NCONE 1 Posted May 16, 2019 FIXED. I ADDED DIFFRENT TYPE OF TEXTURES DIRECTLY TO P3D FILES hi guys firs sorry for my english . i want to retexture ah1 from h u e y p a c k but there is problem. when i retexture ah1z_body_co.paa and ah1z_engine_co.paa it's ok. but when i want to add different types of textures to this helicopter with texturenames 1-ah1z_body1_co and ah1z_engine1_co 2-ah1z_body3_co and ah1z_engine3_co and changing hiddenselectionTexture in config to these textures, i can't retexture them to these types . and they still have default texture (ah1z_body_co and ah1z_engine_co ) i cant't fix this . do u know what should i do?i need your help 😞 this is config and i have unbinarize files of models and.. Spoiler Quote class CfgPatches { class HueyPack { units[]= { "AH1W", "AH1W2", "AH1W3", "AH1W_2", "AH1W2_2", "AH1W3_2" }; weapons[]= { "GR_Gatling_20mm_1", "GR_Gatling_20mm_2", "GR_Minigun1", "GR_Minigun2", "GR_MinigunX2", "HydraLauncher", "TOWLauncher", "M129" }; requiredVersion=1; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Air_F", "A3_Weapons_F" }; magazines[]= { "4000Rnd_762x51_Tracer_Red", "1500Rnd_127x99_mag", "4000Rnd_127x99_mag", "2Rnd_TOW", "4Rnd_TOW", "8Rnd_TOW", "14Rnd_Hydra", "19Rnd_Hydra", "38Rnd_Hydra", "52Rnd_Hydra" }; ammo[]= { "Hydra_HE", "TOW_AT" }; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class my_units { displayName="hss"; icon=""; priority=2; side=2; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class Huey_Helicopters_AH1 { displayName="Huey - AH1"; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class GMG_F; class GMG_40mm; class CannonCore; class LMG_Minigun; class MissileLauncher; class RocketPods; class Safe: RocketPods { CanLock=0; displayName="Safe"; displayNameMagazine="Safe"; shortNameMagazine="Safe"; nameSound=""; cursor="EmptyCursor"; cursorAim="EmptyCursor"; magazines[]={}; burst=0; reloadTime=0.0099999998; magazineReloadTime=0.1; }; class GR_Gatling_20mm_1: CannonCore { scope=2; displayName="M197"; displayNameMagazine="M56A3 HEI 20mm"; shortNameMagazine="20mm"; nameSound="cannon"; cursor="EmptyCursor"; cursorAim="EmptyCursor"; magazines[]= { "1000Rnd_20mm_shells" }; canLock=0; ballisticsComputer=0; modes[]= { "manual", "close", "short", "medium", "far" }; class GunParticles { class Effect { positionName="muzzle_1"; directionName="muzzle_1"; effectName="MachineGun1"; }; class effect2 { positionName="chamber_1"; directionName="chamber_1"; effectName="MachineGunCartridge1"; }; }; class manual: CannonCore { displayName="M197"; displayNameMagazine="M56A3 HEI 20mm"; shortNameMagazine="20mm"; autoFire=1; sounds[]= { "StandardSound" }; class StandardSound { begin1[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Gatling\gatling3", 1.12202, 1, 1100 }; soundBegin[]= { "begin1", 1 }; weaponSoundEffect="DefaultRifle"; }; reloadTime=0.039999999; dispersion=0.003; soundContinuous=0; showToPlayer=1; soundBurst=0; aiRateOfFire=0.5; aiRateOfFireDistance=50; minRange=1; minRangeProbab=0.0099999998; midRange=2; midRangeProbab=0.0099999998; maxRange=3; maxRangeProbab=0.0099999998; textureType="fullAuto"; }; class close: manual { showToPlayer=0; burst=15; aiRateOfFire=0.25; aiRateOfFireDistance=400; minRange=0; minRangeProbab=0.050000001; midRange=200; midRangeProbab=0.69999999; maxRange=400; maxRangeProbab=0.2; }; class short: close { burst=10; aiRateOfFire=0.5; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; minRange=300; minRangeProbab=0.2; midRange=400; midRangeProbab=0.69999999; maxRange=500; maxRangeProbab=0.2; }; class medium: close { burst=7; aiRateOfFire=1; aiRateOfFireDistance=900; minRange=400; minRangeProbab=0.2; midRange=700; midRangeProbab=0.69999999; maxRange=900; maxRangeProbab=0.2; }; class far: close { burst=4; aiRateOfFire=1.5; aiRateOfFireDistance=1500; minRange=800; minRangeProbab=0.2; midRange=1000; midRangeProbab=0.40000001; maxRange=1500; maxRangeProbab=0.0099999998; }; }; class GR_MinigunX2: CannonCore { scope=2; displayName="2x M134"; displayNameMagazine="4000Rnd 762x51"; shortNameMagazine="762x51"; nameSound="cannon"; cursor="EmptyCursor"; cursorAim="EmptyCursor"; magazines[]= { "4000Rnd_762x51_Tracer_Red" }; canLock=0; ballisticsComputer=0; modes[]= { "lo", "hi", "close", "short", "medium", "far" }; class GunParticles { class Effect { positionName="muzzle_2"; directionName="muzzle_2"; effectName="MachineGun1"; }; class effect2 { positionName="chamber_2"; directionName="chamber_2"; effectName="MachineGunCartridge1"; }; class Effect3 { positionName="muzzle_3"; directionName="muzzle_3"; effectName="MachineGun1"; }; class effect4 { positionName="chamber_3"; directionName="chamber_3"; effectName="MachineGunCartridge1"; }; }; class lo: CannonCore { displayName="2x M134/LO"; displayNameMagazine="LO"; shortNameMagazine="LO"; autoFire=1; sounds[]= { "StandardSound" }; class StandardSound { begin1[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Gatling\minigun2_m134", 1.12202, 1, 1100 }; soundBegin[]= { "begin1", 1 }; weaponSoundEffect="DefaultRifle"; }; reloadTime=0.015; dispersion=0.012; soundContinuous=0; showToPlayer=1; soundBurst=0; aiRateOfFire=0.5; aiRateOfFireDistance=50; minRange=1; minRangeProbab=0.0099999998; midRange=2; midRangeProbab=0.0099999998; maxRange=3; maxRangeProbab=0.0099999998; textureType="burst"; }; class hi: CannonCore { displayName="2x M134/HI"; displayNameMagazine="HI"; shortNameMagazine="HI"; autoFire=1; sounds[]= { "StandardSound" }; class StandardSound { begin1[]= { "A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Gatling\minigun2_m134", 1.12202, 1, 1100 }; soundBegin[]= { "begin1", 1 }; weaponSoundEffect="DefaultRifle"; }; reloadTime=0.0088; dispersion=0.012; soundContinuous=0; showToPlayer=1; soundBurst=0; aiRateOfFire=0.5; aiRateOfFireDistance=50; minRange=1; minRangeProbab=0.0099999998; midRange=2; midRangeProbab=0.0099999998; maxRange=3; maxRangeProbab=0.0099999998; textureType="fullAuto"; }; class close: lo { showToPlayer=0; burst=15; aiRateOfFire=0.25; aiRateOfFireDistance=400; minRange=0; minRangeProbab=0.050000001; midRange=200; midRangeProbab=0.69999999; maxRange=400; maxRangeProbab=0.2; }; class short: close { burst=10; aiRateOfFire=0.5; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; minRange=300; minRangeProbab=0.2; midRange=400; midRangeProbab=0.69999999; maxRange=500; maxRangeProbab=0.2; }; class medium: close { burst=7; aiRateOfFire=1; aiRateOfFireDistance=900; minRange=400; minRangeProbab=0.2; midRange=700; midRangeProbab=0.69999999; maxRange=900; maxRangeProbab=0.2; }; class far: close { burst=4; aiRateOfFire=1.5; aiRateOfFireDistance=1500; minRange=800; minRangeProbab=0.2; midRange=1000; midRangeProbab=0.40000001; maxRange=1500; maxRangeProbab=0.0099999998; }; }; class HydraLauncher: RocketPods { scope=2; autoFire=1; displayName="Hydra 70"; minRange=50; minRangeProbab=0.60000002; midRange=1500; midRangeProbab=0.89999998; maxRange=3000; maxRangeProbab=0.1; reloadTime=0.15000001; magazines[]= { "14Rnd_Hydra", "19Rnd_Hydra", "38Rnd_Hydra", "52Rnd_Hydra" }; sounds[]= { "StandardSound" }; class StandardSound { weaponfire[]= { "\HueyPack\weapons\Sound\RocketLauncher_Shot21", 5, 1, 300 }; soundBegin[]= { "weaponfire", 1 }; weaponsoundeffect="DefaultRifle"; }; weaponLockDelay=3; aiRateOfFire=5; aiRateOfFireDistance=4000; cursorAim="rocket"; cursor="EmptyCursor"; cursorSize=1; textureType="fullAuto"; }; class TOWLauncher: MissileLauncher { scope=2; autoFire=0; displayName="TOW"; minRange=50; minRangeProbab=0.60000002; midRange=1500; midRangeProbab=0.89999998; maxRange=3000; maxRangeProbab=0.1; reloadTime=1; magazines[]= { "2Rnd_TOW", "4Rnd_TOW", "8Rnd_TOW" }; sounds[]= { "StandardSound" }; class StandardSound { weaponfire[]= { "\HueyPack\weapons\Sound\RocketLauncher_Shot05", 31.622801, 1, 1100 }; soundBegin[]= { "weaponfire", 1 }; weaponsoundeffect="DefaultRifle"; }; weaponLockDelay=3; aiRateOfFire=10; aiRateOfFireDistance=4000; cursorAim="EmptyCursor"; cursor="EmptyCursor"; cursorSize=1; textureType="fullAuto"; }; }; class cfgAmmo { class Default; class R_80mm_HE; class M_Titan_AT; class Missile_AGM_02_F; class Hydra_HE: R_80mm_HE { model="\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\Rocket_02_fly_F"; hit=210; indirectHit=55; indirectHitRange=15; cost=500; maxSpeed=590; initTime=0.0020000001; thrustTime=0.69; thrust=1060; airFriction=0.090000004; sideAirFriction=0.0049999999; fuseDistance=50; whistleDist=30; timeToLive=60; effectsMissileInit="MissileDAR1"; }; class TOW_AT: Missile_AGM_02_F { model="\HueyPack\weapons\TOW\TOW"; proxyShape="\HueyPack\weapons\TOW\TOW_Proxy"; maverickWeaponIndexOffset=2; airFriction=0.034000002; maxControlRange=4200; initTime=0.050000001; thrustTime=2; thrust=80; hit=1500; indirectHit=50; indirectHitRange=4; maxSpeed=400; whistleDist=5; fuseDistance=5; airLock=0; irLock=0; laserLock=0; nvLock=0; manualControl=1; trackOversteer=0.94999999; trackLead=0.89999998; timeToLive=32; maneuvrability=20; simulationStep=0.0049999999; sideAirFriction=0.5; effectsMissileInit="MissileDAR1"; effectsMissile="missile3"; }; }; class cfgMagazines { class VehicleMagazine; class 4000Rnd_762x51_Tracer_Red: VehicleMagazine { scope=2; count=4000; ammo="B_762x51_Tracer_Red"; initSpeed=910; maxLeadSpeed=200; tracersEvery=1; nameSound="mgun"; displayName="4000Rnd 7.62mm"; descriptionShort="4000Rnd 7.62mm"; }; class 2Rnd_TOW: VehicleMagazine { scope=2; displayName="TOW"; ammo="TOW_AT"; initSpeed=2; count=2; maxLeadSpeed=100; }; class 4Rnd_TOW: 2Rnd_TOW { scope=2; displayName="TOW"; ammo="TOW_AT"; initSpeed=8; count=4; }; class 8Rnd_TOW: 4Rnd_TOW { scope=2; displayName="TOW"; ammo="TOW_AT"; initSpeed=8; count=8; }; class 14Rnd_Hydra: VehicleMagazine { scope=2; displayName="Hydra 70"; ammo="Hydra_HE"; initSpeed=8; count=14; }; class 19Rnd_Hydra: 14Rnd_Hydra { scope=2; displayName="Hydra 70"; ammo="Hydra_HE"; initSpeed=8; count=19; }; class 38Rnd_Hydra: 19Rnd_Hydra { scope=2; displayName="Hydra 70"; ammo="Hydra_HE"; initSpeed=8; count=38; }; class 52Rnd_Hydra: 38Rnd_Hydra { scope=2; displayName="Hydra 70"; ammo="Hydra_HE"; initSpeed=8; count=52; }; }; class CfgMovesBasic { class DefaultDie; class ManActions { AH1Z_Pilot="AH1Z_Pilot"; AH1Z_Gunner="AH1Z_Gunner"; UH1Y_Pilot="UH1Y_Pilot"; UH1Y_Gunner="UH1Y_Gunner"; UH1Y_Gunner02="UH1Y_Gunner02"; UH1Y_Cargo01="UH1Y_Cargo01"; UH1Y_Cargo02="UH1Y_Cargo02"; UH1Y_Cargo03="UH1Y_Cargo03"; }; }; class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic { class States { class Crew; class AH1Z_Dead: DefaultDie { actions="DeadActions"; file="\HueyPack\ah1z\Anims\AH1Z_Dead.rtm"; speed=0.5; looped=0; terminal=1; soundEnabled=0; connectTo[]= { "Unconscious", 0.1 }; }; class KIA_AH1Z_Pilot: DefaultDie { actions="DeadActions"; speed=0.5; looped=0; terminal=1; file="\HueyPack\ah1z\Anims\KIA_AH1Z_Pilot.rtm"; connectTo[]= { "Unconscious", 0.1 }; }; class AH1Z_Pilot: Crew { file="\HueyPack\ah1z\Anims\AH1Z_Pilot.rtm"; interpolateTo[]= { "KIA_AH1Z_Pilot", 1 }; }; class KIA_AH1Z_Gunner: DefaultDie { actions="DeadActions"; speed=0.5; looped=0; terminal=1; file="\HueyPack\ah1z\Anims\KIA_AH1Z_Gunner.rtm"; connectTo[]= { "Unconscious", 0.1 }; }; class AH1Z_Gunner: Crew { file="\HueyPack\ah1z\Anims\AH1Z_Gunner.rtm"; interpolateTo[]= { "KIA_AH1Z_Gunner", 1 }; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class AllVehicles; class Air; class Helicopter: Air { class Turrets { class MainTurret; }; class NewTurret; class AnimationSources; class HitPoints; class ViewPilot; class ViewOptics; }; class AH1_Base: Helicopter { class SpeechVariants { class Default { speechSingular[]= { "veh_air_gunship_s" }; speechPlural[]= { "veh_air_gunship_p" }; }; }; scope=0; side=1; faction="BLU_F"; vehicleClass="Huey_Helicopters_AH1"; accuracy=0.5; availableForSupportTypes[]= { "CAS_Heli" }; displayName="AH-1"; hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2" }; driverCanEject=0; altFullForce=4000; altNoForce=6000; fuelCapacity=175; fuelConsumptionRate=0.138; LockDetectionSystem="2 + 8 + 4"; incomingMissileDetectionSystem=16; bodyFrictionCoef=1.2; supplyRadius=0; simulation="helicopterX"; maxFordingDepth=0.75; mainBladeRadius=8.5; mainRotorSpeed=1.5; backRotorSpeed=4; liftForceCoef=1.2; cyclicAsideForceCoef=0.89999998; cyclicForwardForceCoef=1.7; backRotorForceCoef=1.7; class MFD { class AirplaneHUD { class Pos10Vector { type="vector"; pos0[]={0.50199997,0.49000001}; pos10[]={1.112,1.03}; }; topLeft="HUD LH"; topRight="HUD PH"; bottomLeft="HUD LD"; borderLeft=0; borderRight=0; borderTop=0; borderBottom=0; color[]={0,1,0,0.1}; class Bones { class PlaneW { type="fixed"; pos[]={0.50199997,0.49000001}; }; class WeaponAim: Pos10Vector { source="weapon"; }; class GunnerAim: Pos10Vector { source="weapon"; pos0[]={0,-0.0024999999}; pos10[]={0.0099999998,0.0024999999}; }; class Target: Pos10Vector { source="target"; }; class Velocity: Pos10Vector { type="vector"; source="velocity"; pos0[]={0.5,0.49000001}; pos10[]={1.11,1.03}; }; class ILS_H { type="ils"; pos0[]={0.5,0.49000001}; pos3[]={0.68300003,0.49000001}; }; class ILS_W: ILS_H { pos3[]={0.5,0.65200001}; }; class Level0: Pos10Vector { pos0[]={0.5,0.49000001}; pos10[]={1.11,1.03}; type="horizon"; angle=0; }; class LevelP10: Level0 { angle=10; }; class LevelM10: Level0 { angle=-10; }; class LevelP20: Level0 { angle=20; }; class LevelM20: Level0 { angle=-20; }; class LevelP30: Level0 { angle=30; }; class LevelM30: Level0 { angle=-30; }; class LevelP40: Level0 { angle=40; }; class LevelM40: Level0 { angle=-40; }; class LevelP50: Level0 { angle=50; }; class LevelM50: Level0 { angle=-50; }; }; class Draw { alpha=0.60000002; color[]={0,1,0}; condition="on"; class PlaneW { clipTL[]={0,1}; clipBR[]={1,0}; type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "PlaneW", {0,-0.0177049}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {0.014,-0.0123934}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {0.02,0}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {0.014,0.0123934}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {0,0.0177049}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {-0.014,0.0123934}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {-0.02,0}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {-0.014,-0.0123934}, 1 }, { "PlaneW", {0,-0.0177049}, 1 }, {} }; }; class PlaneHeading { clipTL[]={0,1}; clipBR[]={1,0}; type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "Velocity", {0,-0.0177049}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.014,-0.0123934}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.02,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.014,0.0123934}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0,0.0177049}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.014,0.0123934}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.02,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.014,-0.0123934}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0,-0.0177049}, 1 }, {}, { "Velocity", {0.039999999,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0.02,0}, 1 }, {}, { "Velocity", {-0.039999999,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {-0.02,0}, 1 }, {}, { "Velocity", {0,-0.035409801}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0,-0.0177049}, 1 }, {} }; }; class Static { clipTL[]={0,0.1}; clipBR[]={1,0}; type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { {0.79000002,0.51999998}, 1 }, { {0.81,0.5}, 1 }, { {0.79000002,0.47999999}, 1 }, {}, { { 0.51999998, "0.08+0.06" }, 1 }, { { 0.5, "0.06+0.06" }, 1 }, { { 0.47999999, "0.08+0.06" }, 1 }, {}, { { "0.5-0.1", "0.9-0.04" }, 1 }, { { "0.5-0.1", "0.9+0.04" }, 1 }, { { "0.5+0.1", "0.9+0.04" }, 1 }, { { "0.5+0.1", "0.9-0.04" }, 1 }, { { "0.5-0.1", "0.9-0.04" }, 1 }, {}, { { "0.5-0.1", 0.89999998 }, 1 }, { { "0.5-0.092", 0.89999998 }, 1 }, {}, { { "0.5+0.1", 0.89999998 }, 1 }, { { "0.5+0.092", 0.89999998 }, 1 }, {}, { { 0.5, "0.9-0.04" }, 1 }, { { 0.5, "0.9-0.032" }, 1 }, {}, { { 0.5, "0.9+0.04" }, 1 }, { { 0.5, "0.9+0.032" }, 1 }, {} }; }; class Gunner { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "GunnerAim", { "0.5-0.015", "0.9-0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5-0.015", "0.9+0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5+0.015", "0.9+0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5+0.015", "0.9-0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5-0.015", "0.9-0.008" }, 1 } }; }; class MGun { condition="mgun"; class Circle { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "WeaponAim", {0.050000001,0}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.015,0}, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0,0.044262301}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0,0.0132787}, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {-0.050000001,0}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.015,0}, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0,-0.044262301}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0,-0.0132787}, 1 }, {} }; }; }; class Bomb { condition="bomb"; class Circle { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "WeaponAim", {0,-0.088524602}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.050000001,-0.077016398}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.086999997,-0.044262301}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.1,0}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.086999997,0.044262301}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.050000001,0.077016398}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0,0.088524602}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.050000001,0.077016398}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.086999997,0.044262301}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.1,0}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.086999997,-0.044262301}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.050000001,-0.077016398}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0,-0.088524602}, 1 }, {}, { "Velocity", 0.001, "WeaponAim", {0,0}, 1 }, { "Velocity", {0,0}, 1 }, {}, { "Target", {0,-0.061967202}, 1 }, { "Target", {0.07,0}, 1 }, { "Target", {0,0.061967202}, 1 }, { "Target", {-0.07,0}, 1 }, { "Target", {0,-0.061967202}, 1 } }; }; }; class AAMissile { condition="AAmissile"; class Circle { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "WeaponAim", {0,-0.221311}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.125,-0.192541}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.2175,-0.110656}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.25,0}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.2175,0.110656}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0.125,0.192541}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0,0.221311}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.125,0.192541}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.2175,0.110656}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.25,0}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.2175,-0.110656}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {-0.125,-0.192541}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", {0,-0.221311}, 1 }, {}, { "Target", {0,-0.061967202}, 1 }, { "Target", {0.07,0}, 1 }, { "Target", {0,0.061967202}, 1 }, { "Target", {-0.07,0}, 1 }, { "Target", {0,-0.061967202}, 1 } }; }; }; class ATMissile { condition="ATmissile"; class Circle { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "WeaponAim", {-0.15000001,-0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { -0.15000001, "-0.15+0.02" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {-0.15000001,0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { -0.15000001, "+0.15-0.02" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.15000001,-0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { 0.15000001, "-0.15+0.02" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.15000001,0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { 0.15000001, "+0.15-0.02" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {-0.15000001,-0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "-0.15+0.02", -0.15000001 }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {-0.15000001,0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "-0.15+0.02", 0.15000001 }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.15000001,-0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "0.15-0.02", -0.15000001 }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.15000001,0.15000001}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "0.15-0.02", 0.15000001 }, 1 }, {} }; }; }; class Rockets { condition="Rocket"; class Circle { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "WeaponAim", {-0.25,-0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { -0.25, "-0.25+0.05" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {-0.25,0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { -0.25, "+0.25-0.05" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.25,-0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { 0.25, "-0.25+0.05" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.25,0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { 0.25, "+0.25-0.05" }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {-0.25,-0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "-0.25+0.05", -0.25 }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {-0.25,0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "-0.25+0.05", 0.25 }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.25,-0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "0.25-0.05", -0.25 }, 1 }, {}, { "WeaponAim", {0.25,0.25}, 1 }, { "WeaponAim", { "0.25-0.05", 0.25 }, 1 }, {} }; }; }; class SpeedNumber { type="text"; align="right"; scale=1; source="speed"; sourceScale=3.5999999; pos[]= { {0.059999999,0.47}, 1 }; right[]= { { "0.14-0.02", 0.47 }, 1 }; down[]= { {0.059999999,0.51999998}, 1 }; }; class AltNumber: SpeedNumber { source="altitudeAGL"; sourceScale=1; pos[]= { { "0.86-0.15", 0.47 }, 1 }; right[]= { { "0.94-0.15-0.02", 0.47 }, 1 }; down[]= { { "0.86-0.15", 0.51999998 }, 1 }; }; class AltScale { type="scale"; scale=1; source="altitudeAGL"; sourceScale=1; align="right"; width=4; pos[]={0.86000001,0.81999999}; right[]= { "0.94-0.02", 0.81999999 }; down[]={0.86000001,0.87}; lineXleft=0.82499999; lineYright=0.83499998; lineXleftMajor=0.82499999; lineYrightMajor=0.84500003; bottom=0.2; top=0.85000002; center=0.5; step=20; StepSize="(0.85- 0.2)/20"; horizontal=0; min="none"; max="none"; numberEach=5; majorLineEach=5; }; class weapons { type="text"; source="weapon"; align="right"; scale=0.5; sourceScale=1; pos[]= { {0.1,0.88}, 1 }; right[]= { { "0.16-0.02", 0.88 }, 1 }; down[]= { {0.1,0.92000002}, 1 }; }; class ammo { type="text"; source="ammo"; align="right"; scale=0.5; sourceScale=1; pos[]= { {0.1,0.93000001}, 1 }; right[]= { { "0.16-0.02", 0.93000001 }, 1 }; down[]= { {0.1,0.97000003}, 1 }; }; class HeadingScale { type="scale"; scale=1; source="Heading"; sourceScale=1; align="center"; width=4; pos[]= { "0.32-0.01", "0.0+0.05" }; right[]= { "0.38-0.01", "0.0+0.05" }; down[]= { "0.32-0.01", "0.04+0.05" }; lineXleft="0.06+0.05"; lineYright="0.05+0.05"; lineXleftMajor="0.07+0.05"; lineYrightMajor="0.04+0.05"; bottom=0.69999999; center=0.5; top=0.30000001; step=10; StepSize="(0.70- 0.3)/15"; horizontal=1; min="none"; max="none"; numberEach=3; majorLineEach=3; }; class HorizontalLine { clipTL[]={0.2,0.12}; clipBR[]={0.80000001,0.95999998}; class HorizontalLineDraw { type="line"; source="Level0"; points[]= { { "Level0", { "-6*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, { "Level0", { "-5*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, {}, { "Level0", { "-4*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, { "Level0", { "-3*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, {}, { "Level0", { "-2*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, { "Level0", { "-1*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, {}, { "Level0", { "1*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, { "Level0", { "2*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, {}, { "Level0", { "3*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, { "Level0", { "4*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, {}, { "Level0", { "5*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 }, { "Level0", { "6*0.075/2", 0.02 }, 1 } }; }; }; }; helmetMountedDisplay=1; helmetPosition[]={-0.025,0.025,0.1}; helmetRight[]={0.055,0,0}; helmetDown[]={-0,-0.050000001,0}; }; }; }; class AH1W: AH1_Base { selectionHRotorStill="mainRotorStatic"; selectionHRotorMove="mainRotorBlurred"; selectionVRotorStill="tailRotorStatic"; selectionVRotorMove="tailRotorBlurred"; memoryPointLMissile="Missile_1"; memoryPointRMissile="Missile_2"; memoryPointLRocket="Rocket_1"; memoryPointRRocket="Rocket_2"; memoryPointGun[]= { "machinegun2", "machinegun3" }; gunBeg[]= { "muzzle_2", "muzzle_3" }; gunEnd[]= { "chamber_2", "chamber_3" }; selectionFireAnim="muzzleflash_2"; availableForSupportTypes[]= { "CAS_Heli" }; memoryPointCM[]= { "flare_launcher1", "flare_launcher2" }; memoryPointCMDir[]= { "flare_launcher1_dir", "flare_launcher2_dir" }; radarType=4; LockDetectionSystem="2 + 8 + 4"; incomingMissileDetectionSystem=16; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\Cobra_Body.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\Cobra_Engine.paa" }; bodyFrictionCoef=1; fuelCapacity=200; fuelConsumptionRate=0.138; crew="Huey_Pilot"; scope=2; side=1; faction="BLU_F"; displayName="AH-1W 'SuperCobra TOW'"; vehicleClass="Huey_Helicopters_AH1"; accuracy=1000; driverAction="AH1Z_Pilot"; memoryPointsGetInDriver="pos_driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir="pos_driver_dir"; getInAction="GetInHigh"; getOutAction="GetOutHigh"; maxSpeed=280; typicalCargo[]= { "B_Helipilot_F", "B_Helipilot_F" }; driverCompartments="Compartment1"; attenuationEffectType="HeliAttenuation"; soundGetIn[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\heli_door_01", 0.31622776, 1 }; soundGetOut[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\heli_door_01", 0.31622776, 1, 50 }; soundEnviron[]= { "", 0.031622775, 1 }; soundDammage[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\alarm_loop1", 0.001, 1 }; soundEngineOnInt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-start-final", 0.031622775, 1 }; soundEngineOnExt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\ext\ext-motor-start", 1.7782794, 1, 700 }; soundEngineOffInt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-stop-final", 0.031622775, 1 }; soundEngineOffExt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\ext\ext-motor-stop", 1.7782794, 1, 700 }; soundLocked[]= { "\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\opfor_lock_1", 0.1, 1 }; soundIncommingMissile[]= { "\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\opfor_lock_2", 0.1, 1 }; class Sounds { class Engine { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\ext\ext-fly-mode", 3.1622777, 1, 800 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)"; }; class RotorLowOut { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5b", 3.1622777, 1, 1500 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))"; cone[]={1.8,3.1400001,2,0.89999998}; }; class RotorHighOut { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5a", 3.1622777, 1, 1800 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.95))"; cone[]={1.8,3.1400001,2,0.89999998}; }; class EngineIn { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-fly-mode7", 1.7782794, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)"; }; class RotorLowIn { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5b", 1.7782794, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))"; }; class RotorHighIn { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5a", 1.7782794, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)"; }; }; class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position="exhaust1"; direction="exhaust1_dir"; effect="ExhaustsEffectHeliCom"; }; class Exhaust2 { position="exhaust2"; direction="exhaust2_dir"; effect="ExhaustsEffectHeliCom"; }; }; class MarkerLights { class WhiteStill { name="bily pozicni"; color[]={1,1,1}; ambient[]={0.1,0.1,0.1}; blinking=1; intensity=75; blinkingPattern[]={0.1,0.89999998}; blinkingPatternGuarantee=0; drawLightSize=0.2; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; }; class RedStill { name="cerveny pozicni"; color[]={0.80000001,0,0}; ambient[]={0.079999998,0,0}; intensity=75; drawLight=1; drawLightSize=0.15000001; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; activeLight=0; blinking=0; dayLight=0; useFlare=0; }; class GreenStill { name="zeleny pozicni"; color[]={0,0.80000001,0}; ambient[]={0,0.079999998,0}; intensity=75; drawLight=1; drawLightSize=0.15000001; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; activeLight=0; blinking=0; dayLight=0; useFlare=0; }; class RedBlinking { name="bily pozicni blik"; color[]={0.89999998,0.15000001,0.1}; ambient[]={0.090000004,0.015,0.0099999998}; intensity=75; blinking=1; blinkingPattern[]={0.1,0.89999998}; blinkingPatternGuarantee=0; drawLightSize=0.2; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; }; class WhiteBlinking { name="cerveny pozicni blik"; color[]={0.89999998,0.15000001,0.1}; intensity=75; ambient[]={0.090000004,0.015,0.0099999998}; blinking=1; blinkingPattern[]={0.2,1.3}; blinkingPatternGuarantee=0; drawLightSize=0.25; drawLightCenterSize=0.079999998; }; }; class Reflectors { class Middle { color[]={7000,7500,10000,1}; ambient[]={100,100,100,0}; position="L svetlo"; direction="konec L svetla"; hitpoint="L svetlo"; selection="L svetlo"; size=1; innerAngle=20; outerAngle=60; coneFadeCoef=10; intensity=50; useFlare=1; dayLight=0; FlareSize=6; class Attenuation { start=1; constant=0; linear=0; quadratic=4; }; }; }; class HitPoints: HitPoints { }; armor=60; damageResistance=0.00593; cost=10000000; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W"; picture="\HueyPack\ui\Cobra1.paa"; mapSize=15; Icon="\HueyPack\ui\Cobra1.paa"; weapons[]= { "Safe", "GR_MinigunX2", "CMFlareLauncher" }; magazines[]= { "4000Rnd_762x51_Tracer_Red", "168Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine" }; enableManualFire=1; class MFD { class AirplaneHUD { topLeft="HUD_top_left"; topRight="HUD_top_right"; bottomLeft="HUD_bottom_left"; borderLeft=0; borderRight=0; borderTop=0; borderBottom=0; color[]={1,1,1,1}; helmetMountedDisplay=1; helmetPosition[]={-0.025,0.025,0.1}; helmetRight[]={0.050000001,0,0}; helmetDown[]={0,-0.050000001,0}; class Bones { class HUDCenter { type="fixed"; pos[]={0.5,0.5}; }; class WeaponAim { type="vector"; source="weapon"; pos0[]={0.5,0.5}; pos10[]={0.847,0.84500003}; }; class