Hi All,   How do you create a see though object. I understand that you can re-texture (and re-material) objects. I been fiddling in the editor to try to re-texture a man....   this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]; this setObjectMaterial [0, "\a3\data_f\default.rvmat"]; this setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,4)color(0,0.3,0.1,0.3)']; I'm not sure I fully understand the materials and the #(argb,8,8,4)color(0,0.3,0.1,0.3) statement...   with the argb bit what are the 8,8,4..? I know the color bit...are they the size of the texture? What's the 4? Channels? (later: ok, I got it.... ignore me) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Procedural_Textures   Could any one link me to where this is discussed? I've search forum and wiki....   I want to create a see through object.... man/vehicle etc...   Cheers. And thanks in advance...   Atmo