johnnyboy 3770 Posted October 29, 2018 BEHOLD!!! I give you JBOY Freakin' PumpkinHead!!!!! No mods required. And the best part: Their heads freakin' explode in pumpkin chunks when shot!!!! How to use: In the Editor, place a player and friendly and unfriendly AI all about. Then run. In the console, paste the following code: Spoiler JBOY_PumpkinHead = { params["_dude","_unitPos"]; _hatType = headGear _dude; removeHeadgear _dude; _pumpkin = "Land_Pumpkin_01_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _pumpkin setDir 0; _hat = ("Headgear_" + _hatType) createVehicle [0,0,0]; _hat enableSimulation false; _pumpkin enableCollisionWith _dude; _pumpkin attachTo [_dude,[0.0, 0.03, 0.06],"neck"]; _dude enableMimics false; _pumpkin setVariable ["hatType",_hatType,true]; _pumpkin setVariable ["dude",_dude,true]; _dude setUnitPos _unitPos; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _light setLightBrightness 0.08; _light setLightColor [0.5, 0.0, 0.0]; _light setLightUseFlare true; _light setLightFlareSize 400; _light setLightFlareMaxDistance 3; _light lightAttachObject [_pumpkin, [0,.4,0]]; detach _hat; _hat enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; switch (true) do { case (toLower(_hatType) find "construction" >= 0): { _hat attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.0, .08, -0.08]]; _hat setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); }; case (toLower(_hatType) find "strawhat" >= 0): { _hat attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.0, 0.07, -0.07]]; }; default { _hat attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.0, -0.055, -0.08]]; _hat setdir (getdir _pumpkin); _hat attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.0, -0.055, -0.08]]; _hat setdir (getdir _pumpkin); }; }; glassesArr = [ "G_Shades_Red","G_Shades_Green","G_Shades_Black","G_Shades_Blue", "G_Sport_BlackYellow","G_Sport_Blackwhite","G_Sport_Red","G_Sport_Blackred","G_Sport_Greenblack","G_Sport_checkered", "G_Goggles_VR"]; _glassesType = selectRandom glassesArr; _glasses = createVehicle ["WeaponHolderSimulated_scripted",[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _glasses enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _glasses enableCollisionWith _dude; _glasses addItemCargoGlobal [_glassesType,1]; _glasses enableSimulation False; _glasses attachTo [_pumpkin,[.1, 0.65, -.66]]; _glasses setdir getdir _pumpkin; _glasses setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,1,0]]; _glasses setdir getdir _pumpkin; _glasses setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,1,0]]; _glasses attachTo [_pumpkin,[.1, 0.65, -.66]]; _glasses setdir getdir _pumpkin; _glasses setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,1,0]]; _glasses setdir getdir _pumpkin; _glasses setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,1,0]]; Glasses = _glasses; Pumpkin = _pumpkin; _offset = 0; _slug = createSimpleObject ["FxCartridge_127x54_APDS", [0,0,0]]; _slug enableSimulation false; _slug enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _slug attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.03 + _offset, 0.11, .029]]; _slug setdir (getdir _pumpkin + 180); _slug attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.03 + _offset, 0.11, .029]]; _slug setdir (getdir _pumpkin + 180); _slug2 = createSimpleObject ["FxCartridge_127x54_APDS", [0,0,0]]; _slug2 enableSimulation false; _slug2 enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _slug2 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.03 + _offset, 0.11, .029]]; _slug2 setdir (getdir _pumpkin + 180); _slug2 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.03 + _offset, 0.11, .029]]; _slug2 setdir (getdir _pumpkin + 180); _slantOffset = -.004; _centerToothz = -.03; _toothOffsetY = 0; if ((random 100) > 50) then { _slantOffset = _slantOffset; _centerToothz = -.025; } else { _slantOffset = _slantOffset *-1; _centerToothz = -.03; }; _toothType = "FxCartridge_762"; if (toLower(_toothType) find "cartridge" >= 0) then { _toothOffsetY = .045; }; _tooth = createSimpleObject [_toothType, [0,0,0]]; _tooth enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _tooth attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.0 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz]]; _tooth setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _tooth attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.0 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz]]; _tooth setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _tooth1 = createSimpleObject [_toothType, [0,0,0]]; _tooth1 enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _tooth1 attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.011 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth1 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180 ); _tooth2 = createSimpleObject [_toothType, [0,0,0]]; _tooth2 enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _tooth2 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.011 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth2 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _tooth2 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.011 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth2 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _slantOffset = _slantOffset + _slantOffset; _tooth3 = createSimpleObject [_toothType, [0,0,0]]; _tooth3 enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _tooth3 attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.022 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth3 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180 ); _tooth3 attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.022 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth3 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180 ); _tooth4 = createSimpleObject [_toothType, [0,0,0]]; _tooth4 enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _tooth4 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.022 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth4 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _tooth4 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.022 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth4 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _slantOffset = _slantOffset + _slantOffset; _tooth5 = createSimpleObject [_toothType, [0,0,0]]; _tooth5 enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _tooth5 attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.033 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth5 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _tooth5 attachTo [_pumpkin,[0.033 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth5 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _tooth6 = createSimpleObject [_toothType, [0,0,0]]; _tooth6 enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _tooth6 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.033 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth6 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); _tooth6 attachTo [_pumpkin,[-0.033 + _offset, 0.08 + _toothOffsetY, _centerToothz + _slantOffset]]; _tooth6 setdir (getdir _pumpkin +180); {_x enableSimulation false;} foreach [_tooth,_tooth1,_tooth2,_tooth3,_tooth4,_tooth5,_tooth6]; _pumpkin addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { params ["_pumpkin", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; _pumpkin removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _dude = _pumpkin getVariable "dude"; _n = [_pumpkin,_dude] spawn { params ["_pumpkin","_dude"]; _pos = (_dude modelToWorld [0,0,1.9]); _pos = (ASLtoATL eyePos _dude) vectorAdd [0,0,1]; _w = createVehicle ["WeaponHolderSimulated_scripted",[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; hat = _w; _w enableCollisionWith _dude; _w enableCollisionWith _pumpkin; _h = _pumpkin getVariable "hatType"; _w addItemCargoGlobal [_h,1]; _w attachTo [_dude,[-0.2,-.8,.93],"head"]; attachedTo _pumpkin setHit ["head", 1]; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach attachedObjects _pumpkin; _pumpkin setdir (random 360); _pumpkin setdamage 1; sleep .001; detach _w; _dir = random 360; _speed = 1; _w setVelocity [_speed * sin(_dir), _speed * cos(_dir),.1]; }; }]; }; { _x enableSimulation false; _x unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles"; removeHeadGear _x; _x addHeadGear selectRandom ["H_Construction_basic_black_F","H_StrawHat"]; n=[_x,"UP"] call JBOY_PumpkinHead; _n=[_x] spawn {params["_unit"]; sleep .1; _unit enableSimulation true;}; } foreach (allUnits - [player]); Head shots explode the pumpkins and kill the units. Note: Each type of headgear requires its own attachTo offsets for the hat to look good on the pumpkin. So I currently only support the Hardhats and Straw hats. If you want to put a beret or some other helmet on the pumpkins, you can modify the switch/case code to support a new headgear type and play with the x,y,z offsets until the hat looks good. I'm planning on creating better faces in the future when I work this into a horror mission in the Last Tango campaign. Happy Halloween everybody. 9 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3770 Posted October 29, 2018 And their heads glow a little at night... 1 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordfrith 401 Posted October 30, 2018 thanks @johnnyboy always an inspiration for inventive scripting, i like how the pumpkin men are all wearing their hats backwards 90's white rapper style ;) 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11273 Posted October 30, 2018 Is this a trick...or a treat??? Great stuff as usual johnnyboy Happy Halloween! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted October 30, 2018 Crazy stuff is happening these Days ! This is very Cool johnnyboy !!! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2133 Posted October 31, 2018 On 29/10/2018 at 10:35 PM, johnnyboy said: BEHOLD!!! I give you JBOY Freakin' PumpkinHead!!!!! No mods required. Ok i wanna need ta party with THOSE guys! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3770 Posted October 31, 2018 1 minute ago, froggyluv said: Ok i wanna need ta party with THOSE guys! You know it buddy. When I have time I gonna hook these dudes up with that cigarette/stogie mod. They'd be sweet tokin' on a stogie! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4826 Posted October 31, 2018 You stroke hard! Should be on BI SITREP. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3770 Posted October 28, 2019 Happy Halloween everybody!🎃 Thank EO for requesting Ravage Zeds + JBOY Point Blank Melee + JBOY PumpkinHead! 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11273 Posted October 28, 2019 Gotta love Arma...what other game lets you rifle butt a zed with a pumpkin head!! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tokyonight8 0 Posted October 9, 2022 Hello, we play with friends on the Domination mission. Can I somehow put this mod so that you can run around with pumpkins on your head? (For example, when writing the #pumphat command) It would be amazing! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3770 Posted October 9, 2022 6 hours ago, Tokyonight8 said: Hello, we play with friends on the Domination mission. Can I somehow put this mod so that you can run around with pumpkins on your head? (For example, when writing the #pumphat command) It would be amazing! Hi there! I forgot all about this script! 😁 I have no idea if this script works in MP, but if you have access to the console, then you can run the script found in the top post. You would have to modify the last line in that script so that only the units you desire are given the pumpkin heads. This is not a mod, so you need access to the dubug console to run the script. And you need enough scripting knowledge to modify that last line so it only gives pumpkin heads to the units you want. One warning: I remember testing this once with about 50 units being given pumpkin heads, and it lagged very badly... That reminds me, Halloween is approaching, maybe its time for another johnnyboy Halloween surprise! Muhahahahahaha! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tokyonight8 0 Posted October 9, 2022 1 hour ago, johnnyboy said: Hi there! I forgot all about this script! 😁 I have no idea if this script works in MP, but if you have access to the console, then you can run the script found in the top post. You would have to modify the last line in that script so that only the units you desire are given the pumpkin heads. This is not a mod, so you need access to the dubug console to run the script. And you need enough scripting knowledge to modify that last line so it only gives pumpkin heads to the units you want. One warning: I remember testing this once with about 50 units being given pumpkin heads, and it lagged very badly... That reminds me, Halloween is approaching, maybe its time for another johnnyboy Halloween surprise! Muhahahahahaha! Oh yeah, perhaps you will do something for mere mortals (no scripters) so that the servers can be transformed for Halloween 😀😈 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites