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AI Spawn floating when using buildingPos or BIS_fnc_buildingPositions

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Hi All,


Having issues when spawning AI via a function. When I attempt to spawn an enemy using the below set of code:

_buildings = nearestObjects [(getMarkerPos _marker), ["house"], 400];
_building = selectRandom _buildings;
_buildingPositions = [_building] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;

_group = createGroup [EAST, true];
_unit = _group createUnit[(selectRandom EnemyUnits), (selectRandom _buildingPositions), [], 0, "NONE"];

Enemies will sometimes spawn floating inside the building, on windows, on crates or outside the building.


Is there a more specific function like unit building position that will stop AI spawning on these less than ideal positions?


I imagine this is because of the z field in the buildingPos but would like to see if anyone else has experienced this issue and how they've overcome it?

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Change "NONE" to "CAN_COLLIDE"; will make the code execute 100x faster (Not an exaggeration) and it should help stop them floating. If you want them to stay in that position and not try to chase people out or go prone, also have the unit execute these:
_unit disableAI"PATH";_unit setUnitPos "Up";

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It's also a good idea to use setPosATL on the unit after creating it, to make sure unit is in right position



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