h - 169 Posted January 5, 2019 (edited) Eden WYSIWYG emitter editor Use particle and light emitters in your scenarios without any scripting. Adds an emitter editor akin to the old "utility mission" editor that has floated around since the original OFP and the "Eden way" of adding emitters via object attributes. Does NOT create dependencies, as in this mod is not required to play the scenarios edited with it. Before you get all excited you must remember that this is just scripted pile so it is not 100% stable, you will break it, you will possibly ruin your scenario with it etc. So bear that in mind. Features include: - add emitters (particle/light) and edit their parameters in Eden, in real time. WYSIWYG, will appear in scenario as it does in Eden - Attach emitters to virtually anything (Eden entities, terrain objects, object selections) - Save emitter parameter presets - Export emitter parameters in sqf format like with the old "utility mission", sometimes you just want/need to script it - Export emitter parameters as config class, greatly speed up creating your CfgCloudlets and CfgLights effects - Includes "scenario function set" to deal with the emitters added with this tool in "mission runtime" - Full set of Eden tutorials !IMPORTANT NOTE!: If your game crashes with error "DX11 ERROR BUFFER MAP FAILED" while using this tool it in most cases means that your Particle Quality setting in the game Video Settings is too high. Lowering it should fix this. License: You are not allowed to make any derivative works of this mod or it’s documentation in portions or as a whole. You are not allowed to repackage or distribute a repackage of this mod or it’s documentation. Obviously Steam Workshop EULA additionally applies to the Steam Workshop version of this mod and it’s documentation. Changelog: Reveal hidden contents v 1.025.13: - FIXED: Using lights as 'attribute emiters' broken v 1.025.12: - FIXED: 'image not found' errors when pressing tool section buttons (or viewing preferences) - FIXED: angle vector support for spaceobject completely broken - FIXED: some data fields can can block Eden movement keys - FIXED: possible scripting error(s) when entering data while data validation disablded - FIXED: errand controls showing up in light -> export - FIXED: deleted event not applied to emitters in-scenario - FIXED: setting light color values as array in the data field doesn't work - ADDED: emitter delete function into 'scenario functions': <emittername> call HNEG_fnc_deleteEmitter or <objectname> call HNEG_fnc_deleteEmitter. Also call HNEG_fnc_deleteAllEmitters removes all emitters in the scenario. - ADDED: directional lights (NOTE: Only available in the tool, not in attribute emiters. Bugs expected..) - ADDED: Support for setLightIR DOCUMENTATION PDF HAS BEEN REMOVED, documentation now available online: https://emed.ofpec.com/doku/doku.php?id=start v 1.025.11: - FIXED: Adding light emitter via object attributes broken - FIXED: Attaching emitters would no longer be available after returning from preview v 1.025.10: - FIXED: 'next' and 'prev' animation step buttons broken - FIXED: adding new animation step broken v 1.025.09: - FIXED: possible scripting error showing up when attaching a light emitter with 'normal attach mode' - FIXED: cloning light emitter after manually setting emitter parameters broken - FIXED: loading light preset broken v 1.025.08: - FIXED: ticking luminance box would set all color (with no luminance) alpha to full - FIXED: Editing many of the particle classes could have unexpected results when animation step param array 'size' had less elements that some of the others (color, ecolor, animspeed) v 1.025.07: - FIXED: Frame nr in Animation leaf could be left empty, causing scripting error shown and db data corruption - FIXED: loading a scenario and then attempting to launch tool it would not launch - FIXED: clicking on the eden edit area while data validation running would cause data corruption - FIXED: setting last frame nr value manually would cause scripting error - FIXED: 'luminance' state in Render Params was not stored correctly - FIXED: 'pasting' params into an emitter and then later editing the emitter's params broken - TWEAKED: the colors of the various things on GUI that were the odd tint of brownish-pinkish-whatever should now be the color stuff you have chosen in your profile (or game default) - TWEAKED: importing params less frownyface about pasting other than just the wanted params into the export fields, so for example whole _emitter setParticleParams [<params>] etc can be pasted (only parameters are read) - TWEAKED: mod size reduced by removing a lot of useless data v 1.025.06: - KNOWN ISSUE: The first keyboard press after starting up the tool causes a freeze that lasts for a few seconds (length probably depends on PC specs). This will happen each time the tool has been "un-inited", like New Scenario etc.. - KNOWN ISSUE: for some reason all loading is taking forever now, Arma can go