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Point out a building to players at distance through optics

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Nasty title, apologies.


One of my secondary missions is to have players destroy an object, either a building or infrastructure object (fuel tank, transformer, pylon, pipeline) but do it from distance. Players are told it must look like an accident and be deniable so I'm encouraging them to use artillery, cruisemissile or rocket from distance. Mission success is if the target gets splashed while players are > 1km away.


But in practice, I've had problems telling players exactly which object to kill in a believable, non-shit way.. I have a nice function with generates a direction and distance from a known object or position, but even that's not good enough. "Your target is the Metal Bungalow (yellow roof) that is 150m east of Dorida" just isn't enough. When they look through binocs or a designator, they can't tell which object is the target.  I'd like to avoid the mission code placing a map marker, if possible.  I'm not using any mods, either.


I've thought of placing an ir grenade on the roof of the building/object, but that can only be seen through NV, so is useless during the day.


Any ideas?


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Can the mission generate a tactical ping? Or is it only a player?

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Oh, duh - SP. Not sure if tactical ping can be scripted, but it would be no less unrealistic than a waypoint. 

Maybe place something distinctive near the building as a landmark?


Or since it is a building/structure, a very accurate grid ref would be realistic.

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13 hours ago, Harzach said:

Oh, duh - SP. Not sure if tactical ping can be scripted, but it would be no less unrealistic than a waypoint. 

Maybe place something distinctive near the building as a landmark?


Or since it is a building/structure, a very accurate grid ref would be realistic.


Yeah, an 8 digit grid ref would be nice. The problem is teaching the player about it in a neat and non-intrusive way. I've found that it works excellently for some players while others have a harder time grasping the concept so it can be a bit of a hit-and-miss depending on your target audience.


@Tankbuster Here's a couple of ways I'd consider doing it:


1.  Grid, Name and Delayed HUD - You give the player the 6-digit grid of the building and the descriptive name. Once the player is looking through binocular at the right position wait say 30 seconds or so and then start drawing a 3D icon over the building. This method is  not too intrusive but will help the player along if it takes too long. The hard part would be balancing the delay for best feel.


2. Extended descriptions and nearby references - Write up a lookup-table for all building classes you are interested in and store in it extended descriptions of the building classes such as "2-story building with a balcony, white walls and a red tiled roof".

Give the player the 6-digit grid and the extended description of the building and that of some neighboring buildings (or if no other structures nearby just say so).

Your task to the player could then turn out to be something like: "Destroy the single-story building with a red-tiled roof and blue doors inside grid 056112. It's next to a two-story blue painted building and a ruined garage.". You could extend the search to also find things like trees and rock-formations and the like if you want to get fancy.


Despite the extra work my own preference would be towards option 2 since there's no artificial HUD at all and the task becomes a bit more involved.

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53 minutes ago, mrcurry said:


Yeah, an 8 digit grid ref would be nice. The problem is teaching the player about it in a neat and non-intrusive way. I've found that it works excellently for some players while others have a harder time grasping the concept so it can be a bit of a hit-and-miss depending on your target audience.


@Tankbuster Here's a couple of ways I'd consider doing it:


1.  Grid, Name and Delayed HUD - You give the player the 6-digit grid of the building and the descriptive name. Once the player is looking through binocular at the right position wait say 30 seconds or so and then start drawing a 3D icon over the building. This method is  not too intrusive but will help the player along if it takes too long. The hard part would be balancing the delay for best feel.


2. Extended descriptions and nearby references - Write up a lookup-table for all building classes you are interested in and store in it extended descriptions of the building classes such as "2-story building with a balcony, white walls and a red tiled roof".

Give the player the 6-digit grid and the extended description of the building and that of some neighboring buildings (or if no other structures nearby just say so).

Your task to the player could then turn out to be something like: "Destroy the single-story building with a red-tiled roof and blue doors inside grid 056112. It's next to a two-story blue painted building and a ruined garage.". You could extend the search to also find things like trees and rock-formations and the like if you want to get fancy.