VelocityVector { type="vector"; source="velocityToView"; pos0[]={0.5,0.5}; pos10[]={0.847,0.84500003}; }; class ForwardVector { type="vector"; source="forward"; pos0[]={0,0}; pos10[]={0.347,0.345}; }; class HorizonVector { type="horizon"; pos0[]={0.5,0.5}; pos10[]={0.99072701,0.98789901}; angle=0; }; class GunnerAim { type="vector"; source="weapon"; pos0[]={0,-0.0024999999}; pos10[]={0.0099999998,0.0024999999}; }; class VerticalSpeedBone { type="linear"; source="vspeed"; sourceScale=1; min=-15; max=15; minPos[]={0,-0.15000001}; maxPos[]={0,0.15000001}; }; }; class Draw { alpha=1; color[]={0.25,1,0.25}; condition="on"; class Static { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { {0.47999999,0.14}, 1 }, { {0.5,0.12}, 1 }, { {0.51999998,0.14}, 1 }, {}, { {0.40000001,0.86000001}, 1 }, { {0.40000001,0.94}, 1 }, { {0.60000002,0.94}, 1 }, { {0.60000002,0.86000001}, 1 }, { {0.40000001,0.86000001}, 1 }, {}, { {0.40000001,0.89999998}, 1 }, { {0.40799999,0.89999998}, 1 }, {}, { {0.60000002,0.89999998}, 1 }, { {0.59200001,0.89999998}, 1 }, {}, { {0.5,0.86000001}, 1 }, { {0.5,0.86799997}, 1 }, {}, { {0.5,0.94}, 1 }, { {0.5,0.93199998}, 1 } }; }; class CollectiveGroup { condition="simulRTD"; class CollectiveText { type="text"; source="static"; text="%"; align="right"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.22,0.2}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.28,0.2}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.22,0.23999999}, 1 }; }; class CollectiveNumber { type="text"; source="rtdCollective"; sourceScale=100; align="left"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.22,0.2}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.28,0.2}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.22,0.23999999}, 1 }; }; }; class SpeedNumber { type="text"; source="speed"; sourceScale=3.5999999; align="right"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.16,0.47999999}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.22,0.47999999}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.16,0.51999998}, 1 }; }; class AltNumber { type="text"; source="altitudeAGL"; sourceScale=1; align="left"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.83999997,0.47999999}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.89999998,0.47999999}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.83999997,0.51999998}, 1 }; }; class Weapons { type="text"; source="weapon"; sourceScale=1; align="right"; scale=0.5; pos[]= { {0,0.85000002}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.039999999,0.85000002}, 1 }; down[]= { {0,0.88999999}, 1 }; }; class Ammo { type="text"; source="ammo"; sourceScale=1; align="right"; scale=0.5; pos[]= { {0,0.89999998}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.039999999,0.89999998}, 1 }; down[]= { {0,0.94}, 1 }; }; class VerticalSpeedScale { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "VerticalSpeedBone", {0.85000002,0.47999999}, 1 }, { "VerticalSpeedBone", {0.87,0.5}, 1 }, { "VerticalSpeedBone", {0.85000002,0.51999998}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.34999999}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.34999999}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.40000001}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.40000001}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.44999999}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.44999999}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.5}, 1 }, { {0.89499998,0.5}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.55000001}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.55000001}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.60000002}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.60000002}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.64999998}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.64999998}, 1 } }; }; class HeadingScale { type="scale"; horizontal=1; source="heading"; sourceScale=1; width=4; top=0.2; center=0.5; bottom=0.80000001; lineXleft=0.11; lineYright=0.1; lineXleftMajor=0.11; lineYrightMajor=0.090000004; majorLineEach=2; numberEach=2; step=22.5; stepSize="(0.80 - 0.20) / 6"; align="center"; scale=1; pos[]={0.2,0.050000001}; right[]={0.25999999,0.050000001}; down[]={0.2,0.090000004}; }; class HorizonLine { clipTL[]={0.2,0.145}; clipBR[]={0.80000001,0.85500002}; class HorizonLineDraw { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "HorizonVector", { "-6 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "-5 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "-4 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "-3 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "-2 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "-1 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "1 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "2 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "3 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "4 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "5 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "6 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 } }; }; }; class Gunner { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 - 0.015", "0.9 - 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 - 0.015", "0.9 + 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 + 0.015", "0.9 + 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 + 0.015", "0.9 - 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 - 0.015", "0.9 - 0.008" }, 1 } }; }; class MGun { condition="mgun"; class Circle { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0.025,0}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0.0099999998,0}, 1 }, {}, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,0.024855901}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,0.0099423602}, 1 }, {}, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {-0.025,0}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {-0.0099999998,0}, 1 }, {}, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,-0.024855901}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,-0.0099423602}, 1 } }; }; }; }; }; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { isCopilot=1; gunnerAction="AH1Z_Gunner"; gunnerInAction="AH1Z_Gunner"; gunnerCompartments="Compartment2"; weapons[]= { "Safe", "GR_Gatling_20mm_1", "TOWLauncher" }; magazines[]= { "1000Rnd_20mm_shells", "8Rnd_TOW" }; memoryPointsGetInGunner="pos_gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir="pos_gunner_dir"; gunnerGetInAction="GetInHigh"; gunnerGetOutAction="GetOutHigh"; memoryPointGun="machinegun"; minElev=-60; maxElev="+10"; initElev=0; minTurn=-70; maxTurn="+70"; initTurn=0; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; turretInfoType="RscOptics_Heli_Attack_01_gunner"; discreteDistance[]={100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,1000,1200,1500,1800,2100}; discreteDistanceInitIndex=2; selectionFireAnim="muzzleflash"; class OpticsIn { class Wide { opticsDisplayName="W"; initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX="+30"; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY="+100"; initFov=0.46599999; minFov=0.46599999; maxFov=0.46599999; visionMode[]= { "Normal", "NVG", "Ti" }; thermalMode[]={0,1}; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; }; class Medium: Wide { opticsDisplayName="M"; initFov=0.2; minFov=0.2; maxFov=0.2; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; }; class Narrow: Wide { opticsDisplayName="N"; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; initFov=0.050000001; minFov=0.050000001; maxFov=0.050000001; }; }; class OpticsOut { class Monocular { initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX="+30"; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY="+100"; initFov=1.1; minFov=0.133; maxFov=1.1; visionMode[]= { "Normal", "NVG" }; gunnerOpticsModel=""; gunnerOpticsEffect[]={}; }; }; }; }; threat[]={0.80000001,1,0.60000002}; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class 20mmBarrels { source="revolving"; weapon="GR_Gatling_20mm_1"; }; class Gatling_2 { source="revolving"; weapon="GR_MinigunX2"; }; class Gatling_3 { source="revolving"; weapon="GR_MinigunX2"; }; class TOW_revolving { source="revolving"; weapon="TOWLauncher"; }; }; laserScanner=1; class Library { libTextDesc="AH-1W"; }; dammageHalf[]= { "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_ca.paa", "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_destr_co.paa" }; dammageFull[]= { "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_ca.paa", "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_destr_co.paa" }; class Damage { tex[]={}; mat[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body_destruct.