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Hi everyone!!


I recently created a mission and then exported it in single player.

It appears in scenarios but the preview image and text are not shown.


I edited the description.ext file with the following commands:


overviewText = "mission description";

overviewPicture = "picture.jpg";


Some time ago these commands worked but now not anymore.

How do I solve the problem?


Thanks in advance



onLoadName / Mission / Screen commands continue to work well.

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On 1/27/2019 at 10:45 PM, Live Killers said:

Hi everyone!!


Hello there Live Killers and welcome also to Bis Forums !


This is a full example from a mission of mine :



//________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE FLOROS ___________ 05.08.18 _____________


// Not yet Published

Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

respawn = 3;                  // 0 = none. 1 = bird. 2 = instant where died. 3 = base or respawn_INDEPENDENT marker. 4 = respawn with team, or bird. 5 = into AI or bird.
respawndelay = 20;            // Delay prior to respawn
respawnVehicleDelay = 0;      // Delay prior to respawn
respawnDialog = 0;            // default = 1. show respawn timer and scoreboard when killed.
respawnOnStart = -1;
enableDebugConsole = 1;          // 0 = disabled. 1 = admins, 2 = everybody. 0 is recommended in MP.
allowFunctionsLog = 1;          // log to the RPT file 0:disable 1:enable
disabledAI=1;                  // No AI in playable units
aiKills = 0;                  // disable scorelist for AI players
forceRotorLibSimulation = 0;  // Default value: 0 - options based; 1 - force enable; 2 - force disable
enableItemsDropping = 1;      // Disable dropping items while swimming. Introduced in BETA 1.60.93965.  0 = Disable
onCheat = "hint str _this";      // Entering this cheat will execute statement defined by onCheat property in description.ext.


corpseManagerMode = 1;          // Type of removed bodies: 0 - none, 1 - all, 2 - only respawnable, 3 - only non-respawnable
corpseLimit = 60;              // Max number of bodies which can be available at the same time. When exceeded, start deleting immediately
corpseRemovalMinTime = 900;      // Minimal time in seconds a body stays in the scene (can't be removed sooner)
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 1500;  // Maximal time in seconds after which a dead body is removed (can't stay longer)

wreckManagerMode = 1;          // Type of removed wrecks: 0 - none, 1 - all, 2 - only respawnable, 3 - only non-respawnable
wreckLimit = 40;              // Max number of wrecks which can be available at the same time. When exceeded, start deleting immediately.
wreckRemovalMinTime = 900;      // Minimal time in seconds a wreck stays in the scene (can't be removed sooner).
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 1500;   // Maximal time in seconds after which a wreck is removed (can't stay longer)


author = "    G E O R G E    F L O R O S    [ G R ]";
OnLoadName = "S A L V A T I O N  2";    
onLoadMission = "<t color='#FF0000'>V e r s i o n    1 . 0<br /><t color='#FCEF06'>The Road to Nowhere<br />More info:   Armaholic  and  Bohemia  Interactive  Forums";

loadScreen =  "images\salvationblood.paa";
overviewPicture = "images\salvationblood.paa";



class Header
 gameType = COOP;
 minPlayers = 1;
 maxPlayers = 40;

//________________    BIS Revive , this is to check the INCAPACITATED state    ________________

ReviveMode = 1;                         //0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: controlled by player attributes
ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0;         //0: basic, 1: advanced, 2: realistic
ReviveRequiredTrait = 0;                //0: none, 1: medic trait is required
ReviveRequiredItems = 2;                //0: none, 1: medkit, 2: medkit or first aid kit
ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1;     //0: first aid kit is not consumed upon revive, 1: first aid kit is consumed
ReviveDelay = 6;                        //time needed to revive someone (in secs)
ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2;         //speed multiplier for revive performed by medic
ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;            //time needed to perform force respawn (in secs)
ReviveBleedOutDelay = 120;              //unconscious state duration (in secs)

class Params
    #include "\a3\Functions_F\Params\paramRevive.hpp"


also just to know in arma you should prefere to work with .paa format and not .jpg



One more thing is the prefered resolutions of an image are :


512 x 512 ,

1024 x 1024 ,

2048 x 2048

and the mix of them like 2048 x 1024 if i remember it should be also ok with 4096 x 4096

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23 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

overviewPicture = "images\salvationblood.paa";



thank you very much but in my case this command does not work.