Despite the extra work my own preference would be towards option 2 since there's no artificial HUD at all and the task becomes a bit more involved.

Pretty much this.

Working with grids should be pretty mandatory in a game like this, I usually prefer to hand out target locations like that.

8 digit grid should be precise enough for buildings, though I usually prefer to flatten the approximate 4 digit grid area with a 15 minute barrage of 230mm MLRS.


Here's some functions to convert position to 6/8/10 digit grid and 6/8/10 digit grid to map position:

GOM_fnc_gridToPos = {
	params ["_grid"];
	_count = count _grid;
	_banana = _count / 2;
	_multis = [1,10,100];
	_counts = [10,8,6];
	_multi = _multis select (_counts find _count);
	_posX = (parseNumber (_grid select [0,_banana])) * _multi;
	_posY = (parseNumber (_grid select [_banana,_banana + _banana])) * _multi;

GOM_fnc_posToGrid = {
	params ["_pos",["_gridSize",6,[0]]];
	_divisors = [100,10,1];
	_gridSizes = [6,8,10];
	_divisor = _divisors select (_gridSizes find _gridSize);
	_gridResolution = _gridSize / 2;
	_pos params ["_posX","_posY"];
	_posX = str round floor (_posX / _divisor);
	_posY = str round floor (_posY / _divisor);
	while {count _posX < _gridResolution} do {
		_posX = "0" + _posX;

	while {count _posY < _gridResolution} do {
		_posY = "0" + _posY;
	_posX + _posY


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1 hour ago, mrcurry said:


Yeah, an 8 digit grid ref would be nice. The problem is teaching the player about it in a neat and non-intrusive way. I've found that it works excellently for some players while others have a harder time grasping the concept so it can be a bit of a hit-and-miss depending on your target audience.


@Tankbuster Here's a couple of ways I'd consider doing it:


1.  Grid, Name and Delayed HUD - You give the player the 6-digit grid of the building and the descriptive name. Once the player is looking through binocular at the right position wait say 30 seconds or so and then start drawing a 3D icon over the building. This method is  not too intrusive but will help the player along if it takes too long. The hard part would be balancing the delay for best feel.


2. Extended descriptions and nearby references - Write up a lookup-table for all building classes you are interested in and store in it extended descriptions of the building classes such as "2-story building with a balcony, white walls and a red tiled roof".

Give the player the 6-digit grid and the extended description of the building and that of some neighboring buildings (or if no other structures nearby just say so).

Your task to the player could then turn out to be something like: "Destroy the single-story building with a red-tiled roof and blue doors inside grid 056112. It's next to a two-story blue painted building and a ruined garage.". You could extend the search to also find things like trees and rock-formations and the like if you want to get fancy.


Despite the extra work my own preference would be towards option 2 since there's no artificial HUD at all and the task becomes a bit more involved.

Yeah, very much. I don't want to spoonfeed players, yet I don't want to be too obtuse either. It's quite hard to get it right for a wide audience.


I do like your 3dicon idea, that was sort of what I had in mind, actually. If a designator is in use, I might have HQ tell the player they are painting the right target.


I've been thinking about improved descriptions of objects, particularly buildings, for some time. It would have other uses in my mission too so it might be worth my knuckling down and doing that. Showing an image of the building is a possibility too, either an editor preview or a procedurally generated live shot of the building.


In the end, It's likely I'll be using a hybrid of both your suggestions. Thank you very much.

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14 minutes ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

Pretty much this.

Working with grids should be pretty mandatory in a game like this, I usually prefer to hand out target locations like that.

8 digit grid should be precise enough for buildings, though I usually prefer to flatten the approximate 4 digit grid area with a 15 minute barrage of 230mm MLRS.


