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Bulldozer problems

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hello im fairly new to 3d moddeling for arma 3 and i was wonder how do i get my bulldozer to show textures it did it the first time i ever loaded it but then turned my pc off night next day and for about 3 weeks hasnt been working sense any fix?

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7 hours ago, oscar352 said:

hello im fairly new to 3d moddeling for arma 3 and i was wonder how do i get my bulldozer to show textures it did it the first time i ever loaded it but then turned my pc off night next day and for about 3 weeks hasnt been working sense any fix?


A lot of buldozer issues can be fixed by setting your P drive up "correct" https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:tools:setup-p-drive

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4 hours ago, oscar352 said:

ive looked at that i get kind of confused but what i did know it didnt work

Turn off auto mount P drive in Arma Tools if you use it, also restart your pc to get rid of the Arma tools mounted drive as it does weird things.


make a .bat file (its a renamed .txt file, example mount_P_drive.txt > mount_P_drive.bat) and paste this in it

subst p: /d
subst p: "C:\Change\To\Folder\You\Want"

Change the "C:\Change\To\Folder\You\Want" to where you want the P drive to be. Make sure the folder is there, the bat won't make the folder.

Double click the .bat it will open then close quick, you should now have your P drive mounted with your other drives. Don't run as admin!

Download Mikero's Tools, it's a tool set so you need all the tools https://mikero.bytex.digital/Downloads

MakePbo (Sometimes people have an issue with it not being detected, install it twice to fix it)

Run Mikero's Arma3p

It will ask what drive to extract to, press P

Next it will ask about full extraction, press N

If you get Warning: Bad Sha detected, verify (https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335) your Arma 3 files! It means a file is corrupt, Arma tools doesn't warn you of that lol.

Once it's finished you will have a working P drive, DON'T install buldozer!!! Arma3p will set Object Builder / Terrain Builder to use your arma3.exe instead. You can check it's done it correct by following this https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:tools:buldozer


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