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Suggestion/Wish: Simultanious work in the Editor.

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In the age where more and more platforms are allowing simultanious cooperative work in documents and the like, i have a dear wish for Arma 3, or the next iteration of it - that a similar functionallity is implemented to the games editor.

In the same way that one can host local games on your computer, you could host an "editor session", where multiple creators could work simultaniously on a mission. This would be a great asset for communities and assorted creators alike. I know there is a "merge" function now, but thats really not the same. Having this "cooperative editor mode" would be just what the community needs, and would be a massive tool for clans and groups to also help teach others the ropes of working with the editor, no matter where in the world they are located.

A bohemia Arma 3 cloud service could be arranged, or simply as stated above - one person hosts the editor session, while other creators join in. 

I would really love something like this!




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