Here's some functions to convert position to 6/8/10 digit grid and 6/8/10 digit grid to map position:

GOM_fnc_gridToPos = {
	params ["_grid"];
	_count = count _grid;
	_banana = _count / 2;
	_multis = [1,10,100];
	_counts = [10,8,6];
	_multi = _multis select (_counts find _count);
	_posX = (parseNumber (_grid select [0,_banana])) * _multi;
	_posY = (parseNumber (_grid select [_banana,_banana + _banana])) * _multi;

GOM_fnc_posToGrid = {
	params ["_pos",["_gridSize",6,[0]]];
	_divisors = [100,10,1];
	_gridSizes = [6,8,10];
	_divisor = _divisors select (_gridSizes find _gridSize);
	_gridResolution = _gridSize / 2;
	_pos params ["_posX","_posY"];
	_posX = str round floor (_posX / _divisor);
	_posY = str round floor (_posY / _divisor);
	while {count _posX < _gridResolution} do {
		_posX = "0" + _posX;

	while {count _posY < _gridResolution} do {
		_posY = "0" + _posY;
	_posX + _posY


That's excellent, Grumpy. :) Thank you. I'll probably be using your code, if not for this, then for something else.

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I'm going to expand this mission a little, having had a sleep on it. I have alternatives such as placing a car outside the building with a known numberplate and telling the players to kill the car and the building. The more fun methods, the better, I reckon.

@HazJ also tells me it might be possible to make a particle emitting from an IR grenade that would be seen by players using thermal equipment, the story being that an undercover was not able to place explosives but was able to place an IR grenade as a target marker.

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@Tankbuster I decided to make a list of descriptions for 270-ish of the buildings and variants in vanilla 'cause it'll be nice to have in the future. If you're interested here they are in all their non-exhaustive glory plus a getter function. The list is limited to children of House_F who also have at least one defined buildingPos because that's all I had time for today. Adding/editing classes is trivial though.



	Returns an extended description of a building e.g. "white house with blue trim".
	Must be initilized by calling with STRING as parameter before general use.
	Supports automatic init through functions library by setting the function to execute on preInit (or postInit).

	General Usage:
	object call TAG_fnc_getDescription;

	_this select 0 - OBJECT or STRING
		When STRING is passed the function initilizes the lookup table, needs to be called before other parameters are passed.

		When OBJECT is passed the function returns a string containing an extended description of the object for use in tasks descriptions, briefing etc. 
		If no extended description is listed, displayName from config is used instead.

params [
	["_object", objNull]

//Get description
if(_object isEqualType objNull) exitWith {
	if(isNull _object) exitWith { "" };
	private _objClass = typeOf _object;
	private _table = missionNamespace getVariable [LOOKUP_TABLE, []];

	private _index = _table findIf {_x#0 == _objClass};
	if(_index < 0) exitWith {
		getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _objClass >> "displayName");


