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Multiple end briefings

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Hi, I've been spending way too much time on something very simple that I just can't figure out.

OK here is the setup and what I'd like to have happen

3 objectives

obj1 Kill man1

obj2 Kill 3 other men

obj3 get to the extraction point

The mission shouldn't end until the player has done all of these things, or any combination of the 3 AND has been extracted to a certain area.

Now how I tried to do it was like this

man1 has a trigger that detects that he is dead which makes obj1 done then obj1=1...works fine, shows up in the map screen as completed, but what would be the code to make the end1 go off after this guy is dead, the player made it to the extraction trigger then made a getaway to an another triggered area? What should the extraction trigger say in the on activation? extraction=1? Then in the end trigger for end1 would be something like extraction=1 & obj1=1 confused.gif?

If I can get this to work I can fix the 5 other end types. I ust can't get one to work to use as guide for the rest!

This is for the Nam Seal mission in the user missions thread if anyone could look at the mission or give me some help it would be appreciated.


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Ebud, get in contact with me through bas forum or bas irc, i'll help out.

Also, a hint, extraction=1 & obj1=1 should be  extraction==1 && obj1==1. And having obj2==2 or something if obj is failed would let you work out if other objetives were passed or failed. Then a few combinations of each and you got a variety of end possiblities.

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thanks for the help... I'll be in touch smile.gif

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Still can't get it.

I have a trigger group to the man who should be killed. In the trigger, on group leader not present I have vcidead==1.

In the final trigger grouped to the player, where the group leader is present, I have end==1.

Now for the ungrouped trigger for end1 I have this in the condition field

vcidead==1 && end==1

Ok, I kill the guy then get to the extraction point... both trigger should have went off and given me the end1 end brief right?

What the heck am I doing wrong?

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for trigger one try this.....



text..........up to you

Condition...Not(alive badguy)

On Activation..vcidead=true

for your last one try this....



text...........win trigger

Condition....this and vcidead

On Activation.."3" objstatus "Done"

hope that helps some...good luck

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