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How to create a loaded weapon (launch_RPG32_F)?

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I am simply trying to replace the current secondary weapon with a different type of launcher, but have it added already preloaded.


Instead I have to wait until the unit reloads the weapon then I have to restock his backpack with the magazine he just used.


Is there a simpler way to add a preloaded weapon?


_man2 = objNull;
{if (typeOf _x == "B_T_Soldier_LAT_F") then {_man2 = _x}} forEach units player;

_lancherMagArray = [];
_BP = "";
_BPItems = [];
_backPackCamo = 'B_Kitbag_sgg';

// for units with secondaryWeapons
_lancherMagArray = getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> secondaryWeapon _man2 >> "magazines");

if  !(_lancherMagArray isEqualTo []) then {

	// for B_T_Soldier_LAT_F replace NLAW with launch_RPG32_ghex_F
	if (typeOf _man2 == "B_T_Soldier_LAT_F") then {
		[_man2, "launch_RPG32_ghex_F", 2, "RPG32_F"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; 
		_lancherMagArray = ["RPG32_F","RPG32_HE_F"];

	// replaceBP with "B_Kitbag_cbr" 
	removeBackpack _man2;
	_man2 addBackpack _backPackCamo;		// B_Kitbag_sgg		B_Kitbag_mcamo 	B_Kitbag_rgr 	B_Kitbag_cbr
    // fill backpack
		if (_man2 canAddItemToBackpack _x) then {
			waitUntil {
				_man2 addItemToBackpack _x; 					
				!(_man2 canAddItemToBackpack _x)					
	} forEach _lancherMagArray;	
	_BP = backpack _man2;
	_BPItems = backpackItems _man2;


// cheat to fill backpack after reloading launcher
if (typeOf _man2 == "B_T_Soldier_LAT_F") then {
	waitUntil {
		((_man2 ammo "launch_RPG32_ghex_F")  == 1)
	_man2 addItemToBackpack "RPG32_F";	


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On 6/25/2019 at 4:21 AM, beako said:



I am simply trying to replace the current secondary weapon with a different type of launcher, but have it added already preloaded.


Instead I have to wait until the unit reloads the weapon then I have to restock his backpack with the magazine he just used.


Is there a simpler way to add a preloaded weapon?


Add one magazine before adding the weapon like so:


Player addMagazine "RPG32_F";

Player addWeapon "launch_RPG32_ghex_F";

//Add as many mags as you want

Edited by Dedmen
Shortened quote

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