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Jet DLC broke my plane

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Hello everyone, I just notice that a plane I made while back broke. I m pretty sure it happened after the Jet DLC. Can someone please tell me what are the major differences.

I will be posting a copy of my config below. Also is there any change to the pd3 itself?

The problem I m ruining into is that the wheels are sinking to the ground, also the plane's front wheel is lifting up kind of like if the plane is unbalanced and once I move the plane, it never stops and keeps on moving on its on, even when I turn the plane off.

 I will try to post some pics. Thank you!



///============================SUPER TUCANO=================================///
	class BRAF_A29_BASE:  Plane_Fighter_03_base_F 
		_generalmacro = "BRAF_A29_BASE";
		scope = 0
		side = 2;
		faction = "BRAF";
		vehicleClass = BRAF_Air;
		simulation = "airplanex";
		crew = "I_pilot_F";
		acceleration = 300;
		accuracy = 0.2;
		aileronsensitivity = 1;
		armor = 60;
		armorstructured = 1;
		attenuationeffecttype = "HeliAttenuation";
		author = "BRAF TEAM";
		driverlefthandanimname = "throttle";
		driverrighthandanimname = "stick_pilot";
		driverRightLegAnimName = "pedalR_2";
		driverLeftLegAnimName = "pedalL_2";
		damageresistance = 0.004;
		destrtype = "DestructWreck";
		displayname = "A-29 Super Tucano";
		driveoncomponent[] = {"wheel_1", "wheel_2", "wheel_3"};
		driveraction = "A29_Pilot";
		elevatorsensitivity = 0.8;
		envelope[] = {0, 0.15, 1.1, 3, 5, 5.83, 6, 5.85, 5.5, 4.8, 3.6, 1.8, 0}; 
		flapsfrictioncoef = 0.32;
		gunaimdown = 0.03;
		headaimdown = 0;
		hiddenselections[] = {"camo1"};
		icon = "\braf_air\BRAF_A29\data\UI\map_a29_supertucano_ca.paa";
		incomingmissiledetectionsystem = 16;
		irscanrangemax = 5000;
		irscanrangemin = 500;
		irscantoeyefactor = 2;
		landingaoa = "rad 10";
		landingspeed = 180;
		laserscanner = 1;
		lockdetectionsystem = 8;
		maxspeed = 690;
		memorypointlrocket = "Rocket_1";
		memorypointrrocket = "Rocket_2";
		minfiretime = 30;
		model = "\braf_air\BRAF_A29\BRAF_A29A.p3d";
		picture = "\braf_air\BRAF_A29\data\UI\picture_a29supertucanoside_ca.paa";
		sounddammage[] = {"", 0.562341, 1};
		soundengineoffext[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn1shut.wss", 1.77828, 1, 500};
		soundengineoffint[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn1shut.wss", 1, 1};
		soundengineonext[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn1strt.wss", 1.77828, 1, 500};
		soundengineonint[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn1strt.wss", 1, 1};
		soundgetin[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\getin", 0.562341, 1};
		soundgetout[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\getout", 0.562341, 1, 40};
		soundincommingmissile[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_3", 0.1, 1.5};
		soundlocked[] = {"\A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\locked_1", 0.1, 1};
		soundGearUp[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_01\gear_up", 0.794328, 1.000000, 150};
		soundGearDown[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_01\gear_down", 0.794328, 1.000000, 150};
		soundFlapsUp[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_01\Flaps_Up", 0.630957, 1.000000, 100};
		soundFlapsDown[] = {"A3\Sounds_F_EPC\CAS_01\Flaps_Down", 0.630957, 1.000000, 100};
		threat[] = {1, 1, 1};
		viewdrivershadowamb = 0.5;
		viewdrivershadowdiff = 0.5;
		selectionRotorStill = "vrtule"; 
		selectionRotorMove = "vrtule blur"; 
		gunbeg[] = {"z_gunL_muzzle", "z_gunR_muzzle"};
		gunend[] = {"z_gunL_chamber", "z_gunR_chamber"};
		memorypointgun[] = {"z_gunL_muzzle", "z_gunR_muzzle"};
		memoryPointCM[] = {"flare_launcher1","flare_launcher2"};
		memoryPointCMDir[] = {"flare_launcher1_dir","flare_launcher2_dir"};
		weapons[] = {"BRAF_master_arm_safe","BRAF_M3", "CMFlareLauncher"};
		magazines[] = {"500Rnd_127x99_mag", "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"}; 

		class AnimationSources: AnimationSources 
			class Formation_markers
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 0.0001;
				initPhase = 1;
			class Lights_source {
				reflector = "Left";
				source = "reflector";
			class CollisionLightRed_source {
				markerlight = "CollisionRed";
				source = "MarkerLight";
			class CollisionLightWhite_source {
				markerlight = "CollisionWhite";
				source = "MarkerLight";
			class CollisionLightgreen_source {
				markerlight = "Collisiongreen";
				source = "MarkerLight";
			class AddScalpel {
				animperiod = "1e-006";
				initphase = 0;
				source = "user";
			class AddAsraam_out {
				animperiod = "1e-006";
				initphase = 0;
				source = "user";
			class AddAsraam_mid {
				animperiod = "1e-006";
				initphase = 0;
				source = "user";
			class AddMk82 {
				animperiod = "1e-006";
				initphase = 0;
				source = "user";
			class AddGbu12 {
				animperiod = "1e-006";
				initphase = 0;
				source = "user";
			class AddZephyr {
				animperiod = "1e-006";
				initphase = 0;
				source = "user";
			class AddDar {
				animperiod = "1e-006";
				initphase = 0;
				source = "user";
			class Muzzle_flash {
				source = "ammorandom";
				weapon = "BRAF_M3";
		class UserActions
				class Formation_markers_on
					displayName = "Formation markers on";
					condition = "this animationPhase ""Formation_markers"" > 0.1 and player in this";
					statement = "this animate [""Formation_markers"",0]";
					position = "pilotcontrol";
					radius = 10;
					onlyforplayer = 1;
					showWindow = 0;
					hideOnUse = 1;
				class Formation_markers_off
					displayName = "Formation markers off";
					condition = "this animationPhase ""Formation_markers"" < 0.1 and player in this";
					statement = "this animate [""Formation_markers"",1]";
					position = "pilotcontrol";
					radius = 10;
					onlyforplayer = 1;
					showWindow = 0;
					hideOnUse = 1;
		class RenderTargets{
            class LeftMirror
                renderTarget = "rendertarget0";
					class CameraView1
						pointPosition           = "PIP0_pos";   /// memory point of PiP origin
						pointDirection          = "PIP0_dir";   /// memory point of PiP direction
