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[CTI][GMT][ACE] The Praetorian Task Force - Operation Trebuchet Altis Liberation

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We are currently running Operation Trebuchet Altis Liberation with ACE and are looking for new people to join us.

Our Unit is semi serious, and is open to anyone who knows the basics of the game and is over 16. We are more than happy to teach more advanced stuff.

We are certainly not as serious as some units, but we enjoy a degree of authenticity/realism and love joking around. I.E no required "Yes/No Sir's"


Our goal is to capture the entire island for the UNSC from insurgent forces who have taken over.


No Griefers tolerated at all.


Once this Liberation is complete we will likely move onto another map and start over or possibly do some self contained missions.

If enough people are interested and enjoy it, we can hopefully expand into doing larger operations/events for the growing Unit

The more people who are interested, the more we can do.


If you are interested or want more info, please reply or message me.

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