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Scripts Discussion


Information :

Feel free to share and discuss , about Scripts used alongside Ravage Mod.


For anyone who has interest on scripting :


I also suggest to follow , the BIS Forum Members below ,

who really help and share their work and knowledge :

# the list is off course on random.












I thank personally and public , this members , for everything so far.




An updated List will be available here :



List :


1.GF Unit Spawner Script

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Just now, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

This is a code that i posted To the Ravage Topic.


This script is made to spawn a group , that will target a random player and hunt him , until the hunter or the hunted get killed.


This was actually made , on how to create a Zombie spawner to work on the USS for ex. or anywhere.

The position of the spawn work , - as it is wrote originaly - with a placed object on the editor:


place an object at the editor
i suggest UserTexture1m_F
add a name ex : spawner_1
so by copy pasting ,it will change to spawner_2





# if you want to use this differently :


Without place anything , just spawn the script as many times you want , an easy way to spawn the script more than once :

for "_x" from 0 to (2+ random 2) do {

	[] spawn GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk;



Delete this lines :

_object = _this select 0;	
_Pos = getPosATL _object;


and add :


_Pos = GF_Unit_Spawner_Pos;
_Pos_Spawn =  [[[_Pos, GF_Unit_Spawner_Distance]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

and  then you can use any kind of code that you want for positions :


for example  :







example :


GF_Unit_Spawner_Distance = 1500;	//	Meters away from pos

//	https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getMarkerPos

_pos = getMarkerPos "MarkerOne";

GF_Unit_Spawner_Pos = _pos ;

for "_x" from 0 to (2+ random 2) do {

    [] spawn GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk;




GF Unit Spawner Script  :


  Reveal hidden contents

//________________	Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR]	___________	01.02.19	_____________ 

________________ GF Unit Spawner Script - Mod	________________

//	https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/?page=10&tab=comments#comment-3337087

Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorial

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

BI Forum Ravage Club Owner :

//________________	to use	________________
place an object at the editor 
i suggest UserTexture1m_F
add a name ex : spawner_1
so by copy pasting ,it will change to spawner_2

//________________	 to use this differently	________________
//	https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/?page=10&tab=comments#comment-3337087

Without place anything , just spawn the script as many times you want , an easy way to spawn the script more than once :

for "_x" from 0 to (2+ random 2) do {

	[] spawn GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk;

Delete this lines :

_object = _this select 0;	
_Pos = getPosATL _object;

and add :

_Pos = GF_Unit_Spawner_Pos;
_Pos_Spawn =  [[[_Pos, GF_Unit_Spawner_Distance]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

and  then you can use any kind of code that you want for positions :

for example  :


example :

GF_Unit_Spawner_Distance = 1500;	//	Meters away from pos

//	https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getMarkerPos

_pos = getMarkerPos "MarkerOne";

GF_Unit_Spawner_Pos = _pos ;

for "_x" from 0 to (2+ random 2) do {

    [] spawn GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk;


//________________	GF_Unit_Spawner options	________________

GF_Unit_Spawner_Systemchat_info				= true;		
GF_Unit_Spawner_diag_log_info				= true;

GF_Unit_Spawner_Squad_Members 				= 5;
GF_Unit_Spawner_Squad_Members_random 		= 5;	// + random
GF_Unit_Spawner_Enemy_Side 					= east;	// the side
GF_Unit_Spawner_set_AiSkill					= 0.75;
GF_Unit_Spawner_set_AiSkill_random			= 0.25;

GF_Unit_Spawner_Enemy_Pool = [			//	Enemy Units classnames
	//	Ravage zombies

if (GF_Unit_Spawner_Systemchat_info) then {
systemchat "GF Unit Spawner Script initializing";			

if (GF_Unit_Spawner_diag_log_info) then {
diag_log "//________________ GF_Unit_Spawner_Script.sqf ________________";
diag_log "//________________ GF Unit Spawner Script initializing ________________";

GF_Unit_Spawner_allPlayers = allUnits select {isPlayer _x && {!(_x isKindOf "HeadlessClient_F")}};
//________________	GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk	________________

GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk = {

_object = _this select 0;
_Pos = getPosATL _object;
_Group = createGroup GF_Unit_Spawner_Enemy_Side;

for "_x" from 0 to (GF_Unit_Spawner_Squad_Members + floor random GF_Unit_Spawner_Squad_Members_random) do {

_unit = _Group createunit [selectrandom GF_Unit_Spawner_Enemy_Pool,_Pos,[],0,"None"];
[_unit] JoinSilent _Group;
(leader _Group) setSkill GF_Unit_Spawner_set_AiSkill + floor random GF_Unit_Spawner_set_AiSkill_random;

_unit setVariable ["Var_GF_Unit_Spawner_Spawn",true];
_stalked = selectrandom GF_Unit_Spawner_allPlayers;
[_Group,group _stalked] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk;

if (GF_Unit_Spawner_Systemchat_info) then {
systemchat "GF Unit Spawner Script initialized";			

if (GF_Unit_Spawner_diag_log_info) then {
diag_log "//________________ GF Unit Spawner Script initialized ________________";

//________________	add below the spawners	________________

[spawner_1] spawn GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk;
[spawner_2] spawn GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk;
[spawner_3] spawn GF_Unit_Spawner_Stalk;	



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I have a question regarding Loot tables and scripts and have searched the main ravage topic and google extensively and can't find anything.

