RaVeN103 77 Posted April 23, 2019 hey guys, i have some problems with my model. I took the car sample as a reference and wanted to animate the destroyed tires. in buldozer everything looks fine, the tires are destroyed to 0.99, the tire disappears, proxy (destroyed wheel) appears, but as soon as I destroy it at arma 3 (ingame), the wheel stays visible and does not disappear like in the buldozer. In addition, this error comes in the RPT and I do not really understand, because I assume that this comes from the model.cfg Spoiler 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_1_damage - unknown animation source hitlfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_2_damage - unknown animation source hitlbwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_1_damage - unknown animation source hitrfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_2_damage - unknown animation source hitrbwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_1_damper_damage_backanim - unknown animation source hitlfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_2_damper_damage_backanim - unknown animation source hitlbwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_1_damper_damage_backanim - unknown animation source hitrfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_2_damper_damage_backanim - unknown animation source hitrbwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_1_destruct - unknown animation source hitlfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_2_destruct - unknown animation source hitlbwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_1_destruct - unknown animation source hitrfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_2_destruct - unknown animation source hitrbwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide - unknown animation source hitlfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_1_2_destruct_unhide - unknown animation source hitlbwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_1_destruct_unhide - unknown animation source hitrfwheel 22:40:10 RwG_Jeep_Willy_CCE: wheel_2_2_destruct_unhide - unknown animation source hitrbwheel custom lod - proxy (destroyed wheel) and wheel_1_1_unhide have the same mesh geoemtry - wheel-model as wheel_1_1_damper hitpoints - some point as wheel_1_1_steering view geometry - wheel-model as wheel_1_1_hide fire geometry - wheel-model as wheel_1_1_hide (+penetration) memory - Basic_Damper_Destruct_Axis 2 verts on z-axis, posun wheel_1_1 on z-axis, wheel_1_1_axis 2 verts. for wheel-rotation, wheel_1_1_bound one verts at the lowest point of the wheel, wheel_1_1_hide one verts at the lowest point of the wheel, wheel_1_1_steering_axis 2 vertson z-axis for steering land contact - one verts as wheel_1_1_damper_land model.cfg skeletonBones[]= { "wheel_1_1_damper_land","", "wheel_1_1_damper","wheel_1_1_damper_land", "wheel_1_1_steering","wheel_1_1_damper", "wheel_1_1","wheel_1_1_steering", "wheel_1_1_unhide","wheel_1_1", "wheel_1_1_hide","wheel_1_1", [...] class damagehide { type="hide"; source="damage"; selection="damagehide"; sourceAddress="clamp"; minPhase=0; maxPhase=1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; memory=0; hideValue=1; unHideValue=-1; }; class wheel_1_1_destruct { type="hide"; selection="wheel_1_1_hide"; source="HitLFWheel"; minValue = 0; // upravit na 0.99 maxValue = 1; // upravit na 1.0 hidevalue = 0.99999; }; class wheel_1_1_destruct_unhide { type="hide"; selection="wheel_1_1_unhide"; source="HitLFWheel"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; hidevalue = 0; UnHidevalue = 1; }; #define DamageOffset 0.2 class wheel_1_1_Damage:wheel_1_1_destruct { type="translation"; axis="Basic_Damper_Destruct_Axis"; memory=1; selection="wheel_1_1_damper"; source="HitLFWheel"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; offset0 = 0; offset1 = DamageOffset; }; class wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim:wheel_1_1_Damage {selection="wheel_1_1_damper";offset1 = -1.2*DamageOffset;}; [...] config.cpp class HitPoints: HitPoints { class HitBody: HitBody { armor = 1; explosionShielding = 1.5; material = -1; name = "karoserie"; passThrough = 1; visual = "camo"; }; class HitEngine: HitEngine { name = "motor"; armor = 4; radius = 0.25; }; class HitFuel: HitFuel { name = "palivo"; armor = 2; radius = 0.5; }; class HitGlass1: HitGlass1 { armor = 0.25; }; class HitGlass2: HitGlass2 { armor = 0.25; }; class HitLFWheel: HitLFWheel { armor = 0.3; passThrough = 0; }; class HitLF2Wheel: HitLF2Wheel { armor = 0.3; passThrough = 0; }; class HitRFWheel: HitRFWheel { armor = 0.3; passThrough = 0; }; class HitRF2Wheel: HitRF2Wheel { armor = 0.3; passThrough = 0; }; }; Of course, all of this scetion refers to a single wheel, except for Basic_Damper_Destruct_Axis. I hope someone can help, I guess I'm just too blind...^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites