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[SOLVED]Ejecting Units from Certain Seats

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I am currently trying to make it so that when a hold action is preformed on a crate, it will put the crate in the back of a non specific Zamak Truck.
This would mean that the seats in the back of the truck would have to be locked and anyone sitting in the truck must be ejected from those seats.

This is my script so far, all working fine.

	"_this distance _target < 3",
	"_caller distance _target < 3",
	{ _this call 
		_ZamakTrans = nearestObjects [ _this select 0, [ "Truck_02_transport_base_F" ], 25 ];
		if (count _ZamakTrans > 0) then
			target = _ZamakTrans select 0;
			{ target lockCargo [ _x,true ] } forEach [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ];
			box attachTo [ target, [ 0, 0.25, -0.15 ] ];
			box setVectorDirAndUp [ [ 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1 ] ];
] remoteExec [ "BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, this ];

All I need at the moment is to be able to eject people from the seats 2, 3 4, 5, 6 and 7.

(any advice/criticism on my script will be greatly appreciated.)

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You can use the moveOut command to safely kick a unit from a vehicle, but then you need a way to determine which units need to be kicked.

The fullCrew command returns an array which also gives the cargo index for each unit in the vehicle.

You can compare that to your list of cargo indexes like such (quick and dirty):


_ZamakTrans = nearestObjects [ _this select 0,["Truck_02_transport_base_F"],25];
if (count _ZamakTrans > 0) then {
	target = _ZamakTrans select 0;
	// Kick units from cargo slots and lock them
	_lockIndexes = [2,3,4,5,6,7];
	{if ((_x select 2) in _lockIndexes) then {moveOut (_x select 0)};} forEach fullCrew target;
	{target lockCargo [_x,true];} forEach _lockIndexes
	// Attach box
	box attachTo [target,[0,0.25,-0.15]];
	box setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,0,1]];


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Hello there rkemsley !


Here is also a workaround in order to use the script for every vehicle :

//___________________	Count all available seats including cargo slots	___________________

_Seats_Number = [_Helicopter,true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;	

systemchat format ['Vehicle: %1		seats:	%2', _Helicopter , _Seats_Number];

//___________________	 Counts all available seats excluding cargo slots	___________________

_Seats_Crew = [_Helicopter,false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;
//___________________	 Counts all cargo slots	___________________

_Seats_Cargo = _Seats_Number - _Seats_Crew;	

	unassignvehicle _x;
	//_x action ["Eject", vehicle _x];	//	one by one
	moveOut _x;	//	move out at once
	}foreach units _this;
}foreach units _Group;

part of the code below :

(WIP ) GF_Zone_Spawner



//___________________	GF_Zone_Spawner_Heli_Stalk	___________________

GF_Zone_Spawner_Heli_Stalk = {
	if(count GF_Zone_Spawner_allUnits < GF_Zone_Spawner_Enemy_Max_Number)then{

		_pos = GF_Zone_Spawner_pos;

		if!(_pos isEqualTo [0,0,0])then{
			_Group = createGroup GF_Zone_Spawner_Enemy_Side;
			_Group_Crew = createGroup GF_Zone_Spawner_Enemy_Side;
			_Spawn_Height = 1000;
			_Helicopter = selectRandom GF_Zone_Spawner_Helicopters; 
			_Spawned_Helicopter = createVehicle [_Helicopter,_pos, [], 0, "FLY"];
			_Spawned_Helicopter setPosATL [getPosATL _Spawned_Helicopter select 0, getPosATL _Spawned_Helicopter select 1, _Spawn_Height];
			_Spawned_Helicopter engineOn true;
			_Spawned_Helicopter setVariable ["Var_GF_Zone_Spawner_Spawn",true];
			_Spawned_Helicopter spawn GF_Zone_Spawner_Cleaner;
			//___________________	Count all available seats including cargo slots	___________________

			_Seats_Number = [_Helicopter,true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;	

			if (GF_Zone_Spawner_Systemchat_info)then{
				systemchat format ['Vehicle: %1		seats:	%2', _Helicopter , _Seats_Number];

			//___________________	 Counts all available seats excluding cargo slots	___________________

			_Seats_Crew = [_Helicopter,false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;

			//___________________	 Spawn Crew	___________________

			for "_x" from 1 to _Seats_Crew do{
				_Crew = _Group_Crew createunit [selectrandom GF_Zone_Spawner_Infantry_Helicopter,_pos,[],0,"Can_collide"];
				[_Crew] JoinSilent _Group_Crew;
				_Crew moveInAny _Spawned_Helicopter;
				_Crew setVariable ["Var_GF_Zone_Spawner_Spawn",true];
				_Crew spawn	GF_Zone_Spawner_Cleaner;
				if(GF_Zone_Spawner_Change_Loadout)then{_Crew spawn GF_Zone_Spawner_Loadout;};
				removeBackpack _Crew;
				_Crew addBackPack "B_parachute";				