						renderQuality           = 2;                    /// what quality should the PiP be
						renderVisionMode        = 0;                    /// zero means standard vision
						fov                             = 0.7;                  /// what is the angle of the PiP field of view
            class RightMirror      
				renderTarget = "rendertarget1";
                   class CameraView1
						pointPosition           = "PIP1_pos";
                        pointDirection          = "PIP1_dir";
                        renderQuality           = 2;
                        renderVisionMode        = 0;
                         fov                             = 0.7;                                 
		class HitPoints
			class HitLGlass {
				armor = 0.5;
				convexcomponent = "sklo predni L";
				explosionshielding = 1;
				material = 51;
				name = "sklo predni L";
				passthrough = 0;
				visual = "sklo predni L";
			class HitHull {
				armor = 1;
				material = 50;
				name = "trup";
				passthrough = 1;
				visual = "trup";
		class Exhausts {
			class Exhaust01 {
				direction = "exhaust1_dir";
				effect = "ExhaustEffectHeli";
				position = "exhaust1";
			class Exhaust02 {
				direction = "exhaust2_dir";
				effect = "ExhaustEffectHeli";
				position = "exhaust2";
		class Turrets {
		class TransportItems {
		class WingVortices {
			class WingTipLeft {
				effectname = "WingVortices";
				position = "body_vapour_L_E";
			class WingTipRight {
				effectname = "WingVortices";
				position = "body_vapour_R_E";
			class BodyLeft {
				effectname = "BodyVortices";
				position = "body_vapour_L_S";
			class BodyRight {
				effectname = "BodyVortices";
				position = "body_vapour_R_S";
		class Sounds {
			class EngineLowOut {
				frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn21", 2.51189, 1, 1200};
				volume = "camPos*2*(rpm factor[0.95, 0])*(rpm factor[0, 0.95])";
			class EngineHighOut {
				frequency = 1;
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn23", 2.51189, 1.2, 1400};
				volume = "camPos*4*(rpm factor[0.5, 1.1])*(rpm factor[1.1, 0.5])";
			class ForsageOut {
				cone[] = {3.14, 3.92, 2, 0.5};
				frequency = 1;
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn22", 1.77828, 0.99, 1700};
				volume = "engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0])";
			class WindNoiseOut {
				frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))";
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\c4wind4", 0.562341, 1, 150};
				volume = "camPos*(speed factor[1, 150])";
			class EngineLowIn {
				frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn21", 1, 1};
				volume = "(1-camPos)*((rpm factor[0.7, 0.1])*(rpm factor[0.1, 0.7]))";
			class EngineHighIn {
				frequency = 1;
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn23", 1, 1.2};
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(rpm factor[0.85, 1.0])";
			class ForsageIn {
				frequency = 1;
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\xcarfltn22", 1, 1};
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(engineOn*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0]))";
			class WindNoiseIn {
				frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))";
				sound[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\Sounds\c4wind4", 0.501187, 1};
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(speed factor[1, 150])";
		class MarkerLights {
			class PositionRed {
				activelight = 0;
				brightness = 0.01;
				ambient[] = {0.08, 0, 0};
				blinking = 0;
				color[] = {0.8, 0, 0};
				daylight = 1;
				drawlight = 1;
				drawlightcentersize = 0.04;
				drawlightsize = 0.15;
				intensity = 75;
				name = "cerveny pozicni";
				useflare = 0;
			class PositionGreen: PositionRed {
				ambient[] = {0, 0.08, 0};
				color[] = {0, 0.8, 0};
				name = "zeleny pozicni";
			class PositionWhite: PositionRed {
				ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
				color[] = {1, 1, 1};
				drawlightsize = 0.2;
				name = "bily pozicni";
			class CollisionRed: PositionRed {
				ambient[] = {0.09, 0.015, 0.01};
				blinking = 1;
				blinkingpattern[] = {0.2, 1.3};
				blinkingpatternguarantee = 0;
				color[] = {0.9, 0.15, 0.1};
				drawlightcentersize = 0.08;
				drawlightsize = 0.25;
				name = "cerveny pozicni blik";
			class CollisionWhite: PositionRed {
				ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
				blinking = 1;
				blinkingpattern[] = {0.1, 0.9};
				blinkingpatternguarantee = 0;
				color[] = {1, 1, 1};
				drawlightcentersize = 0.04;
				drawlightsize = 0.2;
				name ="bily pozicni blik";
		class Reflectors {
			class Light_Left {
				color[] = {7000, 7500, 10000, 1}; 	
				ambient[] = {100, 100, 100};
				position = "Light_L";				
				direction = "Light_L_end";			
				hitpoint = "Light_L";				
				selection = "Light_L";				
				innerAngle = 20;					
				outerAngle = 180;					
				coneFadeCoef = 10;			
				intensity = 50;						
				useFlare = true;					
				dayLight = false;					
				FlareSize = 1;						
				size = 1;							
				class Attenuation					
					start = 1;						
					constant = 0;					
					linear = 0;						
					quadratic = 4;					
					hardLimitStart = 150;			
					hardLimitEnd = 300;					
			class Light_right: Light_left{
				direction = "Light_R_end";
				hitpoint = "Light_R";
				position = "Light_R";
				selection = "Light_R";
			class Light_wing_left: Light_left {
				direction = "Light_wing_L_end";
				hitpoint = "Light_wing_L";
				position = "Light_wing_L";
				selection = "Light_wing_L";
			class Light_wing_right: Light_left {
				direction = "Light_wing_R_end";
				hitpoint = "Light_wing_R";
				position = "Light_wing_R";
				selection = "Light_wing_R";
		class Damage {
			mat[] = {"braf_air\BRAF_A29\Data\a29_body.rvmat",

			tex[] = {};
		class MFD {
			class AirplaneHUD {
				borderbottom = 0;
				borderleft = 0;
				borderright = 0;
				bordertop = 0;
				bottomleft = "HUD LD";
				color[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.1};
				enableparallax = 0;
				topleft = "HUD LH";
				topright = "HUD PH";
				class Pos10Vector {
					pos0[] = {0.50, 0.305};
					pos10[] = {1.31, 1.185};
					type = "vector";
				class Bones {
					class PlaneW {
						pos[] = {0.50, 0.375};
						type = "fixed";
					class SpeedNumber {
						pos[] = {0.17, 0.375};
						type = "fixed";
					class AltNumber {
						pos[] = {0.089, 0.375};
						type = "fixed";
					class AltRNumber {
						pos[] = {0.94, 0.675};
						type = "fixed";
					class RText {
						pos[] = {0.72, 0.675};
						type = "fixed";
					class DGFTText {
						pos[] = {0.15, 0.75};
						type = "fixed";
					class HeadingNumber {
						pos[] = {-0.29, 0.00};
						type = "fixed";
					//class GNumber {
						//pos[] = {0.1, 0.00};
						//type = "fixed";
					class Target: Pos10Vector {
						source = "target";
					class Velocity: Pos10Vector {
						pos0[] = {0.5, 0.305};
						pos10[] = {1.3, 1.185};
						source = "velocity";
						type = "vector";
					class ILS_H {
						pos0[] = {0.5, 0.305};
						pos3[] = {0.74, 0.305};
						type = "ils";
					class ILS_W: ILS_H {
						pos3[] = {0.5, 0.569};
					class Level0: Pos10Vector {
						angle = 0;
						pos0[] = {0.5, 0.375};
						pos10[] = {1.3, 1.255};
						type = "horizon";
					class LevelP5: Level0 {
						angle = 5;
					class LevelM5: Level0 {
						angle = -5;
					class LevelP10: Level0 {
						angle = 10;
					class LevelM10: Level0 {
						angle = -10;
					class LevelP15: Level0 {
						angle = 15;
					class LevelM15: Level0 {
						angle = -15;
					class LevelP20: Level0 {
						angle = 20;
					class LevelM20: Level0 {
						angle = -20;
					class LevelP25: Level0 {
						angle = 25;
					class LevelM25: Level0 {
						angle = -25;
					class LevelP30: Level0 {
						angle = 30;
					class LevelM30: Level0 {
						angle = -30;
					class LevelP35: Level0 {
						angle = 35;
					class LevelM35: Level0 {
						angle = -35;
					class LevelP40: Level0 {
						angle = 40;
					class LevelM40: Level0 {
						angle = -40;
					class LevelP45: Level0 {
						angle = 45;
					class LevelM45: Level0 {
						angle = -45;
					class LevelP50: Level0 {
						angle = 50;
					class LevelM50: Level0 {
						angle = -50;
				class Draw {
					alpha = 0.4;
					color[] = {0, 0.3, 0.05};
					condition = "on";
					class PlaneW {
						clipbr[] = {1, 0};
						cliptl[] = {0, 1};
						points[] = {{"PlaneW", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0, 0.05}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0, 0.015}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {-0.015, 0}, 1}, {}, {"PlaneW", {0, -0.05}, 1}, {"PlaneW", {0, -0.015}, 1}};
						type = "line";
					class PlaneHeading {
						clipbr[] = {1, 0};
						cliptl[] = {0, 1};
						points[] = {{"Velocity", {0, -0.022}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.014, -0.0154}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.02, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.014, 0.0154}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, 0.022}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.014, 0.0154}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.02, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.014, -0.0154}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.022}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {0.04, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0.02, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {-0.04, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {-0.02, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.044}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, -0.022}, 1}, {}};
						type = "line";
					class Horizont {
						clipbr[] = {1, 1};
						cliptl[] = {0, 0};
						class Dimmed {
							class Level0 {
								points[] = {{"Level0", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"Level0", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Level0", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"Level0", {0.2, 0}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_0 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"Level0", {-0.23, 0.025}, 1};
								pos[] = {"Level0", {-0.23, -0.025}, 1};
								right[] = {"Level0", {-0.13, -0.025}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 0;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_0: VALM_1_0 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"Level0", {0.22, 0.025}, 1};
								pos[] = {"Level0", {0.22, -0.025}, 1};
								right[] = {"Level0", {0.32, -0.025}, 1};
							class LevelM5: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM5", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM5", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM5", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM5", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM5", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_5 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM5", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM5", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM5", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -5;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_5: VALM_1_5 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM5", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM5", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM5", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP5: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP5", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP5", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP5", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_5 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP5", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP5", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP5", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 5;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_5: VALP_1_5 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP5", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP5", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP5", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM10: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM10", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM10", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM10", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM10", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM10", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_10 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM10", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM10", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM10", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -10;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_10: VALM_1_10 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM10", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM10", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM10", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP10: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP10", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP10", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP10", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_10 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP10", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP10", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP10", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 10;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_10: VALP_1_10 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP10", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP10", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP10", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM15: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM15", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM15", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM15", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM15", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM15", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_15 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM15", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM15", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM15", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -15;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_15: VALM_1_15 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM15", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM15", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM15", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP15: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP15", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP15", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP15", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_15 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP15", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP15", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP15", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 15;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_15: VALP_1_15 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP15", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP15", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP15", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM20: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM20", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM20", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM20", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM20", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM20", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_20 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM20", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM20", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM20", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -20;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_20: VALM_1_20 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM20", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM20", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM20", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP20: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP20", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP20", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP20", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_20 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP20", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP20", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP20", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 20;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_20: VALP_1_20 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP20", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP20", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP20", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM25: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM25", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM25", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM25", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM25", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM25", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_25 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM25", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM25", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM25", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -25;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_25: VALM_1_25 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM25", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM25", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM25", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP25: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP25", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP25", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP25", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_25 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP25", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP25", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP25", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 25;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_25: VALP_1_25 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP25", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP25", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP25", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM30: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM30", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM30", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM30", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM30", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM30", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_30 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM30", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM30", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM30", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -30;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_30: VALM_1_30 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM30", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM30", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM30", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP30: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP30", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP30", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP30", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_30 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP30", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP30", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP30", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 30;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_30: VALP_1_30 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP30", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP30", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP30", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM35: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM35", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM35", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM35", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM35", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM35", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_35 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM35", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM35", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM35", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -35;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_35: VALM_1_35 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM35", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM35", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM35", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP35: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP35", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP35", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP35", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_35 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP35", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP35", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP35", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 35;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_35: VALP_1_35 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP35", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP35", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP35", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM40: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM40", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM40", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM40", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM40", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM40", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_40 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM40", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM40", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM40", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -40;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_40: VALM_1_40 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM40", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM40", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM40", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP40: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP40", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP40", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP40", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_40 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP40", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP40", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP40", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 40;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_40: VALP_1_40 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP40", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP40", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP40", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM45: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM45", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM45", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM45", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM45", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM45", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_45 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM45", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM45", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM45", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -45;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_45: VALM_1_45 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM45", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM45", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM45", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP45: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP45", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP45", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP45", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_45 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP45", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP45", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP45", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 45;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_45: VALP_1_45 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP45", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP45", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP45", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
