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Trying to determine at mission start if save was loaded

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I converted a simple SP mission to MP. I'm using the Ravage mod, but for this example i guess it doesn't really matter.

I just want to know during execution of my init.sqf if the mission was loaded from a save game or is in fact a new mission.


This is my setup:



author = "Haleks";
OnLoadName = "Ravage";
overviewPicture = "rvg_missions\images\altis.jpg";
overviewText = "Linger and survive in the wastelands of Altis.";
loadScreen = "rvg_missions\images\altis.jpg";
briefing = 0;

class CfgFunctions
	class tim
		class mis
			class myInit
				file = "preInit.sqf";
				preInit= 1;



tim_fnc_myInit= {

	wasLoadedFromSave= false;
	addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded",{wasLoadedFromSave= true;}];


//[] call tim_fnc_myInit;



[] call tim_fnc_myInit;

if(wasLoadedFromSave) then
	systemchat "Load savegame..";
	diag_log format ["%1, %2 : Load save ------------ timon ------", player, time];
	systemchat "Init new game..";
	diag_log format ["%1, %2 : No save found ------------ timon ------", player, time];


I'm not sure from where to call tim_fnc_myInit or if it is automatically execute pre-initialization. 


Result of this approach:

While loading mission error "Undefined variable 'wasLoadedFromSave' ".


My conclusion tim_fnc_myInit was never called in the first place or the global variable isn't recognized by the init script.


I hope you can point me to what i'm doing wrong here.

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Mission eventHandler Loaded?

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16 minutes ago, Larrow said:

Mission eventHandler Loaded?


yep, that's what i'm doing. So... that's good right?

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Currently your CfgFunctions is compiling tim_fnc_myInit and then running it( preInit ), but your function( the contents of preInit.sqf ) also includes a function definition called tim_fnc_myInit which will be ignored as CfgFunctions has already made a function called exactly the same, which is compiled final so cannot be overwritten.

Then init.sqf calls tim_fnc_myInit, which again tries to define the same function, which again is ignored as it has already been compiled final by CfgFunctions.

So wasLoadedFromSave will never be defined( always nil ) hence the undefined error.


Maybe something like...



class CfgFunctions
	class TIM	//TAG
		class mission
			file = "functions";	//PATH
			class loadedFromSave { preInit = 1; };	//CLASSNAME file name minus proceeding fn_ and .sqf

//Will compile the contents of /%MISSION_ROOT%/PATH/CLASSNAME( loadedFromSave )
// /%MISSION_ROOT%/functions/fn_loadedFromSave.sqf
// TIM_fnc_loadedFromSave
//and then call the function( preInit )


//This only happens if a saved game is loaded
addMissionEventHandler[ "Loaded", {
	params[ "_saveType" ];

	//RPT save type
	diag_log format[ "Mission loaded from %1", _saveType ];

	//Set var as load type STRING
	wasLoadedFromSave = _saveType;

	//You can do something here when loaded from save


//initPlayerLocal.sqf, initServer.sqf OR init.sqf
//Where ever you need to know about mission loading

_nul = [] spawn {

	//Need a persistent loop that never ends
	//So that it is still running from a loaded save game
	while { true } do {

		//Wait for mission to start
		//For testing so as to make sure we see systemChat message
				( isMultiplayer && { getClientStateNumber == 10 } ) ||
				( !isMultiplayer )
			) && { !isNull findDisplay 46 && { BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen_ids isEqualTo [] } }

		//Check if the global var has been created by Loaded EH
		_msg = if ( isNil "wasLoadedFromSave" ) then {
			wasLoadedFromSave = false;

			//Do something here when mission is started from new

			"Mission started from new";
			wasLoadedFromSave = true;

			//Do something here when a saved mission is loaded

			"Mission loaded from save";

		//Show some debug output
		systemChat _msg;
		diag_log _msg;

		//Wait here until the next time the mission is loaded from a save
		//If the mission is loaded then the Loaded EH will set wasLoadedFromSave as STRING save type
		//If the mission is restarted from new then so will this script so none of this matters
		waitUntil { sleep 1; wasLoadedFromSave isEqualType "" };



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Wow! Thanks so much for the comprehensive answer. I'd never have figured that out by myself. I totally missed that the whole sqf-file was actually compiled INTO a function.


Also, very powerful persistent "main" loop. Still have a lot to learn, but this is a great template to start from.


And thanks for adding a mission example, too. Really great help, appreciate you took the time.


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