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Help required for Dialogs.

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Hello there,


I am having problems figuring this out, its probably just some dull misake by myself, but the lack of knowledge lead me to create this topic.


I have used the ArmA Dialog Creator to create a dialog, so far soo good. Everything works like a charm when using CreateDialog. However, I need to call it with CutRsc (if I remember correctly) to make the displa appear but still be able to moeve and use the mouse.


This is the main dialog, if "Customcontrolclasses.h" are just below.

#include "CustomControlClasses.h"
class IslandDialog
	idd = -1;
	duration = 9999999;
	onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['HUD', _this select 0];";
	class Controls
		class Box
			type = 0;
			idc = 1000;
			x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.908125;
			y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.83333334;
			w = safeZoneW * 0.115;
			h = safeZoneH * 0.20777778;
			style = 0;
			text = "";
			colorBackground[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,0.7858};
			colorText[] = {0.5608,0.3059,0.6549,1};
			font = "PuristaMedium";
			sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);
		class HUNGER
			type = 0;
			idc = 1001;
			x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
			y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.87;
			w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
			h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
			style = 0;
			text = "HUNGER";
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
			colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
			font = "PuristaMedium";
			sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);
		class ThirstCtrl
			type = 0;
			idc = 1002;
			x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
			y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.91;
			w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
			h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
			style = 0;
			text = "THIRST";
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
			colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
			font = "PuristaMedium";
			sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);
		class HealthCtrl
			type = 0;
			idc = 1003;
			x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
			y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.95;
			w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
			h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
			style = 0;
			text = "HEALTH";
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
			colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
			font = "PuristaMedium";
			sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);
		class FPSCtrl
			type = 0;
			idc = 1005;
			x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
			y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.83;
			w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
			h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
			style = 0;
			text = "FPS";
			colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
			colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
			font = "PuristaMedium";
			sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);


#ifndef HG_CustomControlClassesh
#define HG_CustomControlClassesh 1
//Create a header guard to prevent duplicate include.

class RscListBox_WS
	type = 5;
	style = 0;
	idc = -1;
	colorSelect[] = {0,0.2,0.4,1};
	colorSelectBackground[] = {0,0.2,0.4,0.1};
	colorText[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,1};
	colorBackground[] = {0.4,0.4,0.4,0};
	font = "Bitstream";
	sizeEx = 0.04;
	rowHeight = 0.025;
	maxHistoryDelay = "";
class RscPictureKeepAspect_WS
	type = 0;
	style = 48+2048;
	idc = -1;
	colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
	colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
	font = "Bitstream";
	sizeEx = 0;
	lineSpacing = 0;
	text = "";
class RscText_WS
	type = 0;
	style = 0;
	idc = -1;
	colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
	colorText[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,1};
	font = "Bitstream";
	sizeEx = 0.03;
	text = "";
class RscControlsGroup_WS
	type = 15;
	style = 0;
	idc = -1;
	maxHistoryDelay = "";
class RscButton_WS
	type = 1;
	style = 2;
	idc = -1;
	font = "Bitstream";
	sizeEx = 0.03;
	default = false;
	colorText[] = {0,0,0,1};
	colorDisabled[] = {0.4,0.4,0.4,1};
	colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,1};
	colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {0.7,0.7,0.7,0.8};
	colorBackgroundActive[] = {1,0.5,0,1};
	colorFocused[] = {1,0.5,0,1};
	colorShadow[] = {0.72,0.36,0,0.8};
	colorBorder[] = {0.72,0.36,0,0};
	soundEnter[] = {"",0.1,1.0};
	soundPush[] = {"",0.1,1.0};
	soundClick[] = {"",0.1,1.0};
	soundEscape[] = {"",0.1,1.0};
	offsetX = 0.0030;
	offsetY = 0.0030;
	offsetPressedX = 0.0020;
	offsetPressedY = 0.0020;
	borderSize = 0.0;
class RscTextMulti_WS : RscText_WS 
	lineSpacing = 1;
	style = 0+16+512;

My goal is to have the display up at any time.


Thanks in advance,



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If you want to use a dialog with cutRsc or any other Rsc command you have to put it in the RscTitles config:

class RscTitles
	class TER_RscDisplayTargetDebug
		idd = 73042;
		fadeIn = 0;
		fadeOut = 0;
		duration = 1e+6;
		onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable [""TER_3den_RscTargetDebug_display"",_this select 0]";
		class controls

These kinds of displays behave a little different from "normal" dialogs, eg they are not accessible via findDisplay.

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class IslandDialog
	idd = -1;
c	lass TER_RscDisplayTargetDebug
		idd = 73042;
		fadeIn = 0;
		fadeOut = 0;
		duration = 1e+6;
		onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable [""TER_3den_RscTargetDebug_display"",_this select 0]";
	class Controls
		class Box
			type = 0;
			idc = 1000;
			x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.908125;
			y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.83333334;
			w = safeZoneW * 0.115;
			h = safeZoneH * 0.20777778;
			style = 0;
			text = "";
			colorBackground[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,0.7858};
			colorText[] = {0.5608,0.3059,0.6549,1};
			font = "PuristaMedium";
			sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);

Somewhat like that?

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class RscTitles
	class IslandDialog
		idd = -1;
		duration = 9999999;
		onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['HUD', _this select 0];";
		class Controls
			class Box
				type = 0;
				idc = 1000;
				x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.908125;
				y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.83333334;
				w = safeZoneW * 0.115;
				h = safeZoneH * 0.20777778;
				style = 0;
				text = "";
				colorBackground[] = {0.2,0.2,0.2,0.7858};
				colorText[] = {0.5608,0.3059,0.6549,1};
				font = "PuristaMedium";
				sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);

			class HUNGER
				type = 0;
				idc = 1001;
				x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
				y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.87;
				w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
				h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
				style = 0;
				text = "HUNGER";
				colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
				colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
				font = "PuristaMedium";
				sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);

			class ThirstCtrl
				type = 0;
				idc = 1002;
				x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
				y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.91;
				w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
				h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
				style = 0;
				text = "THIRST";
				colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
				colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
				font = "PuristaMedium";
				sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);

			class HealthCtrl
				type = 0;
				idc = 1003;
				x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
				y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.95;
				w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
				h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
				style = 0;
				text = "HEALTH";
				colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
				colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
				font = "PuristaMedium";
				sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);

			class FPSCtrl
				type = 0;
				idc = 1005;
				x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW * 0.911875;
				y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH * 0.83;
				w = safeZoneW * 0.0375;
				h = safeZoneH * 0.03666667;
				style = 0;
				text = "FPS";
				colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
				colorText[] = {0.7098,0.7059,0.1882,1};
				font = "PuristaMedium";
				sizeEx = (((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1);






  • Thanks 1

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Alright, I got it working. Had a long break from scripting and well, the result speak for themselves.


Thank you for your help!

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