							class LevelM50: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelM50", {-0.2, -0.03}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {-0.15, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM50", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM50", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelM50", {0.15, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelM50", {0.2, -0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALM_1_50 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelM50", {-0.23, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM50", {-0.23, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM50", {-0.13, -0.085}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = -50;
								type = "text";
							class VALM_2_50: VALM_1_50 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelM50", {0.22, -0.035}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelM50", {0.22, -0.085}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelM50", {0.32, -0.085}, 1};
							class LevelP50: Level0 {
								points[] = {{"LevelP50", {-0.2, 0.03}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {-0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {-0.05, 0}, 1}, {}, {"LevelP50", {0.05, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {0.2, 0}, 1}, {"LevelP50", {0.2, 0.03}, 1}};
								type = "line";
							class VALP_1_50 {
								align = "left";
								down[] = {"LevelP50", {-0.23, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP50", {-0.23, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP50", {-0.13, 0.035}, 1};
								scale = 1;
								source = "static";
								sourcescale = 1;
								text = 50;
								type = "text";
							class VALP_2_50: VALP_1_50 {
								align = "right";
								down[] = {"LevelP50", {0.22, 0.085}, 1};
								pos[] = {"LevelP50", {0.22, 0.035}, 1};
								right[] = {"LevelP50", {0.32, 0.035}, 1};
					class RadarTargets {
						points[] = {{{-0.05, -0.055}, 1}, {{0.05, -0.055}, 1}, {{0.05, 0.055}, 1}, {{-0.05, 0.055}, 1}, {{-0.05, -0.055}, 1}};
						pos0[] = {0.51, 0.305};
						pos10[] = {1.31, 1.185};
						type = "radar";
					class Static
						type = "line";
						width = 4.0;
						points[] = 
							{ {0.235, 0.446}, 1},
							{ {0.235, 0.494}, 1},
							{ {0.1, 0.494}, 1},
							{ {0.1, 0.446}, 1},
							{ {0.235, 0.446}, 1},
							{ {0.44, 0.070}, 1},
							{ {0.44, 0.118}, 1},
							{ {0.58, 0.118}, 1},
							{ {0.58, 0.070}, 1},
							{ {0.44, 0.070}, 1},
							{ {0.77, 0.446}, 1},
							{ {0.77, 0.494}, 1},
							{ {0.95, 0.494}, 1},
							{ {0.95, 0.446}, 1},
							{ {0.77, 0.446}, 1},
							{ {0.74, 0.642}, 1},
							{ {0.74, 0.690}, 1},
							{ {0.92, 0.690}, 1},
							{ {0.92, 0.642}, 1},
							{ {0.74, 0.642}, 1}

					class SpeedNumber {
						align = left;
						down[] = {"SpeedNumber", {0.06, 0.12}, 1};
						pos[] = {"SpeedNumber", {0.06, 0.07}, 1};
						right[] = {"SpeedNumber", {0.14, 0.07}, 1};
						scale = 1;
						source = "speed";
						sourcescale = 1.94384449;
						type = "text";
					class AltNumber: SpeedNumber {
						align = left;
						down[] = {"AltNumber", {0.86, 0.12}, 1};
						pos[] = {"AltNumber", {0.86, 0.07}, 1};
						right[] = {"AltNumber", {0.94, 0.07}, 1};
						source = "altitudeASL";
						sourcescale = 3.2808399;
					class AltRNumber: SpeedNumber {
						align = left;
						down[] = {"AltRNumber", {-0.025, 0.01}, 1};	
						pos[] = {"AltRNumber", {-0.025, -0.04}, 1};
						right[] = {"AltRNumber", {0.055, -0.04}, 1};
						source = "altitudeAGL";
						sourcescale = 3.2808399;
					class RText
						type = "text";
						source = "static";
						text = R;
						align = "right";
						scale = 1;
						sourceScale = 1;
						down[] = {"Rtext", {-0.025, 0.01}, 1};
						pos[] = {"Rtext", {-0.025, -0.04}, 1};
						right[] = {"Rtext", {0.055, -0.04}, 1};
					class DGFTText
						condition = "Mgun";
						class Circle
							type = "text";
							source = "static";
							text = DGFT;
							align = "right";
							scale = 0.5;
							sourceScale = 1;
							down[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, 0.00}, 1};
							pos[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, -0.04}, 1};  
							right[] = {"DGFTtext", {0.035, -0.04}, 1};
					class DGFTText2
						condition = "AAmissile";
						class Circle
							type = "text";
							source = "static";
							text = DGFT;
							align = "right";
							scale = 0.5;
							sourceScale = 1;
							down[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, 0.00}, 1};
							pos[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, -0.04}, 1};  
							right[] = {"DGFTtext", {0.035, -0.04}, 1};
					class GRNDText
						condition = "Bomb";
						class Circle
							type = "text";
							source = "static";
							text = GRND;
							align = "right";
							scale = 0.5;
							sourceScale = 1;
							down[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, 0.00}, 1};
							pos[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, -0.04}, 1};  
							right[] = {"DGFTtext", {0.035, -0.04}, 1};
					class GRNDText2
						condition = "Rocket";
						class Circle
							type = "text";
							source = "static";
							text = GRND;
							align = "right";
							scale = 0.5;
							sourceScale = 1;
							down[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, 0.00}, 1};
							pos[] = {"DGFTtext", {-0.025, -0.04}, 1};  
							right[] = {"DGFTtext", {0.035, -0.04}, 1};
					class HeadingNumber: SpeedNumber {
						align = left;
						down[] = {"HeadingNumber", {0.86, 0.12}, 1};
						pos[] = {"HeadingNumber", {0.86, 0.07}, 1};
