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Spawning laser targets specifically for Independent side

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I would like to know if there is a way to spawn a laser target that only the independent side will see/attack.


If I spawn a LaserTargetE, then Opfor will attack it. The independent side will also attack it if they aren't friendly to Blufor

If I spawn a LaserTargetW, then Blufor will attack it. The independent side will also attack it if they aren't friendly to Opfor

If I spawn a LaserTargetC or LaserTargetC, it doesn't seem like any side will see/attack it.


There must be some way to spawn a laser target that only the Ind side attacks.... otherwise... what is spawned in normal gameplay when AAF designates something? In a 3 way fight (example: KoTH), anytime AAF lased something, there'd be a chance of another side engaging in friendly fire by dropping ordinance on something designated by the AAF instead of their own side.

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