			//___________________	 Counts all cargo slots	___________________

			_Seats_Cargo = _Seats_Number - _Seats_Crew;	

			//___________________	 Spawn units in Cargo	___________________

			for "_x" from 1 to _Seats_Cargo do{
				_unit = _Group createunit [selectrandom GF_Zone_Spawner_Infantry,_pos,[],0,"Can_collide"];
				[_unit]joinSilent _Group;
				_unit moveInAny _Spawned_Helicopter;
				_unit setVariable["Var_GF_Zone_Spawner_Spawn",true];
				_unit spawn	GF_Zone_Spawner_Cleaner;
				if(GF_Zone_Spawner_Change_Loadout)then{_unit spawn GF_Zone_Spawner_Loadout;};
				//___________________	 backpackitems + parachute	___________________
				private _data = [backpack _unit,backpackitems _unit];
				removeBackpack _unit;
				_unit addBackPack "B_parachute";	
					private ["_unit","_data"];
					_unit = _this select 0;
					_data = _this select 1;
					waitUntil {uisleep 1; isTouchingGround _unit or (position _unit select 2) < 1};
					uisleep 1;
					removeBackpack _unit;
					_unit addbackpack (_data select 0);
					{_unit additemtobackpack _x;} foreach (_data select 1);

			_Group_Crew setBehaviour "AWARE";
			_Group_Crew setCombatMode "RED";
			_Group setBehaviour "AWARE";
			_Group setCombatMode "RED";

			if (isMultiplayer)then{	
				_stalked = selectrandom GF_Zone_Spawner_allPlayers;
				[_Group_Crew,group _stalked,10,nil,{true} ,0] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk;
				[_Group,group _stalked] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk;


				[_Group_Crew,group player,10,nil,{true} ,0] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk;
				[_Group,group player] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk;

				if (isMultiplayer)then{
					uisleep 1;
					{_x distance2D _Spawned_Helicopter < 600}count GF_Zone_Spawner_allPlayers > 0;
					uisleep 1;
					_Spawned_Helicopter distance player < 600;

				unassignvehicle _x;
				_x action ["Eject", vehicle _x];
			}foreach units _Group;

			//___________________	 addwaypoint	___________________

			_pos = getpos _Spawned_Helicopter;
			_random_Wp = _pos getPos [3500,random 360];

			_Wp = _Group_Crew addwaypoint [(_random_Wp),0];
			_Wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; 
			_Wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
			_Wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
			_Wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";

			//___________________	 Delete	___________________

			waitUntil {uisleep 1; _Spawned_Helicopter distance2D _pos > 3000 };
			deleteVehicle _Spawned_Helicopter;
			{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _Group_Crew;


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@Sgt. Dennenboom

Thank you very much!

_ZamakTrans = nearestObjects [ _this select 0,["Truck_02_transport_base_F"],25];
if (count _ZamakTrans > 0) then {
	target = _ZamakTrans select 0;
	// Kick units from cargo slots and lock them
	_lockIndexes = [2,3,4,5,6,7];
	{if ((_x select 2) in _lockIndexes) then {moveOut (_x select 0)};} forEach fullCrew target;
	{target lockCargo [_x,true];} forEach _lockIndexes
	// Attach box
	box attachTo [target,[0,0.25,-0.15]];
	box setVectorDirAndUp [[1,0,0],[0,0,1]];

This was perfect! Just had to make one minor change to the code so it would work.

	"_this distance _target < 3",
	"_caller distance _target < 3",
	{ _this call 
		_ZamakTrans = nearestObjects [ _this select 0, [ "Truck_02_transport_base_F" ], 25 ];
		if ( count _ZamakTrans > 0 ) then
			target = _ZamakTrans select 0;
			_lockIndexes = [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ];
			{ if ( ( _x select 2 ) in _lockIndexes ) then { moveOut ( _x select 0 ) }; } forEach fullCrew target;
			{ target lockCargo [ _x, true ]; } forEach _lockIndexes;
			box attachTo [ target, [ 0, 0.25, -0.15 ] ];
			box setVectorDirAndUp [ [ 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1 ] ];
] remoteExec [ "BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", 0, this ];

 ^^ For anyone who would like to replicate what I've done.

If the Zeus player is sitting in the position which gets locked while in Zeus mode, he will not be kicked out of the vehicle.


Edited by rkemsley
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