						right[] = {"HeadingNumber", {0.94, 0.07}, 1};
						source = "Heading";
						sourcescale = 1;
					//class GNumber: SpeedNumber {
						//align = left;
						//down[] = {"Gnumber", {0.86, 0.12}, 1};
						//pos[] = {"GNumber", {0.86, 0.07}, 1};
						//right[] = {"GNumber", {0.94, 0.07}, 1};
						//source = "aoa";
						//sourcescale = 1;
					class Gear {
						condition = "ils";
						class text {
							align = "right";
							down[] = {{0.84, 0.92}, 1};
							pos[] = {{0.84, 0.88}, 1};
							right[] = {{0.9, 0.88}, 1};
							scale = 0.5;
							source = "static";
							sourcescale = 1;
							text = "GEAR";
							type = "text";
					class Flaps {
						condition = "flaps";
						class text {
							align = "right";
							down[] = {{0.84, 0.97}, 1};
							pos[] = {{0.84, 0.93}, 1};
							right[] = {{0.9, 0.93}, 1};
							scale = 0.5;
							source = "static";
							sourcescale = 1;
							text = "FLAPS";
							type = "text";
					class weapons {
						align = "right";
						down[] = {{0.1, 0.92}, 1};
						pos[] = {{0.1, 0.88}, 1};
						right[] = {{0.16, 0.88}, 1};
						scale = 0.5;
						source = "weapon";
						sourcescale = 1;
						type = "text";
					class ammo {
						align = "right";
						down[] = {{0.1, 0.97}, 1};
						pos[] = {{0.1, 0.93}, 1};
						right[] = {{0.16, 0.93}, 1};
						scale = 0.5;
						source = "ammo";
						sourcescale = 1;
						type = "text";
					class VspeedNumber {
						align = "right";
						down[] = {{0.15, 0.65}, 1};
						pos[] = {{0.15, 0.60}, 1};
						right[] = {{0.23, 0.60}, 1};
						scale = 1;
						source = "vspeed";
						sourcescale = 1;
						type = "text";
					class ILS {
						condition = "ils";
						class Glideslope {
							clipbr[] = {1, 1};
							cliptl[] = {0, 0};
							class ILS {
								points[] = {{"ILS_W", {-0.24, 0}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0.24, 0}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {0, 0.0264}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0, -0.0264}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {0.12, 0.0264}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0.12, -0.0264}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {0.24, 0.0264}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {0.24, -0.0264}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {-0.12, 0.0264}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {-0.12, -0.0264}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_W", {-0.24, 0.0264}, 1}, {"ILS_W", {-0.24, -0.0264}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0, -0.264}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {0, 0.264}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024, 0}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024, 0}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024, 0.132}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024, 0.132}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024, 0.264}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024, 0.264}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024, -0.132}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024, -0.132}, 1}, {}, {"ILS_H", {0.024, -0.264}, 1}, {"ILS_H", {-0.024, -0.264}, 1}};
								type = "line";
				class airplaneHUD2
						borderbottom = 0;
						borderleft = 0;
						borderright = 0;
						bordertop = 0;
						bottomleft = "HUD LD";
						color[] = {0, 1, 0, 0.1};
						enableparallax = 1;
						topleft = "HUD LH";
						topright = "HUD PH";			
						class bones
							class WeaponAim {
								pos0[] = {0.50, 0.305};
								pos10[] = {1.31, 1.185};
								type = "vector";
								source = "weapon";
						class Draw
							class MGun {
								condition = "Mgun";
								class Circle {
									points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0.01, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.01, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.011}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.011}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.049, -0.0539}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.07, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.049, 0.0539}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.049, 0.0539}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.07, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.049, -0.0539}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.077}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.154}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.07, -0.13398}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1218, -0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.14, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1218, 0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.07, 0.13398}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.154}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.07, 0.13398}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1218, 0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.14, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1218, -0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.07, -0.13398}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.154}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.154}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.176}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.07, -0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.08, -0.15242}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.121244, -0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.138564, -0.088}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.14, "6.73155e-009"}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.16, "7.6932e-009"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.121244, 0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.138564, 0.088}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.07, 0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.08, 0.15242}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {"1.22392e-008", 0.154}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {"1.39876e-008", 0.176}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.07, 0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.08, 0.15242}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.121244, 0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.138564, 0.088}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.14, "-1.83643e-009"}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.16, "-2.09878e-009"}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.121244, -0.077}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.138564, -0.088}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0.07, -0.133368}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.08, -0.15242}, 1}, {}};
