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Buldozer will not start

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I performed a fresh install of all A3 related content, including the tools. Buldozer will not start, it's displaying the famous "External Viewer: Attach Failed. No viewer found"


I've tried 27 different times to install p drive and buldozer with the same end result error. I have researched and tried every different method i could find, including mikeros tools method. 


P Drive mounts just fine, and all data is there. 


I've switched buldozer file path to arma3.exe without success 


No errors are displayed installing anything, it just displays that error upon attempt to launch buldozer



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Did you exit the arma 3 launcher when trying buldozer? For me it takes forever to start buldozer when I'm in the arma 3 launcher.


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I did sir. Even launched OB from its actual exe file and still same error.



I just tried installing dev beta tools and tried with no luck. Same error

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I notice that arma 3 (32bit) exe will not launch. I'm running win 7 64bit

Arma 3 64bit launches fine


It gives the 0xc000007b error 

I've reinstalled .net framework, c++, and directx

Still giving error


I'm wondering if that's my issue and not anything to do with buldozer

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