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It is such a shame that they have decided, even after those that helped found the mod have offered to take over, to close the mod like this. 

But it was predicted as we watched certain changes and things fall apart. So thanks, Chernaruski for setting this up!

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You all are welcome.  When some things are out of your hands you adjust and adapt mate. 

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Exile will dead,  when the community decide it is. 😎

Congrats , btw, we are currently the biggest Club on Arma Forums 😉 

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What a shame... Just when I discover and started to like this mod I see that it is no longer in development ...


And they could not leave the development to other modders?


I don't know very well everything what happened so forgive my ignorance.



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It doesn't really matter, since the its very good framework to start from to build your own thing. There is still a pretty big Exile community which interested in this kind of gameplay. Plus there are always creative people who mod the mod 😉 , tweaks things , change things, add their own scripts on top of latest exile release... So no worries, its not gonna just disappear into oblivion.

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as exile is no long developed. there may be some new bugs as the arma updates.  It is hard for us to develop new features to exile , but we can try to fix the bugs  together to keep exile compatible with arma.

As chernaruski said exile is a wonderful framework. Exile lovers keeps going on!😀


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