									type = "line";
							class Bomb {
								condition = "bomb";
								class Circle {
									points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.11}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.05, -0.0957}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.087, -0.055}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.087, 0.055}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.05, 0.0957}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.11}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.05, 0.0957}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.087, 0.055}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.087, -0.055}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.05, -0.0957}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.11}, 1}, {}, {"Velocity", 0.001, "WeaponAim", {0, 0}, 1}, {"Velocity", {0, 0}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.077}, 1}, {"Target", {0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.077}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.077}, 1}};
									type = "line";
							class AAMissile {
								condition = "AAmissile";
								class Circle {
									points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.275}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.125, -0.23925}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.2175, -0.1375}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.25, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.2175, 0.1375}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.125, 0.23925}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.275}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.125, 0.23925}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.2175, 0.1375}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.25, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.2175, -0.1375}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.125, -0.23925}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.275}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.077}, 1}, {"Target", {0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.077}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.077}, 1}};
									type = "line";
							class ATMissile {
								condition = "ATmissile";
								class Circle {
									points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0, -0.198}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.09, -0.17226}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1566, -0.099}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.18, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1566, 0.099}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.09, 0.17226}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.198}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.09, 0.17226}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1566, 0.099}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.18, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1566, -0.099}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.09, -0.17226}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.198}, 1}, {}, {"Target", {0, -0.077}, 1}, {"Target", {0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, 0.077}, 1}, {"Target", {-0.07, 0}, 1}, {"Target", {0, -0.077}, 1}};
									type = "line";
							class Rockets {
								condition = "Rocket";
								class Circle {
									points[] = {{"WeaponAim", {0.01, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.01, 0}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.011}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.011}, 1}, {}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.132}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.06, -0.11484}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1044, -0.066}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.12, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.1044, 0.066}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0.06, 0.11484}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, 0.132}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.06, 0.11484}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1044, 0.066}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.12, 0}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.1044, -0.066}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {-0.06, -0.11484}, 1}, {"WeaponAim", {0, -0.132}, 1}, {}};
									type = "line";
		class Library {
			libtextdesc = "The Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano, AKA A-29, is a Brazilian turboprop light attack aircraft designed and built by Embraer. The A-29 carries a wide variety of weapons, including precision-guided munitions, and was designed to be a low-cost system operated in low-threat environments.";


	class BRAF_A29A: BRAF_A29_BASE {
		_generalmacro= "BRAF_A29A";
		model = "\braf_air\BRAF_A29\BRAF_A29A.p3d";
		cost = "3e+006";
		crew = "I_pilot_F";
		displayname = "A-29A";
		faction = "BRAF";
		vehicleClass = BRAF_Air;
		magazines[] = {"500Rnd_127x99_mag", "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine","38Rnd_missiles","2Rnd_AAA_missiles","2Rnd_FFAR_Launcher", "1Rnd_GBU12_LGB"}; 
		scope = 2;
		side = 2;
		typicalcargo[] = {"I_pilot_F"};
		weapons[] = {"BRAF_master_arm_safe","BRAF_M3", "CMFlareLauncher","missiles_ASRAAM", "BRAF_EQ_LMF", "BRAF_GBU12BombLauncher"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] =


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