unresponsive for a uncomfortably long time. As in: starting the editor, loading a scenario, previewing scenario, returning from preview.... - NOTE: If you have some scenario saved with emitters using trigger syncs those will most likely fail to load successfully. This is because the trigger sync stuff was quite broken and fixing that I simply could not get it to succesfully load older trigger syncs. - FIXED: When data validation enabled some array type data fields were getting stringed array as default value on erroneous data type entered = a sripting error and broken given data field (would stay red and recognize no input) - FIXED: 'rand. direction intensity' and 'rand. direction period' data fields were not functioning - FIXED: loading a scenario with emitters attached with 'selection attach' was broken - FIXED: loading scenario with 'emitter attributes' was broken - FIXED: using 'New Scenario' after loading a scenario with emitters would cause some tool eventhandlers to deactivate - FIXED: default keybind for 'terrain object highlight' was falsely set as ALT + T instead of just T (thus colliding with an Eden Enhanced keybind) - FIXED: in some situations returning from preview or loading a scenario into eden would end up having emitters emitting a wrong particle effect - FIXED: in certain situations the 'leaf menu' would go unresponsive - FIXED: after returning from preview 'global attach' could be broken - FIXED: moving object with 'global attached' emitters or 'Attribute emitters' too far from it's initial position would break the attach when previewing (and spew out scripting errors) - FIXED: while 'global attach' selected hovering cursor over and object and pressing ALT+A would perform 'normal attach' instead - FIXED: Syncing to triggers was broken in myriads of ways - FIXED: light class list in 'Attribute emitters' was empty unless tool was started first - FIXED: 'Attribute' light emitters broken - FIXED: tool would refuse to launch if applying 'Attribute emitters' to an entity first - FIXED: Dragging entity with 'Attribute emitter' lights the emitter icons could be displaced from the entity - FIXED: 'Attribute emitter' icon could be dragged away from the entity it was attached to - FIXED: Deleting entity with 'Attribute emitters' was broken after preview - FIXED: In certain situations deleting entity with 'Attribute emitters' was broken after loading a saved scenario - FIXED: possible CTD when deleting entity with 'attribute emitters' after preview - FIXED: cloning entity with more than one attribute emitter broken - FIXED: 'attribute emitter' of cloned entity was not being deleted with the entity - FIXED: Cloning attribute emitter after returning from preview was broken - FIXED: Data validation in 'position' field was broken in myriad of ways - FIXED: Data validation coef time was not affecting 'position' field - FIXED: the default keybind for disabling emitters from emitting caused the camera to move - FIXED: using the 'die out' timer and trigger sync for an emitter was broken - FIXED: stored database was (still) storing inproper data (preventing loading a scenario) - FIXED: Using grouped and single emitters attached to some things in the same scenario would break on returning from preview - FIXED: saving and loading particle presets was broken - FIXED: After preview emitter cloning keybind no longer worked - FIXED: trigger sync would show a scripting error if the mouse cursor missed the trigger a bit - FIXED: typing already existing name into rename dialog would wipe the text field clean - FIXED: while trying to rename something it could fail with the "special characters not allowed" warning even no illegal char was used - FIXED: renaming light emitters was broken - FIXED: In certain situations tool could block all keyboard keys from working in Eden - FIXED: in some cituations editing light params would result in scripting error shown - FIXED: No "this emitter might kill" warning when attaching a possibly damage enducing emitter - FIXED: Selection attaching fire to soldier entity could insta kill it in the editor - FIXED: enable/disable state of emitters could get "confused" in certain situations - FIXED: Terrain object highlight could become unresponsive - FIXED: Loading a scenario with emitters attached to terrain objects broken - FIXED: in light editor unchecking the ambient color checkbox did not change actual parameter back to normal color - FIXED: exporting particle params to config was not exporting color - TWEAKED: default trigger sync keybind changed from ALT+S to SHIFT+ALT+S because Eden Enhanced keybind - TWEAKED: default attachmode select keybind changed to SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+A because previously used SHIFT+A could interfere with Eden control 'fast move left' - TWEAKED: some minor miscellaneous tweaks here and there v 1.025.05 - FIXED: Clearing a in-game error pop-up (like config entry error) was blocked by the 'coffee mug' progress thingy - FIXED: Some