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Vehicles keep exploding after respawn

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So, I've made a couple of EndGame scenarios. They all function very well, but there is one bug that keeps annoying the shit out of me.

I have some vehicles and helicopters connected to a Vehicle Respawn Module. Settings as follows:
Delay 60 seconds. Deserted distance 200 meters. Expression = none. Position: Starting position. Wreck: Delete (without explosion effect). Notification: Enabled. Forced respawn: Disabled. Respawn when disabled: True.

Sometimes it works,  but other times - e.g. after the said vehicle is taken out by a rocket, mine or anything else that makes it explode - it still explodes when respawning! And that makes one hell of a firework, because it keeps respawning and the new vehicles keep exploding, so burning vehicles are flying every-fucking-where like a fucking meteor shower. The solution I have now is that I log on as Zeus, and delete that vehicle. 

I've checked that the vehicle can rotate 360 degrees freely on the respawn position (so it doesn't collide with anything when respawning). 


Any suggestions to how I can fix this shit?

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Try put this in expression field of vehicle respawn module


if (isServer) then {
params [["_newVeh", objNull,[objNull]], ["_oldVeh", objNull,[objNull]]];
deleteVehicle _oldVeh;


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