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Mission load path

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I'm using TADST to setup dedicated test server on my machine. But I would like to be able to pick missions to be played from the user profile folder where all eden created mission are, is this somehow possible? For now I have just copied eden missions to MPMissions folder in the game dir.



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If this is a dedicated server then........

server runs missions from "***arma3 root***/mpmissions folder

They have to be either

1) Manually selected by a logged in admin

2) Automatically loaded in a cycle using the "    class Missions {  };    " listing in your ******.cfg file found in your arma3 root folder


You can run a mission from here that has not been pbo'd ie still in an unpacked folder which you can copy over from your user folder


No Idea if TADST does this differently as i have never used it

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@terox Thanks but I already knew all that. I wish it would be possible to load mission from the user profile folder. I don't even know why there is missions and mpmissions folders in there.

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you could create a symbolic link to your user folder, only downside to that is server will only load missions from there.

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That's great trick @terox and works perfectly!

(I thought only linux could do that!)


Now I have dedicated server load missions from my user profile MPmissions folder 🙂 



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