buttons on the UI would trigger the 'Revert' button functionality - FIXED: Some numeric inputs on the tool UI were not working (scripting error shown) v 1.025.04 - FIXED: CTD when using 'global' or 'drag' attach - FIXED: game update 1.96 broke loading scenario with emitters into Eden (because couple of ancient unnoticed bugs in this tool..) - FIXED: several minor to medium attach related bugs occurring in certain situations - FIXED: global attach was detached after return from preview - FIXED: after returning to eden/loading a scenario into eden tool ui 'leaf menu' could get unresponsive - FIXED: 'drag attach' could stop working after selecting 'new scenario' while tool running - FIXED: selecting unsupported widgets could cause error message(s) - FIXED: starting the game directly into the editor with scenario including emitters was broken - FIXED: the 'coffee mug' progressbar could get stuck on full - FIXED: after returning from preview some tool keybinds could stop working - FIXED: attribute emitter database was not stored correctly - FIXED: single trigger sync with several emitters could get broken when returning to eden - FIXED: 'drag attach' was attaching to mouse position instead of the dragged emitter position - FIXED: 'drag attached' emitters would lose their attach when returning to Eden, if synced with trigger - FIXED: detaching/desyncing would fail with a scripting error - FIXED: changing effect of a attached emitter would fail with a scripting error - FIXED: 'Always start with 3DEN' and 'Always start hidden' preferences were not working as intended - FIXED: Tool's init was called multiple times on Eden launch - FIXED: When editing a keybind a modifier key could not be properly set by pressing the key on the kb - FIXED: using the 'revert' button from the prefs leaf showed a wrong message box v 1.025.03 - FIXED: removed a debug systemChat spamming - FIXED: deleting emitters was partially broken by 1.94 game update - TWEAKED: version number was not shown correctly in prefs v 1.025.02 - FIXED: Moving emitters was broken by 1.94 game update - FIXED: Grouping emitters to set was broken by 1.94 game update v 1.025.01 - FIXED: Synchronizing 'attribute emitter' lightsource to a trigger was not functioning properly - FIXED: Synchronizing any placed emitter (non-attribute emitter) with a trigger was not functioning at all - FIXED: some leftover systemChat when using global attach v 1.025: - ADDED: Emitters inserted with this tool now have basic interaction with Zeus; emitters can be moved, deleted and toggled on/off. Refer to the manual for detailed information, page 74. IMPORTANT NOTE!!: Zeus scenarios made with version 1.024 have to be loaded into Eden and re-exported for these changes to take effect in that scenario. !! - ADDED: custom keybinds setup for all possible tool kb shortcuts, refer to manual page 75 - ADDED: values on number and array data fields on the tool UI can now be adjusted with the mousewheel. Refer to the manual for more details, page 77 - ADDED: a warning prompt about High Particle Quality setting and possible 'DX11 ERROR BUFFER MAP FAILED' CTD - FIXED: Entering any data in array fields could cause scripting error popups - FIXED: Data validation on the particle editor 'position' field was broken - FIXED: The 'Special' leaf would show diag_exe-only texts when selected while light emitter selected - FIXED: several 'in-game' functions were returning wrong/faulty data - FIXED: in some situations triggersync would fail causing a tool error note to display repeatedly if loading scenario with emitter/trigger syncs was attempted - FIXED: deleting emitters would corrupt a database resulting in scenario that could not be loaded into Eden - FIXED: deleting triggers did not clear all related databases properly - FIXED: saving scenario (in Eden, ofc) would save all triggers in it into the emitter triggersync database even if none of them were synced to any emitter - FIXED: setting up multiple "attribute emitters" for an object (not the default emitter set) would result in emitters created "untoggled" (name shown red, not emitting anything) - FIXED: copy/pasting non-emitter object(s) and then selecting an emitter object would delete the selected emitter object (actual emitter would still stay emitting in Eden) - FIXED: renaming emitters after loading a saved scenario into Eden caused a script error and thus was not functioning properly - FIXED: Detaching an emitter did not reset 'position' to [0,0,0] - FIXED: lightsource 'Attribute Emitters' would not show up in-game, and upon returning to Eden would also appear missing. - FIXED: The tool 'Safe Mode' was not functioning as it should - FIXED: changing emitter name and then changing it back would trigger the "name already taken" notification even thouugh name no longer taken - FIXED: in some cases a "Error Type Number, expected Object,Group,Display (dialog),Control,Task,Location" could show up - FIXED: synced trigger namespaces were not stored correctly - FIXED: syncing triggers did not function after previewing - FIXED: most non-numeric keys would trigger datavalidation on array data fields - FIXED: after mission load using <backspace> to hide Eden UI (and thus tool UI) and then unhiding UI would result in ghostly non-working tool UI -TWEAKED: A 'low level' chance on how the tool databases are stored into the mission.sqm. Is a possible source of trouble so please report anything that doesn't work (like loading up mission made with 1.024 into the editor) -TWEAKED: The way emitters are handled on mission init in MP, should be way less "server melty". Proper JIP handling also added (was "horror" prior). -TWEAKED: Scrolling pulldown menus with mouse wheel etc should no longer cause intermittent zooming of the Eden edit area -TWEAKED: "Attribute emitter" tooltips added to stringtable -TWEAKED: Manual/Eden Tutorials updated with info on the recent additions. v 1.024: - init A few videos: Obtain from: - Steam WorseShop - Ye olde skool download Documentation:https://emed.ofpec.com/doku/doku.php?id=start Contacts: - Discord Thans to: - Everybody making proper bug reports - kju - Undeceived - R3vo - savedbygrace - sokolonko + the rest of the NF single girls - sa8gecko - BI Edited September 25, 2022 by h - 1.025.13 update 22 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rich_R 1087 Posted January 5, 2019 Wow! Incredible add-on. As wonderful as the various light scripts were before this, your interface allows mission makers to up their game. At the time of posting, I cant see a download link, I'm guessing its this? Looking forward to playing with this. Thanks for the effort! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted January 5, 2019 Lol, this forum software ate my dl links (because auto-youtube embed) Anyways: - Steam WorseShop - A bit more ye olde skool download EDIT: Oh, and before I forget, NOTE that Multiplayer is a bit of an unknown so if your scenario edited with this "melts" a server then it's my doing.. :( 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted January 5, 2019 easily the most impressive A3 mod for 2k19 outstanding efforts all around @h - the smooth Eden integration, no dependencies, the feature set and flexibility the demo and tutorial videos, the crazy long PDF, and so on just WOW 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cheitan 33 Posted January 5, 2019 Right on time ! I'm just starting to look for emitters. This will be definitely the best tutorial I could ever imagine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted January 5, 2019 Thanks @.kju Hopefully the tool is worth the praise.. One other thing I forgot to add: My Discord Nothing special there, but it exists.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brave Sir Charge 122 Posted January 5, 2019 On behalf of all the other single girls at NF, We congratulate you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted January 5, 2019 @stburr91 Elevation can be changed using the Eden translation widget + switching surface snapping off. As for the issues, seem really strange. I haven't had any issues with for example previewing in a long long long time. I reckon this can of course be affected by FPS and such. Were these problems present in the "MP editor" or regular? The tutorial windows are placed on the side of the screen to allow you try things mentioned in them while viewing, however if the tutorial window cuts off that's of course not desired at all. It's due to the game's UI stuff being really PITA (at least for me) so it is possible it doesn't work properly on some resolution/UI size settings. I tried testing them the best I could but of course something may have slipped through the cracks. Screenshot and resolution/UI size settings would be helpful if there are any UI issues. Also in case of tutorials which are the troublesome ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted January 5, 2019 Yeah, unfortunately had to so the sync that way due to technical issues. Same goes for copy/pasting, you can not ctrl+c/ctrl+v the emitters, you need to use the tool's own cloning button or shift + alt + c 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Edo_94 303 Posted January 5, 2019 Big congrats for this great mod, and thank you!!! Love everything that makes easier create scenes :D 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted January 5, 2019 Congratulation h- , this is a great adittion and it should really be added , as a default feature for 3den ! