Hi all,   I have been able to fix all known issues of the new loot economy.  I could use some help with testing the beta version, hence anyone interested can find the link to a local addon version below. Any feedback is appreciated.    https://drive.google.com/file/d/198q0np1TC3G87ugAnOcNRjac05IOFgql/view?usp=drivesdk   NOTE: You will need to turn on the dynamic loot spawner manually under the loot economy settings. Forgot to enable it by default. Will change it tonight.    New: - civilian and military loot categories - vanilla, dlc and ravage gear/weapons are categorized - affects lootspawn, AI equipper, player equipper, trader goods, lootcrates from sites - tradercamp (requires ravage and the rvg ambient AI module) traders redone to include VA medical items (bandage, anti virus pills /injectors, bloodbag) - added a hint loop how to use medical items (shift + f)  - added tooltip to medical items   Known issue: - in SP, shift + f no longer works after a restart. You will have to close and reopen the mission. Working on a fix.    In my personal opinion, loot spawns feel much better now, with military grade gear only spawning in military facilities and civilian areas only spawning items that are likely to be left behind in a normal household.    I will add two more categories, police and medical sites with specific loot pools.    Cheers  Vd
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