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I'm going through the https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CBRN instructions to complete the CBRN uniforms.

The fifth(? counting zero or is it the zeroth and the fourth?) hidden selection governs the insignia on the backpack respirator

(backpackContainer this) setObjectTexture [4, "\A3\ui_f\data\logos\bi_white_ca.paa"]; //Replace the texture by any insignia texture path

The wiki says to go to: 
I could not see anything there - but at 
there is everything you could want...


Can anyone explain why does \ work but _ doesn't?

Also I like the cheeky 



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On 4/26/2020 at 9:23 AM, seacaptainjim said:

I'm going through the https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CBRN instructions to complete the CBRN uniforms.

The fifth(? counting zero or is it the zeroth and the fourth?) hidden selection governs the insignia on the backpack respirator

(backpackContainer this) setObjectTexture [4, "\A3\ui_f\data\logos\bi_white_ca.paa"]; //Replace the texture by any insignia texture path

The wiki says to go to: 
I could not see anything there - but at 
there is everything you could want...


Can anyone explain why does \ work but _ doesn't?

Also I like the cheeky 



Really glad people are still on the topic of Contact, i'd love to see more creative scenarios using Contact's assets. Issue is Bohemia don't seem to want to allow native multiplayer support without need a mod which contact's DLC causes issues with respawning. But i'd still be happy about SP ones too.

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The custom antenas work, however I'm having an issue... They appear on the Spectrum Device but they play no sounds. I have triplechecked that the Signal ID is correct. Any ideas?
Also, it looks like you can only have 1 antenna per net. As in, you can only have one "NATO Net" spawned in.

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On 4/26/2020 at 4:23 PM, seacaptainjim said:

The wiki says to go to: 
I could not see anything there - but at 
there is everything you could want...


Can anyone explain why does \ work but _ doesn't?

Also I like the cheeky 



Because ui_f_data folder is considered a3\ui_f\data , its just the way PBO's are configured. Read about $PREFIX$ to understand more.
Engine considers pbos:
ui_f_data.pbo = a3\ui_f\data
ui_f.pbo = a3\ui_f
So when Biki says to use a3\ui_f\data\logos... it's the correct path, it's you who is looking for logos in the wrong pbo file.

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Hello  guys, please any idea how to stimulate the emp burst in the contact campaign, i havent found anything so far

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Has anyone figured out how should the BIN_fnc_setDiaryRecord function be called? Normal diary is hidden, this is used for popping Notes instead, from what I understand they also require a parent title-only record + record with description, similarily to tasks. But no matter how hard I try I can't understand how the parameters should be provided, it's a total mess to me.

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19 hours ago, honger said:



Here's the function if anyone wants to take a crack at its six params:



#define DEFAULT_TEXT	"~"

if (_this isequaltype "" || {_this isequaltype [] && {_this isequaltypearray [""] || _this isequaltypearray ["",false]}}) then {
	_this = [configfile >> "CfgContact" >> "Diary" >> (_this param [0,""]),nil,nil,nil,nil,_this param [1,-1]];

params [

private _tags = -1;
if (_recordInput isequaltype confignull) then {
	_texture = gettext (_recordInput >> "texture");
	_tags = gettext (_recordInput >> "tags");
	_textInput = [gettext (_recordInput >> "title"),gettext (_recordInput >> "description")];
	_isLeaflet = getnumber (_recordInput >> "isLeaflet") > 0;
	_recordInput = [configname _recordInput,gettext (_recordInput >> "parent")];

_recordInput params [
_textInput params [

_record = tolower _record;
_parent = tolower _parent;

private _list = missionnamespace getvariable ["bin_createDiaryRecord_list",[]];
//if (_parent != "" && _list find _parent < 0) exitwith {["Cannot add diary record '%1', its parent '%2' doesn't exist!",_record,_parent] call bis_fnc_error; []};
private _recordID = _list find _record;
if (_recordID < 0) then {
	_recordID = _list pushback _record;
	_list pushback ["","","",""];
private _recordData = _list # (_recordID + 1);
if (_parent != DEFAULT_TEXT) then {_recordData set [0,_parent];};
if (_title != DEFAULT_TEXT) then {_recordData set [1,_title];};
if (_text != DEFAULT_TEXT) then {_recordData set [2,_text];};
if (_texture != DEFAULT_TEXT) then {_recordData set [3,_texture];};
if (_tags isequaltype "") then {_recordData set [4,_tags];};
if (_markAsRead isequaltype false) then {_recordData set [5,_markAsRead];};
if (_isLeaflet isequaltype false) then {_recordData set [6,_isLeaflet];};

missionnamespace setvariable ["bin_createDiaryRecord_list",_list];

if (_updateList) then {[missionnamespace,"diaryRecordSet",[_record]] call bis_fnc_callScriptedEventHandler;};




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