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Access RscNListBox.ScrollBar as RscSlider?

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Can the ScrollBar on an RscNListBox be accessed as a control such that I can use commands like sliderPosition?  Alternately, is there any way to find out where the list box's slider is positioned, or even which set of list box items are visible?  I want to be able to figure out which list item is under the mouse cursor.  Straight math can tell me which row of the control the mouse is over, but not which row of the items.

I've tried hunting down the ScrollBar without luck.  allControls on my display doesn't turn anything up.  I'm assuming that ScrollBar on RscNListBox is just a notation and is unrelated to controls.  Throwing slider commands at the RscNListBox didn't appear to work either.

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Bump, I also need to to access ListBox' slider position (and set it, too!)


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