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Running Scripts Via init?

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So all along I was using ALias weather scripts from a trigger. turns out you should run them from an Sqf file? But how do I do this? And how do I get tit to activate on a specific location? Is it done by a marker with defined radius like a trigger?

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3 hours ago, CHICKENLICKEN said:


What you should do is just put the script line inside the INIT.SQF file of your mission folder.


[pond, "low"] execvm "AL_localfog \ local_fog.sqf"; // it makes the fog on the ground.


[clif, "high"] execvm "AL_localfog \ local_fog.sqf"; // This is the fog on the top of the mountain.


Choose which one to use, then place a small object on the map like a pen or even the helipad shown in the video, and give it the name "pond" if you want the fog on the ground, or "clif" if you want the fog on the some mountain peak.


If you use only one, then delete the other line of script, leaving only the one that will use inside file init.sqf.


Within the folder of your mission you should have the file "init.sqf", "ini_fog.sqf" and the "AL_localfog" folder.


The other files are optional.

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Thanks. Sorry I'm new and also have autism so I find some things hard. I understand a bit more now. I will look more.

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