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted January 7, 2019 (edited) Just did a small update because realized I had f'd up and forgotten to include the in-game functions from both worseshop and dl versions I guess not many have gone through the huge manual then EDIT: Oh, and if someone is interested in translating a ton of texts (tooltips, Eden tutorials, messages/notes):https://github.com/hneg/emed_translations Edited January 7, 2019 by h - Translation stuff 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aliascartoons 182 Posted January 7, 2019 Amazing work H! Thank you for sharing!... the effort to create the tool is remarkable and impressive. I wish i had this tool 3 years ago, nevertheless i am pretty sure i can find ways to use it to speed up tests and stuff not to mention that your digging in the vanilla assets brought up things i didn't know existed :) I bet this will unleash creativity among Arma scripters and editors. Keep up the good work man! 6 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Undeceived 392 Posted February 11, 2019 (edited) Coming back from an Arma break I noticed that h- finally released this. 🙌 Congratulations! I had the honor to help h- with a bit of beta testing and immediately noticed that this tool (I should rather say "machine") simply has endless possibilites when it comes to particles and light stuff. Things like creating smoke leaving a small soda can is just one of the simplest possible ideas but it works just like you'd expect it. And oh, don't underestimate it - this wouldn't work at all without having to make innumerous changes in innumerous scripts - this tool on the other hand makes it super easy. This is not about a smoke grenade placed under a can - we're talking about a heavily edited (tiny) wisp of smoke, precisely acurate positioned and attached at the right millimeter of the can in a matter of minutes. Just imagine how much work you'd save for big and complex ideas. And such crazy things (my creativity almost ends at the soda can 😁) are absolutely possible with the tool. Fear not, h- has put big effort in the documentation (I especially loved the cool 3DEN tutorials). Just by explaining the basics of the tool, you'll find yourself messing around, having new ideas, things that you never thought they would be possible or even exist - it's all there when you take a closer look at it and you'll love it. And everything, every step, tweak, change is immediately shown due to the awesome WYSIWYG execution. Knowing how much h- literally racked his brain on this, wanting to give up so many times, I really am happy that he went through with it and didn't stop. Congratulations again, h- and thanks for your really hard work! Edited February 11, 2019 by Undeceived Fixed stuff, added dramaturgy :D 5 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brave Sir Charge 122 Posted February 12, 2019 And that's why we love him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
john111 76 Posted February 13, 2019 Could you make it so that I could import everything with/about lights in Arma? I meant,if I see some cool lights from a car,a lightbar or maybe an effect ,like a strobe light, and place this where I want it,would be really neat. To make a universal light switch we could attach to all cars with on/off/effect1,2,3 dual effects at one time? .A menu item for the scroll wheel? Maybe zeus interface for lights? If I could import something and attach it with "attach global" and make it follow a car,I may be able to use an item from a mod car and change the light color but keep the nice effect. If this could load a composition we can save and make all cars use custom lights and effects,would be awsome! And then attach that to all cars in any scenario's we make on the fly. Find a nice light bar from a road utility vehicle with some great effect,change the color and save it and place it on top of a police car.Would be neat and be able to do so even if it is attached to a vehicle. Save that ,and be able to clone that and put it on any car.Is is owned by Bis and could be done without source file and such,right? Find out what Light bar_Blueforce_F_Policecar is named and place item somewhere we like it? Could you make so that you can import parts of items in this? Like a grenade launcher ,attach a flare effect to a point light and load it ? And save this like a composition in the editor? Make it invisible? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted February 13, 2019 On 2/12/2019 at 3:25 PM, Brave Sir Charge said: And that's why we love him Awwwww.... On 2/13/2019 at 2:29 PM, john111 said: Could you make it so that I could import everything with/about lights in Arma? ... What you're asking for is not possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted April 22, 2019 Emitter 3Ditor updated to version 1.025: - ADDED: Emitters inserted with this tool now have basic interaction with Zeus; emitters can be moved, deleted and toggled on/off. Refer to the manual for detailed information, page 74. IMPORTANT NOTE!!: Zeus scenarios made with version 1.024 have to be loaded into Eden and re-exported for these changes to take effect in that scenario. !! - ADDED: custom keybinds setup for all possible tool kb shortcuts, refer to manual page 75 - ADDED: values on number and array data fields on the tool UI can now be adjusted with the mousewheel. Refer to the manual for more details, page 77 - ADDED: a warning prompt about High Particle Quality setting and possible 'DX11 ERROR BUFFER MAP FAILED' CTD Rest of the changelog: Reveal hidden contents - FIXED: Entering any data in array fields could cause scripting error popups - FIXED: Data validation on the particle editor 'position' field was broken - FIXED: The 'Special' leaf would show diag_exe-only texts when selected while light emitter selected - FIXED: several 'in-game' functions were returning wrong/faulty data - FIXED: in some situations triggersync would fail causing a tool error note to display repeatedly if loading scenario with emitter/trigger syncs was attempted - FIXED: deleting emitters would corrupt a database resulting in scenario that could not be loaded into Eden - FIXED: deleting triggers did not clear all related databases properly - FIXED: saving scenario (in Eden, ofc) would save all triggers in it into the emitter triggersync database even if none of them were synced to any emitter - FIXED: setting up multiple "attribute emitters" for an object (not the default emitter set) would result in emitters created "untoggled" (name shown red, not emitting anything) - FIXED: copy/pasting non-emitter object(s) and then selecting an emitter object would delete the selected emitter object (actual emitter would still stay emitting in Eden) - FIXED: renaming emitters after loading a saved scenario into Eden caused a script error and thus was not functioning properly - FIXED: Detaching an emitter did not reset 'position' to [0,0,0] - FIXED: lightsource 'Attribute Emitters' would not show up in-game, and upon returning to Eden would also appear missing. - FIXED: The tool 'Safe Mode' was not functioning as it should - FIXED: changing emitter name and then changing it back would trigger the "name already taken" notification even thouugh name no longer taken - FIXED: in some cases a "Error Type Number, expected Object,Group,Display (dialog),Control,Task,Location" could show up - FIXED: synced trigger namespaces were not stored correctly - FIXED: syncing triggers did not function after previewing - FIXED: most non-numeric keys would trigger datavalidation on array data fields - FIXED: after mission load using <backspace> to hide Eden UI (and thus tool UI) and then unhiding UI would result in ghostly non-working tool UI -TWEAKED: A 'low level' chance on how the tool databases are stored into the mission.sqm. Is a possible source of trouble so please report anything that doesn't work (like loading up mission made with 1.024 into the editor) -TWEAKED: The way emitters are handled on mission init in MP, should be way less "server melty". Proper JIP handling also added (was "horror" prior). -TWEAKED: Scrolling pulldown menus with mouse wheel etc should no longer cause intermittent zooming of the Eden edit area -TWEAKED: "Attribute emitter" tooltips added to stringtable -TWEAKED: Manual/Eden Tutorials updated with info on the recent additions. WorkshopDL 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted April 25, 2019 Small 'hotfix' released: Quote v 1.025.01 - FIXED: Synchronizing 'attribute emitter' lightsource to a trigger was not functioning properly - FIXED: Synchronizing any placed emitter (non-attribute emitter) with a trigger was not functioning at all - FIXED: some leftover systemChat when using global attach Workshop Download (and filename) stays the same: DL 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kain181 1 Posted April 27, 2019 I don't know why. But the key shortcuts has stopped working. I tried without any mod and only CBA and it does not work either Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted April 27, 2019 You mean all the shortcuts?? That's pretty weird, can't really see why that would happen unless the mod files or your profileNamespace got corrupted somehow.. I'm assuming you're using the latest version so have you tried assigning a new keybind for something to see if that custom keybind works? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kain181 1 Posted April 27, 2019 Yap!! I also reseted my profile as a default and and it keep happens the same. I noticed that since the last update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted April 27, 2019 If using the "defaults" button in the keybind dialog (prefs -> "keybinds" button) does not fix this then I'm in a completeish loss as to what is going on.. I have only seen this happening if you for some reason use the 1.024 version after having already ran 1.025 If you execute the following code in the debug console, what does it print out? ["emittered_prefs", "keybind_insert"] call HNEG_fnc_prefsFetch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kain181 1 Posted April 27, 2019 Good news. I just reinstalled the game and it works. I have no idea of what happened, but now everything is fine. Sorry for a heart attack 😂 😂 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted April 27, 2019 Ok, nice. Can breathe easy now 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites