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Helicopter Rotor script interaction

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  Hi Guys,

does anyone know how to make a helicopter's rotor turning with full speed right after engine turned on? I cannot find any command related that but I feel there should be one as Arma engine automatically doing it for spawned vehicles in the air

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17 minutes ago, Devastator_cm said:

  Hi Guys,

does anyone know how to make a helicopter's rotor turning with full speed right after engine turned on? I cannot find any command related that but I feel there should be one as Arma engine automatically doing it for spawned vehicles in the air

Just spawn it mid-air with "FLY" parameter then setPosATL on the ground, should do the trick.



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My goal is not spawning a heli. I have one on the floor with engines off and I want it to start engine and have rotor turning full speed in under a second

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1 hour ago, Devastator_cm said:

My goal is not spawning a heli. I have one on the floor with engines off and I want it to start engine and have rotor turning full speed in under a second

No way other than faking it with a spawned chopper, since all relevant rotorLIB script commands are getters only, at least last time I tried, this is the snippet I used to make a chopper spool up for 5s then take off:


_test = [] spawn {

	_chopper = chopper;
	_chopper engineOn true;
	sleep 5;
	_chopperType = typeOf _chopper;
	_pos = getPosATL _chopper;
	_dir = getDir _chopper;
	_newChopper = createVehicle [_chopperType, [0,0,500], [], 0, "FLY"];
	_chopper setposatl [0,0,5000];//remove chopper to prevent explosions before setposing the other to its position
	{_chopper deleteVehicleCrew _x} forEach crew _chopper;
	deleteVehicle _chopper;
	_newChopper allowDamage false;
	_newChopper setDir _dir;
	_newChopper setPosATL _pos;
	createVehicleCrew _newChopper;
	driver _newChopper move [0,0,0];
	_newChopper allowDamage true;


With 5 seconds it already looks wonky, no way having it take off within a second will look believable (unless it's needed for out of sight take-off, shouldn't matter then).

Other than that no way to reduce a choppers spool up time.




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