My question is: Is there any way by script to blacklist certain ravage items from the loot lists? I am adding the modules to a MP mission that has it's own cash system in place and do not have a need for the bank notes, sleeping bags and tents for they are useless and will make people ask what they are for more times than I wish to answer.


 Any help is greatly appreciated.

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4 hours ago, jimbob6661 said:

My question is: Is there any way by script to blacklist certain ravage items from the loot lists?


Hello there jimbob !


I was checking the mission of bl2ck dog


and noticed , as i understand that he is using a script for a custom list.

If it's possible bl2ck dog , let us now.


Here is the mission and the script that i notice.

See if you can test and confirm jimbob  as well.





waitUntil {!isNil "lootworldObject_list"};
UIsleep 60;

///Vital Stuff
lootVital_list = [
[ 0, [							// CIVIL
]],[ 1, [						// MILITARY



]],[ 2, [						// INDUSTRIAL
]],[ 3, [						// RESEARCH

lootWeapon_list = [
[ 0, [							// CIVIL
[ 1, [						// MILITARY

//RU Assault Rifles 1

//US Assault Rifles 1

[ 2, [						// INDUSTRIAL
[ 3, [						// RESEARCH

lootMagazine_list = [
[ 0, [							// CIVIL

]],[ 1, [						// MILITARY

]],[ 2, [						// INDUSTRIAL

]],[ 3, [						// RESEARCH

//let's let the engine fill the mag arrays for us :
_civ = 0;
_mil = 1;
_ind = 2;
	private _magazine = (getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _x / "magazines")) select 0;
	((lootMagazine_list select _civ) select 1) pushBackUnique _magazine;
} forEach [(lootWeapon_list select _civ) select 1];
	private _magazine = (getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _x / "magazines")) select 0;
	((lootMagazine_list select _mil) select 1) pushBackUnique _magazine;
} forEach [(lootWeapon_list select _mil) select 1];
	private _magazine = (getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _x / "magazines")) select 0;
	((lootMagazine_list select _ind) select 1) pushBackUnique _magazine;
} forEach [(lootWeapon_list select _ind) select 1];

//UNIFORMS, VESTS, GOGGLES, HEADGEAR///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lootItem_list = [

[ 0, [							// CIVIL





]],[ 1, [						// MILITARY



]],[ 2, [						// INDUSTRIAL



]],[ 3, [						// RESEARCH



//STATIC OBJECTS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
lootworldObject_list = [
[ 0, [						// CIVIL
]],[ 1, [						// MILITARY
]],[ 2, [						// INDUSTRIAL
]],[ 3, [						// RESEARCH

//to be run server side :
{publicVariable _x} forEach ["lootVital_list","lootWeapon_list","lootMagazine_list","lootItem_list","lootBackpack_list","lootworldObject_list"];

systemchat "B2 Ravage Loot Initialized";



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12 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


Here is the mission and the script

  Reveal hidden contents



Thank you George, I'll dig in and see if he's blocking any ravage loot from there. I did figure out that I'd keep the tents but sleeping bags and the cash are in my way hahaha. EDIT: Oh I see, this is basically overriding the lslists (or w/e is used in the mod, I read somewhere it's based on ls spawner) this may work. Don't you have a custom loot script in your collection as well George? I'll go look. 😄

EDIT2: So after a bit of digging and cross referencing His script is calling the lootworldObject_list in the ravage.pbo, I see how this is working, I should be able to get ls loots in my mission to grab that no prob. Thank you and Mr. bl2ck dog your website is down.

Edited by jimbob6661
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13 hours ago, jimbob6661 said:

Thank you George,


Once i can i'll check  this as well jimbob !

13 hours ago, jimbob6661 said:

Don't you have a custom loot script in your collection as well George? I'll go look. 😄


I have two actually here :



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Is there a way to programmatically spawn a ZedBlacklist zone via script? I found init_zedBlackList, but I don't know the method to call it, or params it might need.


Right now I'm spawning bandit groups at roadblocks/camps that are dynamically generated, and I'd like a zedBlacklist around them, even if it's using the default params like 350m etc.


Thanks for your help!

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Not a scripted solution as you asked for but you can create a ZedBlacklist Zone with a trigger....

Hope it helps.

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Does anyone know how to access Ravage objects in code? I'm trying to COUNT how many objects are in a player's inventory, and for vanilla items I get a returned number, but for Ravage items I get 0. I've tried rvg_guttingKnife, rvg_Chicken_Meat, rvg_baconEmpty using:


{"rvg_baconEmpty" == _x} count (items player);


It seems to work for vanilla (i.e. FirstAidKit), but not Rvg.




EDIT - for anyone who needs this, it's 


{_x == "rvg_baconEmpty"} count (magazines player);

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