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_in.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_cockpit.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_cockpit.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_cockpit_destruct.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_engines.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_engines_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_engines_destruct.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitors.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitors.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitors_destruct.rvmat" }; }; }; class AH1W1: AH1W { crew="MY_PILOT"; scope=2; side=2; typicalCargo[]= { "MY_PILOT", "MY_PILOT" }; faction="MY_units"; displayName=" AH-1 HH [TOW]"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body_co.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_Engine_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W2: AH1W { crew="ARMY_PILOT"; scope=2; side=2; typicalCargo[]= { "MY_PILOT", "MY_PILOT" }; faction="MY_units"; displayName="AH-1 HH D [TOW]"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body2_co.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_Engine2_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W3: AH1W { crew="MY_PILOT"; scope=2; side=2; typicalCargo[]= { "MY_PILOT", "MY_PILOT" }; faction="MY_units"; displayName="AH-1 HH S [TOW]"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body3_co.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body3_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W_2: AH1_Base { selectionHRotorStill="mainRotorStatic"; selectionHRotorMove="mainRotorBlurred"; selectionVRotorStill="tailRotorStatic"; selectionVRotorMove="tailRotorBlurred"; memoryPointLMissile="Missile_2"; memoryPointRMissile="Missile_1"; memoryPointLRocket="Rocket_2"; memoryPointRRocket="Rocket_1"; memoryPointGun[]= { "machinegun2", "machinegun3" }; gunBeg[]= { "muzzle_2", "muzzle_3" }; gunEnd[]= { "chamber_2", "chamber_3" }; selectionFireAnim="muzzleflash_2"; availableForSupportTypes[]= { "CAS_Heli" }; memoryPointCM[]= { "flare_launcher1", "flare_launcher2" }; memoryPointCMDir[]= { "flare_launcher1_dir", "flare_launcher2_dir" }; radarType=4; LockDetectionSystem="2 + 8 + 4"; incomingMissileDetectionSystem=16; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\Cobra_Body1.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\Cobra_Engine2.paa" }; bodyFrictionCoef=1; fuelCapacity=200; fuelConsumptionRate=0.138; crew="Huey_Pilot"; scope=2; side=1; faction="BLU_F"; displayName="AH-1W 'SuperCobra Hydra'"; vehicleClass="Huey_Helicopters_AH1"; accuracy=1000; driverAction="AH1Z_Pilot"; memoryPointsGetInDriver="pos_driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir="pos_driver_dir"; getInAction="GetInHigh"; getOutAction="GetOutHigh"; maxSpeed=280; typicalCargo[]= { "B_Helipilot_F", "B_Helipilot_F" }; driverCompartments="Compartment1"; attenuationEffectType="HeliAttenuation"; soundGetIn[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\heli_door_01", 0.31622776, 1 }; soundGetOut[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\heli_door_01", 0.31622776, 1, 50 }; soundEnviron[]= { "", 0.031622775, 1 }; soundDammage[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\alarm_loop1", 0.001, 1 }; soundEngineOnInt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-start-final", 0.031622775, 1 }; soundEngineOnExt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\ext\ext-motor-start", 1.7782794, 1, 700 }; soundEngineOffInt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-stop-final", 0.031622775, 1 }; soundEngineOffExt[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\ext\ext-motor-stop", 1.7782794, 1, 700 }; soundLocked[]= { "\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\opfor_lock_1", 0.1, 1 }; soundIncommingMissile[]= { "\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\opfor_lock_2", 0.1, 1 }; class Sounds { class Engine { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\ext\ext-fly-mode", 3.1622777, 1, 800 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*((rotorSpeed-0.72)*4)"; }; class RotorLowOut { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5b", 3.1622777, 1, 1500 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*(0 max (rotorSpeed-0.1))"; cone[]={1.8,3.1400001,2,0.89999998}; }; class RotorHighOut { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5a", 3.1622777, 1, 1800 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="camPos*10*(0 max (rotorThrust-0.95))"; cone[]={1.8,3.1400001,2,0.89999998}; }; class EngineIn { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-fly-mode7", 1.7782794, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed-0.75)*4)"; }; class RotorLowIn { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5b", 1.7782794, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="2*(1-camPos)*((rotorSpeed factor[0.3, 1.1]) min (rotorSpeed factor[1.1, 0.3]))"; }; class RotorHighIn { sound[]= { "HueyPack\AH1Z\Sounds\int\int-rotor-single5a", 1.7782794, 1 }; frequency="rotorSpeed"; volume="(1-camPos)*3*(rotorThrust-0.9)"; }; }; class Exhausts { class Exhaust1 { position="exhaust1"; direction="exhaust1_dir"; effect="ExhaustsEffectHeliCom"; }; class Exhaust2 { position="exhaust2"; direction="exhaust2_dir"; effect="ExhaustsEffectHeliCom"; }; }; class MarkerLights { class WhiteStill { name="bily pozicni"; color[]={1,1,1}; ambient[]={0.1,0.1,0.1}; blinking=1; intensity=75; blinkingPattern[]={0.1,0.89999998}; blinkingPatternGuarantee=0; drawLightSize=0.2; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; }; class RedStill { name="cerveny pozicni"; color[]={0.80000001,0,0}; ambient[]={0.079999998,0,0}; intensity=75; drawLight=1; drawLightSize=0.15000001; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; activeLight=0; blinking=0; dayLight=0; useFlare=0; }; class GreenStill { name="zeleny pozicni"; color[]={0,0.80000001,0}; ambient[]={0,0.079999998,0}; intensity=75; drawLight=1; drawLightSize=0.15000001; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; activeLight=0; blinking=0; dayLight=0; useFlare=0; }; class RedBlinking { name="bily pozicni blik"; color[]={0.89999998,0.15000001,0.1}; ambient[]={0.090000004,0.015,0.0099999998}; intensity=75; blinking=1; blinkingPattern[]={0.1,0.89999998}; blinkingPatternGuarantee=0; drawLightSize=0.2; drawLightCenterSize=0.039999999; }; class WhiteBlinking { name="cerveny pozicni blik"; color[]={0.89999998,0.15000001,0.1}; intensity=75; ambient[]={0.090000004,0.015,0.0099999998}; blinking=1; blinkingPattern[]={0.2,1.3}; blinkingPatternGuarantee=0; drawLightSize=0.25; drawLightCenterSize=0.079999998; }; }; class