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Differences between InitplayerLocal and remoteExec

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hello guys, greetings and a hug to all, I come here to ask a question to see if I can leave some doubts that I have, try to execute execVM "scripts \ Disposicion.sqf"; normally by the init but this was executed only on the server and not on the clients, that is, the clients did not execute the scritps, if I place a scritps on the InitplayerLocal this will be executed on the destination PC and on the server as well ? example:


en el InitplayerLocal.sqf 


execVM "scripts\Disposicion.sqf"; 


this scritps how many times would it be executed? On the server and on the local PC too?

It has happened to me that it is running twice, on the server when it starts running and then, when another player connects, it runs again, and the necessary thing is that it only runs on the local PC once the client is connects, and only once in the server when it starts then I was investigating that with remoteExec there is a way to run it only on the local PC and not on the server, in this way


[] remoteExec ["scripts\Disposicion.sqf", -2];


I do not know if this works, I have not tried it, it is necessary to run on each client when they connect, but only once on the server, then this would be the proper way to execute this scripts? and to do it where would be the correct form from the init or from the initplayerLocal? I have those doubts so I ask around to find out who can help me, thanks

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@ HazJ because it is confused, it is a simple question, how can I execute a scritps once on the server and once on each client that connects?

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You should stop double posting like that. I will reply when I reply. No need to comment because of my reaction.




No need for remoteExec here. Read the Wiki for a proper understanding of what it does and its use.


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