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Move boat into boat rack with script?

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Hi I need to put a boat in a boat rack via script

Boat is B1, boat rack is BR1, so I tried


B1 moveInCargo BR1; 


But that dosent work and im not aware of other commands that might do it. Any ideas?

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Thanks for the reply, iv had a look and that setvehiclecargo seems to be the right one, but im having trouble getting it to work. I just tried


B1 setvehiclecargo BR1; 

That says "Init: Type bool, expected nothing"


So I swapped them round because its using the cargo vehicle first in the examples and tried


BR1 setvehiclecargo B1;

Same message


The example looks like this


_success = blackfish setVehicleCargo offroad; //true


but I don't understand why its got the _sucsess bit at the beginning or the //true at the end, if im right // is just commenting stuff out right? So is it because im not putting _success and what is that doing? why does it need to be there?


PS if its any help what im trying to achieve is putting the boats into the racks from the init at mission start, then using that for LVR custom inits to move it back into the rack when it respawns 🙂



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Check out this topic.

From what I read it might be easier to just use markers to parent the boat to the other boat. In that case you can still detach the boat whenever to use it.

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Cheers, il have a look. Tbh im starting to think if I can just use setpos to set them a couple feet above the racks and let them just fall onto them instead of having them actually on the rack. At least that way a transport heli could pick it up right away without them having to unload it first 🙂

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Check out,


You can create the whole game-mechanic yourself,

Parent B boat and C boat to A boat. B, C are the same type. B is the dummy model, C is the usable boat. Both boats are always there but toggle between which is hidden and which is shown. Tie that to an object (button) which adds an action. Detach C Boat when necessary.

There are better ways to do it for sure. But that'll get it done. When all is said and done I would use markers to create attach points instead of trying to attach everything to A boat.
This VR composition has all those functions set in a series of radio triggers so you can see how it works.
Keep in mind, canCollide

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Alright, so "setVehicleCargo" is the proper command, but it returns a boolean value when it's run to show whether the cargo loading was successful.

Code run in the init box of an object may never return a value, so just putting the following code in the init box will result in an error:

BR1 setvehiclecargo B1;

 To prevent your code from returning a value, you simply assign it to a local variable that's not used:

_null = BR1 setVehicleCargo B1;

This code doesn't return a value, so it can be used in an init box.

This should work give the result you're looking for




You can load vehicles into other vehicles (including racks) in the editor, by just dragging the icon of the cargo vehicle on top of the icon of the carrier vehicle.

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You need to wait a moment between spawning the child vehicle and moving it into the parent vehicle.


logic should look like this:


- spawn boat rack

- spawn boat in a different position

- sleep 0.1

- rack setvehiclecargo boat



I also use setDir to match the direction of the boat with the rack before setvehiclecargo

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