand in the debug console.
So i guess #Arma

To cancel the animations you can press two times autorun or start a default animation !dab for example.

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On 8/24/2019 at 12:24 AM, El' Rabito said:

Idk what's the problem i tried it myself various different animations, but most of them just don't work. Even when you play the cammand in the debug console.
So i guess #Arma

To cancel the animations you can press two times autorun or start a default animation !dab for example.


Thank you for your answer. However, I am not sure if the problem is caused by Arma, or because of infiSTAR and its (missing) update.


Even if Arma introduces changes, third-party software should be changed accordingly. In my opinion a faulty call in the infiSTAR software is responsible for the fact that it does not work.


I have already dealt with it and found out that this call can be found in the EXILE_AH.sqf. However, my knowledge is currently not enough to solve the problem.


Unfortunately, infiSTAR Support is not good at the moment. On my ticket that I opened on infistar.de I got the answer I should go to the infiSTAR Discord. So I have done this and tried to get help ...... 2 hours waiting for nothing. Then I started a ticket through the Discord system. After more than 24 hours no answer till now.


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I had the same thing when I added custom animations via Infistar. Animations just wouldn't start, play incorrect animation time I've set or just stop and get the player stuck in some state. Was not sure what I did wrong, its a simple line in their config... Decided not to count on their "support", so I've just dropped the idea after quite a few tests.

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1 hour ago, chernaruski said:

I had the same thing when I added custom animations via Infistar. Animations just wouldn't start, play incorrect animation time I've set or just stop and get the player stuck in some state. Was not sure what I did wrong, its a simple line in their config... Decided not to count on their "support", so I've just dropped the idea after quite a few tests.


Nope. I will continue to pursue the matter.


At least I found out ..... the infiSTAR Discord Support has even less experience with scripts than me. Apparently Chris is currently in the hospital, so that no one is able to help. I send him my best wishes and now wait until he is available again.


I am relatively sure that the error lies in this line of code:


fn_infiSTAR_chatAnimationCommand = compileFinal '_out = false;{ _x params [''_chatInputArray'',''_animation'',''_time''];if(_ltxt in _chatInputArray)exitWith{ _out = [_animation,_time] call fn_start_global_anim; }; } forEach "+str _chatAnimationCommands+";_out';
_chatKeyUp = '


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