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How can you FORCE off the lights of AI vehicles and static ships??

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I'm making a dawn mission, and every aircraft, heli, and static ship has all their lights on. It kind of ruins the immersion, since in real life it would be safe to assume that enemies would want to turn OFF their position lights...


Any ideas on what script I can run to turn off all lights permanently? For both AI-controlled units, and static objects like the USS Liberty and Trawler.



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5 hours ago, CaptainDawson said:



I'm making a dawn mission, and every aircraft, heli, and static ship has all their lights on. It kind of ruins the immersion, since in real life it would be safe to assume that enemies would want to turn OFF their position lights...


Any ideas on what script I can run to turn off all lights permanently? For both AI-controlled units, and static objects like the USS Liberty and Trawler.




For AI controlled units putting them into "stealth" or "combat" mode should work. For static objects however I have no idea.

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Description: Turns off the headlights of an empty vehicle. If the vehicle is AI-controlled (either as the lone driver, or as the commander/gunner) then the light status depends on the AI's behaviour mode ("combat" or "stealth" = lights off, any other mode = lights on).
Syntax: unit action ["lightOff", targetVehicle]
Where unit is any unit (no action animation is performed) and targetVehicle is a vehicle with lights.
Example: player action ["lightOff", vehicle player];


Description: Turns on the headlights of an empty vehicle. If vehicle is AI-controlled, see notes under the LightOff action.
Syntax: unit action ["lightOn", targetVehicle]
Where unit is any unit (no action animation is performed) and targetVehicle is a vehicle with lights.
Example: player action ["lightOn", spotLight];

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Thanks guys, that's helpful!


I noticed in the Jets DLC Showcase, the lights of the carrier and destroyers are off because it is daytime. Is there some way to trick them into going into "day mode" even when it is night?

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