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ICE Gannon

... --- ... SOS Need help - downloaded missions crash!

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I have downloaded missions built by other players. I have extracated the files (was that the right thing to do or should I have left them in the mission folder in their compressed form?) and noticed the titles of these new player-designed single player missions were now in my single missions "book" on OF...so when I click on one of these new missions - the game crashes and I am dumped to my desktop...(and I have already downloaded 1.30)...Can anyone here help me? What should I do - please be specific as I confess I am new to all this (but loving it). Thanks! WRGANNON9@aol.com

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I'm fairly new to all this as well but I can help. The missions go in the missions directory in your OFP folder. The reason they're probably crashing is because you don't have the addons needed to play the mission. It's been a bit of a problem, people make missions that you need addons for but don't say anything about it and then your game crashes.

Worse still, the OFP Editing Center, which was the biggest carrier of addons for the game, has temporarily gone under.

You either have to check the readmes on the missions you downloaded to see if they specify which addons to use, and if not, poke around the various forums for OFP and you find some good addons that people may be using in their missions here and there.

Also, lots of missions don't require addons, and shouldn't be too hard to find.

But anyway, that's why yer game is crashing, because of the addons.


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ya this is a big problem ...anyone know of a site or a new site to host all thess addons or maybe if someone helps me we could get a few free geocities sites and creat a addons site......the OFP comunity is in need of this bad...........some great maps come out and cant be played cuz the addons are no longer around:(

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