Immediately I tried with a jpg file and it does not work, then I tried to convert it to paa using texview 2 (arma tool) but nothing has changed.

The picture has a resolution of 1920x1024 and 96x96 dpi.

I also noticed that now in the editor there is the possibility of directly inserting the image and the overview text .. I have also tried this way but it still does not work.

In scenarios neither the photos nor the descriptive texts of my missions appear.

Instead no problem for onLoad viewing.


does it only happen to me?

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2 hours ago, Live Killers said:

The picture has a resolution of 1920x1024 and 96x96 dpi.


I already told you what resoloutions to use above !    :torture::thumbs-up:



On 28/1/2019 at 12:24 AM, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

One more thing is the prefered resolutions of an image are :


512 x 512 ,

1024 x 1024 ,

2048 x 2048

and the mix of them like 2048 x 1024 if i remember it should be also ok with 4096 x 4096


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17 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


I already told you what resoloutions to use above !    :torture::thumbs-up:






Ok sorry😬

I changed the resolution of the image by choosing 1024x1024 and always converting it to paa using texview2 but the problem remains.

I do not think that the problem concerns the resolution of the image in fact also the text is not displayed with the appropriate overviewText command.


I repeat, the strange thing is that the onload commands work and the picture is loaded (with any resolution and also in jpg format).


This problem concerns only the overview in the menu scenario and it only happens recently because up to last year the overviewPicture / Text commands worked without problems.

I have used them in the past many times successfully.


It seems that something has recently changed...😖

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1 hour ago, Live Killers said:

I changed the resolution of the image by choosing 1024x1024 and always converting it to paa using texview2 but the problem remains.


You can also use a .jpg format but using .paa is always better , because the picture any any use loads befor the mission start  (if i remember correctly ) if you use .jpg to pillboards you will understand what i'm saying and it's also a more copressed format


Might be that you haven't add the name and the extention .paa or .jpg  , as in the example ?



also if you reediting anothers guy mission , check in the 3d editor if it has loaded his picture from that settings , that will be probably , because i never use any editor only scripting, check in the attributes , it should be there or somewere on these options.


I will be waiting for news and if you want you can send me your mission file in private , in order to take a look.

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and by the way i have also updated the example above , including the BIS revive options , in order to be a full example for everyone :


//	continue from the code posted above


class Header
 gameType = COOP;
 minPlayers = 1;
 maxPlayers = 40;

//________________	BIS Revive , this is to check the INCAPACITATED state	________________

ReviveMode = 1;                         //0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: controlled by player attributes
ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0;         //0: basic, 1: advanced, 2: realistic
ReviveRequiredTrait = 0;                //0: none, 1: medic trait is required
ReviveRequiredItems = 2;                //0: none, 1: medkit, 2: medkit or first aid kit
ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1;     //0: first aid kit is not consumed upon revive, 1: first aid kit is consumed
ReviveDelay = 6;                        //time needed to revive someone (in secs)
ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2;         //speed multiplier for revive performed by medic
ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;            //time needed to perform force respawn (in secs)
ReviveBleedOutDelay = 120;              //unconscious state duration (in secs)

class Params
    #include "\a3\Functions_F\Params\paramRevive.hpp"



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On 1/29/2019 at 9:49 PM, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


You can also use a .jpg format but using .paa is always better , because the picture any any use loads befor the mission start  (if i remember correctly ) if you use .jpg to pillboards you will understand what i'm saying and it's also a more copressed format


Might be that you haven't add the name and the extention .paa or .jpg  , as in the example ?



also if you reediting anothers guy mission , check in the 3d editor if it has loaded his picture from that settings , that will be probably , because i never use any editor only scripting, check in the attributes , it should be there or somewere on these options.


I will be waiting for news and if you want you can send me your mission file in private , in order to take a look.


thank you very much for your availability





I found a solution by turning a little around the problem...

I write it, so if someone else has my same problem, he will know how to get around it.


Basically, once i created the mission,  i published it on the steam workshop (with private visibility) .. posting it on the workshop it makes me set up the image and the text of the overview. Once published on steam i downloaded it and reimported into the game so i find it in scenarios. In this way, the image and the text of the overview are finally displayed.

I do not know why in the "traditional" way the overview did not work anymore ... but going from steam it works.


For the moment I solved.

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If you want this to be shown on server, that doesnt work for me too. If i call the picture from a mod it works for the server.

overviewPicture = "Modname\Foldername\logo.paa"; 


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