Hello,   I am looking for a solution to an issue which troubles me greatly - AI going prone on contact. I guess all of us have experienced it before and know that once the AI changes combat mode, it instantly goes to the ground which is not always realistic, nor is it good for the players.   I have searched for a solution for some time now and most of the solutions suggested forcing AI to one specific stance, either by Zeus or by setUnitPos. Unfortunately, none of the solutions considered allowing the AI to either STAND or KNEEL, which is what I'm hoping for. Maybe there is a way to add an eventhandler of some sort which could override the PRONE stance with KNEEL, if possible. Otherwise, maybe it could just disable prone itself, leaving kneel and stand for the AI to choose normally.   I did find a semi-solution to this, which is using trigger areas and modules, which force the stance change of the AI within a trigger to whatever I set, however that's a) fixed to one stance, and b) always in zones that have been predefined by me, not dynamic in any way.   I lack enough experience to write something like this on my own, but I do feel like forbidding AIs PRONE stance only is possible - I just don't know exactly how to do it.   Will be grateful for any help! Adam