Reflectors { class Middle { color[]={7000,7500,10000,1}; ambient[]={100,100,100,0}; position="L svetlo"; direction="konec L svetla"; hitpoint="L svetlo"; selection="L svetlo"; size=1; innerAngle=20; outerAngle=60; coneFadeCoef=10; intensity=50; useFlare=1; dayLight=0; FlareSize=6; class Attenuation { start=1; constant=0; linear=0; quadratic=4; }; }; }; class HitPoints: HitPoints { }; armor=60; damageResistance=0.00593; cost=10000000; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W_2"; picture="\HueyPack\ui\Cobra1.paa"; mapSize=15; Icon="\HueyPack\ui\Cobra1.paa"; weapons[]= { "Safe", "GR_MinigunX2", "HydraLauncher", "CMFlareLauncher" }; magazines[]= { "4000Rnd_762x51_Tracer_Red", "38Rnd_Hydra", "168Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine" }; enableManualFire=1; class MFD { class AirplaneHUD { topLeft="HUD_top_left"; topRight="HUD_top_right"; bottomLeft="HUD_bottom_left"; borderLeft=0; borderRight=0; borderTop=0; borderBottom=0; color[]={1,1,1,1}; helmetMountedDisplay=1; helmetPosition[]={-0.025,0.025,0.1}; helmetRight[]={0.050000001,0,0}; helmetDown[]={0,-0.050000001,0}; class Bones { class HUDCenter { type="fixed"; pos[]={0.5,0.5}; }; class WeaponAim { type="vector"; source="weapon"; pos0[]={0.5,0.5}; pos10[]={0.847,0.84500003}; }; class VelocityVector { type="vector"; source="velocityToView"; pos0[]={0.5,0.5}; pos10[]={0.847,0.84500003}; }; class ForwardVector { type="vector"; source="forward"; pos0[]={0,0}; pos10[]={0.347,0.345}; }; class HorizonVector { type="horizon"; pos0[]={0.5,0.5}; pos10[]={0.99072701,0.98789901}; angle=0; }; class GunnerAim { type="vector"; source="weapon"; pos0[]={0,-0.0024999999}; pos10[]={0.0099999998,0.0024999999}; }; class VerticalSpeedBone { type="linear"; source="vspeed"; sourceScale=1; min=-15; max=15; minPos[]={0,-0.15000001}; maxPos[]={0,0.15000001}; }; }; class Draw { alpha=1; color[]={0.25,1,0.25}; condition="on"; class Static { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { {0.47999999,0.14}, 1 }, { {0.5,0.12}, 1 }, { {0.51999998,0.14}, 1 }, {}, { {0.40000001,0.86000001}, 1 }, { {0.40000001,0.94}, 1 }, { {0.60000002,0.94}, 1 }, { {0.60000002,0.86000001}, 1 }, { {0.40000001,0.86000001}, 1 }, {}, { {0.40000001,0.89999998}, 1 }, { {0.40799999,0.89999998}, 1 }, {}, { {0.60000002,0.89999998}, 1 }, { {0.59200001,0.89999998}, 1 }, {}, { {0.5,0.86000001}, 1 }, { {0.5,0.86799997}, 1 }, {}, { {0.5,0.94}, 1 }, { {0.5,0.93199998}, 1 } }; }; class CollectiveGroup { condition="simulRTD"; class CollectiveText { type="text"; source="static"; text="%"; align="right"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.22,0.2}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.28,0.2}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.22,0.23999999}, 1 }; }; class CollectiveNumber { type="text"; source="rtdCollective"; sourceScale=100; align="left"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.22,0.2}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.28,0.2}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.22,0.23999999}, 1 }; }; }; class SpeedNumber { type="text"; source="speed"; sourceScale=3.5999999; align="right"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.16,0.47999999}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.22,0.47999999}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.16,0.51999998}, 1 }; }; class AltNumber { type="text"; source="altitudeAGL"; sourceScale=1; align="left"; scale=1; pos[]= { {0.83999997,0.47999999}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.89999998,0.47999999}, 1 }; down[]= { {0.83999997,0.51999998}, 1 }; }; class Weapons { type="text"; source="weapon"; sourceScale=1; align="right"; scale=0.5; pos[]= { {0,0.85000002}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.039999999,0.85000002}, 1 }; down[]= { {0,0.88999999}, 1 }; }; class Ammo { type="text"; source="ammo"; sourceScale=1; align="right"; scale=0.5; pos[]= { {0,0.89999998}, 1 }; right[]= { {0.039999999,0.89999998}, 1 }; down[]= { {0,0.94}, 1 }; }; class VerticalSpeedScale { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "VerticalSpeedBone", {0.85000002,0.47999999}, 1 }, { "VerticalSpeedBone", {0.87,0.5}, 1 }, { "VerticalSpeedBone", {0.85000002,0.51999998}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.34999999}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.34999999}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.40000001}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.40000001}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.44999999}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.44999999}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.5}, 1 }, { {0.89499998,0.5}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.55000001}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.55000001}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.60000002}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.60000002}, 1 }, {}, { {0.875,0.64999998}, 1 }, { {0.88499999,0.64999998}, 1 } }; }; class HeadingScale { type="scale"; horizontal=1; source="heading"; sourceScale=1; width=4; top=0.2; center=0.5; bottom=0.80000001; lineXleft=0.11; lineYright=0.1; lineXleftMajor=0.11; lineYrightMajor=0.090000004; majorLineEach=2; numberEach=2; step=22.5; stepSize="(0.80 - 0.20) / 6"; align="center"; scale=1; pos[]={0.2,0.050000001}; right[]={0.25999999,0.050000001}; down[]={0.2,0.090000004}; }; class HorizonLine { clipTL[]={0.2,0.145}; clipBR[]={0.80000001,0.85500002}; class HorizonLineDraw { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "HorizonVector", { "-6 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "-5 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "-4 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "-3 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "-2 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "-1 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "1 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "2 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "3 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "4 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, {}, { "HorizonVector", { "5 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 }, { "HorizonVector", { "6 * 0.0375", 0 }, 1 } }; }; }; class Gunner { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 - 0.015", "0.9 - 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 - 0.015", "0.9 + 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 + 0.015", "0.9 + 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 + 0.015", "0.9 - 0.008" }, 1 }, { "GunnerAim", { "0.5 - 0.015", "0.9 - 0.008" }, 1 } }; }; class MGun { condition="mgun"; class Circle { type="line"; width=4; points[]= { { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0.025,0}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0.0099999998,0}, 1 }, {}, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,0.024855901}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,0.0099423602}, 1 }, {}, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {-0.025,0}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {-0.0099999998,0}, 1 }, {}, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,-0.024855901}, 1 }, { "ForwardVector", 1, "WeaponAim", {0,-0.0099423602}, 1 } }; }; }; }; }; }; class Turrets: Turrets { class MainTurret: MainTurret { isCopilot=1; gunnerAction="AH1Z_Gunner"; gunnerInAction="AH1Z_Gunner"; gunnerCompartments="Compartment2"; weapons[]= { "Safe", "GR_Gatling_20mm_1" }; magazines[]= { "1000Rnd_20mm_shells" }; memoryPointsGetInGunner="pos_gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir="pos_gunner_dir"; gunnerGetInAction="GetInHigh"; gunnerGetOutAction="GetOutHigh"; memoryPointGun="machinegun"; minElev=-60; maxElev="+10"; initElev=0; minTurn=-70; maxTurn="+70"; initTurn=0; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; turretInfoType="RscOptics_Heli_Attack_01_gunner"; discreteDistance[]={100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,1000,1200,1500,1800,2100}; discreteDistanceInitIndex=2; selectionFireAnim="muzzleflash"; class OpticsIn { class Wide { opticsDisplayName="W"; initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX="+30"; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY="+100"; initFov=0.46599999; minFov=0.46599999; maxFov=0.46599999; visionMode[]= { "Normal", "NVG", "Ti" }; thermalMode[]={0,1}; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; }; class Medium: Wide { opticsDisplayName="M"; initFov=0.2; minFov=0.2; maxFov=0.2; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; }; class Narrow: Wide { opticsDisplayName="N"; gunnerOpticsModel="\HueyPack\ah1z\optika_AH1Z"; initFov=0.050000001; minFov=0.050000001; maxFov=0.050000001; }; }; class OpticsOut { class Monocular { initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX="+30"; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY="+100"; initFov=1.1; minFov=0.133; maxFov=1.1; visionMode[]= { "Normal", "NVG" }; gunnerOpticsModel=""; gunnerOpticsEffect[]={}; }; }; }; }; threat[]={0.80000001,1,0.60000002}; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class 20mmBarrels { source="revolving"; weapon="GR_Gatling_20mm_1"; }; class Gatling_2 { source="revolving"; weapon="GR_MinigunX2"; }; class Gatling_3 { source="revolving"; weapon="GR_MinigunX2"; }; class Missiles_revolving { source="revolving"; weapon="HydraLauncher"; }; }; laserScanner=1; class Library { libTextDesc="AH-1W"; }; dammageHalf[]= { "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_ca.paa", "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_destr_co.paa" }; dammageFull[]= { "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_ca.paa", "\HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitor_glass_destr_co.paa" }; class Damage { tex[]={}; mat[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body_destruct.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_in.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_glass_in_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_cockpit.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_cockpit.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_cockpit_destruct.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_engines.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_engines_damage.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_engines_destruct.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitors.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitors.rvmat", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_monitors_destruct.rvmat" }; }; }; class AH1W1_2: AH1W_2 { crew="MY_PILOT"; scope=2; side=2; typicalCargo[]= { "MY_PILOT", "MY_PILOT" }; faction="MY_units"; displayName="AH-1 HH [HYDRA]"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body_co.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W2_2: AH1W_2 { crew="MY_PILOT"; scope=2; side=2; typicalCargo[]= { "MY_PILOT", "MY_PILOT" }; faction="MY_units"; displayName="AH-1 HH D [HYDRA]"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body2_co.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body2_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W3_2: AH1W_2 { crew="MY_PILOT"; scope=2; side=2; typicalCargo[]= { "MY_PILOT", "MY_PILOT" }; faction="MY_units"; displayName="AH-1 HH S [HYDRA]"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body3_co.paa", "HueyPack\ah1z\data\ah1z_body3_co.paa" }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2714 Posted May 17, 2019 Don't edit the original mod, make a patch mod instead. 21 hours ago, NCONE said: and i have unbinarize files of models You mean you unbinarized them by yourself or got them from someone else? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NCONE 1 Posted May 17, 2019 ok i will try this again TY. NO the Author of this mod put the files for all in his topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NCONE 1 Posted May 17, 2019 ahh not worked i made this but that problem again all of them have same texture as base classnames ah1w and ah1w_2 of orginal mod Quote class CfgPatches { class tof { units[]= { "AH1W1", "AH1W2", "AH1W3", "AH1W_21", "AH1W_22", "AH1W_23" }; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=1; requiredAddons[]= { }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class ah1w; class ah1w_2; class AH1W1: AH1W { scope=2; crew = "ARMY_PILOT"; typicalCargo[]= { "ARMY_PILOT", "ARMY_PILOT" }; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W"; displayName="1IR AH-1 sS [TOW]"; faction="a_units"; side=2; hiddenselectionstextures[]= { "tof\data\ah1z_body_co.paa", "tof\data\ah1z_Engine_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W2: AH1W { scope=2; crew = "ARMY_PILOT"; typicalCargo[]= { "ARMY_PILOT", "ARMY_PILOT" }; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W"; displayName="1IR AH-1 D [TOW]"; faction="a_units"; side=2; hiddenselectionstextures[]= { "tof\data\ah1z_body2_co.paa", "tof\data\ah1z_Engine2_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W2: AH1W { scope=2; crew = "SEPAH_PILOT"; typicalCargo[]= { "SEPAH_PILOT", "SEPAH_PILOT" }; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W"; displayName="1IR AH-1 s [TOW]"; faction="a_units"; side=2; hiddenselectionstextures[]= { "tof\data\ah1z_body3_co.paa", "tof\data\ah1z_Engine3_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W_21: AH1W_2 { scope=2; crew = "ARMY_PILOT"; typicalCargo[]= { "ARMY_PILOT", "ARMY_PILOT" }; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W_2"; displayName="1IR AH-1 sS [HYDRA]"; faction="a_units"; side=2; hiddenselectionstextures[]= { "tof\data\ah1z_body_co.paa", "tof\data\ah1z_Engine_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W_22: AH1W_2 { scope=2; crew = "ARMY_PILOT"; typicalCargo[]= { "ARMY_PILOT", "ARMY_PILOT" }; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W_2"; displayName="1IR AH-1 D [HYDRA]"; faction="a_units"; side=2; hiddenselectionstextures[]= { "tof\data\ah1z_body2_co.paa", "tof\data\ah1z_Engine2_co.paa" }; }; class AH1W_23: AH1W_2 { scope=2; crew = "SEPAH_PILOT"; typicalCargo[]= { "SEPAH_PILOT", "SEPAH_PILOT" }; model="\HueyPack\ah1z\AH1W_2"; displayName="1IR AH-1 s [HYDRA]"; faction="a_units"; side=2; hiddenselectionstextures[]= { "tof\data\ah1z_body3_co.paa", "tof\data\ah1z_Engine3_co.paa" }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2714 Posted May 17, 2019 10 minutes ago, NCONE said: requiredAddons[]= { }; You need to put the mod that your require, into your requiredAddons. You are modifying things from another mod so you require it to be present. Have you checked whether the mod even supports hidden selections? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NCONE 1 Posted May 17, 2019 38 minutes ago, Dedmen said: You need to put the mod that your require, into your requiredAddons. I apologize if I TAKE your time.🙏 I DID THIS AND SAME PROBLEM AGAIN 43 minutes ago, Dedmen said: Have you checked whether the mod even supports hidden selections? and i checked out the config and in config there is 👇 hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2" }; for base class of AH1Ws. only this. should i check somewhere else for it (hiddenselections) to figure out ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites