Trying my hand at reverse engineering how setSkill impacts skillFinal, with respect to CfgAISkill and the Difficulty settings (AI Level section's "Skill" and "Precision" values).
I've run a bunch of experiments and gathered the following:
Mission creator calls setSkill on a unit
ArmA3 engine put's the result on a curve, with the crux-point at setSkill 0.2 (linear to and from this crux-point)
CfgAISkill does it's thing (applies it's multiplier)
Difficulty Menu's "SKILL" and "PRECISION" does it's thing (applies it's multiplier)
I'm trying to determine the order in which these things happen. Run into small hiccup:
How does one get the Difficulty Menu's "SKILL" and "PRECISION" values via script? Hopefully it's a simple thing?
Better yet, anyone have the actual formula or otherwise know the order in which these factors are applied? (Hoping to arrive at the exact skillFinal formula, will post it here as a reference for all.)
I welcome any and all help, even simple things I may have missed. Thanks!