missionNamespace setVariable [
		["Land_Chapel_V1_F","large chapel with red tiles"],
		["Land_Chapel_V2_F","large chapel with red tiles"],
		["Land_Chapel_Small_V1_F","small chapel with red tiles"],
		["Land_Chapel_Small_V2_F","small chapel with red tiles"],
		["Land_Offices_01_V1_F","white 4-story office building"],
		["Land_Lighthouse_small_F","small lighthouse"],
		["Land_WIP_F","complex under construction"],
		["Land_u_Addon_01_V1_F","dilapidated walled garden structure"],
		["Land_d_Addon_02_V1_F","destroyed stone hut with blue window frames"],
		["Land_u_Addon_02_V1_F","dilapidated stone hut with red tiles and blue windows"],
		["Land_i_Addon_02_V1_F","white stone hut with red tiles and blue windows"],
		["Land_i_Addon_03_V1_F","verandah with  red tiles"],
		["Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F","verandah with red tiles"],
		["Land_i_Garage_V2_F","dilapidated garage"],
		["Land_Metal_Shed_F","corrugated metal shed"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F","white 2-story house with red tiles and blue windows"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_V2_F","yellow 2-story house with red tiles and blue windows"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_V3_F","stone house with white second story, red tiles and blue windows"],
		["Land_u_House_Big_01_V1_F","dilapidated 2-story house with a porch"],
		["Land_d_House_Big_01_V1_F","destroyed 2-story house with a porch"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_F","white 2-story house with red tiles, blue windows and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_V2_F","yellow 2-story house with red tiles, blue windows and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_V3_F","stone house with white second story, red tiles, blue windows and balconies"],
		["Land_u_House_Big_02_V1_F","dilapidated 2-story house with balconies"],
		["Land_d_House_Big_02_V1_F","destroyed 2-story house with with balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F","white painted shop with red tiles, blue windows and a balcony"],
		["Land_i_Shop_01_V2_F","yellow painted shop with red tiles, blue windows and a balcony"],
		["Land_i_Shop_01_V3_F","stone shop with a white second story, red tiles, blue windows and a balcony"],
		["Land_u_Shop_01_V1_F","dilapidated shop with a balcony"],
		["Land_d_Shop_01_V1_F","destroyed shop with a balcony"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F","white painted shop with red tiles, blue windows and balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_V2_F","yellow painted shop with red tiles, blue windows and balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_V3_F","stone shop with a white second story and balconies"],
		["Land_u_Shop_02_V1_F","dilapidated shop with balconies"],
		["Land_d_Shop_02_V1_F","destroyed shop with balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_V1_F","white single story square house with blue doors"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_F","yellow single story square house with blue doors"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_V3_F","white single story square house with blue doors"],
		["Land_u_House_Small_01_V1_F","dilapidated single story square house"],
		["Land_d_House_Small_01_V1_F","destroyed single story square house"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_V1_F","white rectangular house with blue windows"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_V2_F","yellow rectangular house with blue windows"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_V3_F","white rectangular house with blue windows"],
		["Land_u_House_Small_02_V1_F","dilapidated rectangular house"],
		["Land_d_House_Small_02_V1_F","destroyed rectangular house"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F","white flat-roofed house with blue windows"],
		["Land_cargo_house_slum_F","red container shack"],
		["Land_Slum_House01_F","metal shack with a tire on top"],
		["Land_Slum_House02_F","wodden shack with glass window"],
		["Land_Slum_House03_F","wooden shack with empty window frame"],
		["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_F","dilapidated 2-story stone house with a balcony"],
		["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V2_F","dilapidated 2-story stone house with a balcony"],
		["Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V3_F","dilapidated 2-story stone house with a balcony"],
		["Land_d_Stone_HouseBig_V1_F","destroyed 2-story stone house with a balcony"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_V1_F","dilapidated stone hut with metal patchwork"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_V2_F","dilapidated stone hut with metal patchwork"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_V3_F","dilapidated white stone hut with metal patchwork"],
		["Land_d_Stone_Shed_V1_F","destroyed stone hut"],
		["Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V1_F","dilapidated rectangular stone house with a chimney"],
		["Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V2_F","dilapidated rectangular stone house with a chimney"],
		["Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V3_F","dilapidated rectangular stone house with a chimney"],
		["Land_d_Stone_HouseSmall_V1_F","destroyed rectangular stone house with a chimney"],
		["Land_Unfinished_Building_01_F","unfinished building with a ladder to the top"],
		["Land_Unfinished_Building_02_F","unfinished building with a balcony"],
		["Land_Airport_Tower_F","airport control tower"],
		["Land_Hangar_F","green metal hangar"],
		["Land_CarService_F","vehicle workshop"],
		["Land_Crane_F","yellow crane"],
		["Land_dp_bigTank_F","cylindrical silo"],
		["Land_dp_mainFactory_F","power plant"],
		["Land_FuelStation_Build_F","dilapidated gas station hut"],
		["Land_FuelStation_Shed_F","dilapidated gas station"],
		["Land_i_Shed_Ind_F","industrial shed"],
		["Land_u_Shed_Ind_F","unfinished industrial shed"],
		["Land_spp_Tower_F","solar tower"],
		["Land_d_Windmill01_F","destroyed windmill"],
		["Land_i_Windmill01_F","dilapidated windmill"],
		["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F","camouflaged barracks"],
		["Land_u_Barracks_V2_F","dilapidated barracks"],
		["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F","green military cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_House_V2_F","rusted military cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_House_V3_F","tan military cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F","large green military cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F","large rusted military cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F","large tan miliary cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F","green military cargo post"],
		["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F","rusted military cargo post"],
		["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V3_F","tan military cargo post"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F","green military cargo tower"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No1_F","military cargo tower with a one on it"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No2_F","military cargo tower with a two on it"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No3_F","military cargo tower with a three on it"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No4_F","military cargo tower with a four on it"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No5_F","military cargo tower with a five on it"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No6_F","military cargo tower with a six on it"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No7_F","military cargo tower with a seven on it"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V2_F","ruster military cargo tower"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V3_F","tan military cargo tower"],
		["Land_Medevac_house_V1_F","medical cargo house"],
		["Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F","large medical cargo house"],
		["Land_MilOffices_V1_F","large white single-story building with solar panels on the roof"],
		["Land_Radar_F","radar dome"],
		["Land_nav_pier_m_F","metal pier"],
		["Land_Pier_F","concrete pier"],
		["Land_Pier_small_F","rickety wooden pier"],
		["Land_Research_house_V1_F","research cargo house"],
		["Land_Research_HQ_F","large research cargo house"],
		["Dirthump_2_F","dirt hump"],
		["Dirthump_3_F","dirt hump"],
		["ShootingPos_F","shooting position"],
		["Land_GH_Gazebo_F","yellow gazebo with white trim"],
		["Land_GH_House_1_F","dilapidated blue 4-room hotel building"],
		["Land_GH_House_2_F","dilapidated blue 2-room hotel building"],
		["Land_FireEscape_01_short_F","fire escape"],
		["Land_FireEscape_01_tall_F","fire escape"],
		["Land_GarageShelter_01_F","white wooden hut with parking shelter"],
		["Land_House_Big_01_F","yellow bungalow with green roof and white trim"],
		["Land_House_Big_02_F","white  bungalow with green roof and wooden trim"],
		["Land_House_Big_03_F","white 2-story villa with blue trim"],
		["Land_House_Big_04_F","orange 2-story apartment building with red trim"],
		["Land_House_Native_01_F","large thatch roofed hut"],
		["Land_House_Native_02_F","thatch roofed hut"],
		["Land_House_Small_01_F","yellow raised bungalow with a corrugated metal roof"],
		["Land_House_Small_02_F","brick bungalow with metal roof"],
		["Land_House_Small_03_F","turquoise raised house with grey roof and pink trim"],
		["Land_House_Small_04_F","white bungalow with blue roof"],
		["Land_House_Small_05_F","white bungalow with grey roof"],
		["Land_House_Small_06_F","yellow bungalow with blue trim and red roof"],
		["Land_School_01_F","large yellow building with green roof and trim"],
		["Land_Shed_02_F","grey metal shed"],
		["Land_Shed_03_F","unfinished metal shed"],
		["Land_Shed_05_F","grey metal shed with windows"],
		["Land_Slum_01_F","raised metal shack with a flat roof"],
		["Land_Slum_02_F","grey metal shack with peaked roof"],
		["Land_Slum_03_F","dilapidated white raised house with metal roof"],
		["Land_Addon_04_F","tan and white 2-story house with terrace"],
		["Land_FuelStation_01_shop_F","gas station shop"],
		["Land_FuelStation_01_workshop_F","gas station garage"],
		["Land_FuelStation_02_workshop_F","vehicle workshop"],
		["Land_Hotel_01_F","white 4-story hotel with red trim"],
		["Land_Hotel_02_F","large yellow hotel with white trim"],
		["Land_MultistoryBuilding_01_F","blue office block"],
		["Land_MultistoryBuilding_03_F","white apartment tower with red trim"],
		["Land_MultistoryBuilding_04_F","grey office tower with antenna on top"],
		["Land_Shop_City_01_F","blue 3-story corner shop"],
		["Land_Shop_City_02_F","beige corner shop building with light blue trim"],
		["Land_Shop_City_04_F","tan youth hostel with a water tank on the roof"],
		["Land_Shop_City_05_F","blue 3-story shop building with a water tank on the roof"],
		["Land_Shop_City_06_F","yellow 2-story building with multiple shops"],
		["Land_Shop_City_07_F","pink  2-story shop with red trim"],
		["Land_Shop_Town_01_F","white 2-story shop with light blue trim"],
		["Land_Shop_Town_02_F","yellow shop with green roof"],
		["Land_Shop_Town_03_F","white shop with blue detail and metal roof"],
		["Land_Shop_Town_05_F","white shop with red roof"],
		["Land_Supermarket_01_F","yellow supermarket"],
		["Land_Warehouse_03_F","blue warehouse with white doors"],
		["Land_Temple_Native_01_F","tall thatch hut"],
		["Land_DPP_01_mainFactory_F","power plant"],
		["Land_ContainerLine_01_F","stack of containers"],
		["Land_ContainerLine_02_F","stack of containers"],
		["Land_ContainerLine_03_F","stack of containers"],
		["Land_GuardHouse_01_F","guard house"],
		["Land_MobileCrane_01_F","blue container crane"],
		["Land_MobileCrane_01_hook_F","blue crane"],
		["Land_StorageTank_01_large_F","silo with blue trim"],
		["Land_StorageTank_01_small_F","silo with yellow trim"],
		["Land_Warehouse_01_F","warehouse with red trim"],
		["Land_Warehouse_02_F","red-trimmed warehouse with loading bays"],
		["Land_SY_01_conveyor_end_F","conveyor belt end"],
		["Land_SY_01_crusher_F","industrial crusher"],
		["Land_SCF_01_boilerBuilding_F","sugarcane factory"],
		["Land_SCF_01_clarifier_F","sugarcane factory silo"],
		["Land_SCF_01_condenser_F","sugarcane factory"],
		["Land_SCF_01_crystallizer_F","sugarcane factory"],
		["Land_SCF_01_crystallizerTowers_F","sugarcane factory"],
		["Land_SCF_01_diffuser_F","sugarcane factory"],
		["Land_SCF_01_feeder_F","sugarcane factory conveyer belt"],
		["Land_SCF_01_generalBuilding_F","sugarcane factory"],
		["Land_SCF_01_heap_bagasse_F","agricultural waste heap"],
		["Land_SCF_01_chimney_F","factory chimney"],
		["Land_SCF_01_storageBin_big_F","factory silo with shed on top"],
		["Land_SCF_01_storageBin_medium_F","factory silo"],
		["Land_SCF_01_storageBin_small_F","thin factory silo"],
		["Land_SCF_01_washer_F","sugercane factory"],
		["Land_SM_01_shed_F","industrial shed"],
		["Land_SM_01_shed_unfinished_F","unfinished industrial shed"],
		["Land_Airport_01_controlTower_F","airport control tower"],
		["Land_Airport_01_hangar_F","small hangar"],
		["Land_Airport_01_terminal_F","yellow terminal with green roof"],
		["Land_Airport_02_controlTower_F","airport control tower"],
		["Land_Airport_02_terminal_F","concrete airport terminal"],
		["Land_Barracks_01_camo_F","camouflaged barrack"],
		["Land_Barracks_01_grey_F","grey barrack"],
		["Land_Barracks_01_dilapidated_F","dilapidated barrack"],
		["Land_Cargo_House_V4_F","military cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_HQ_V4_F","large military cargo house"],
		["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V4_F","military cargo post"],
		["Land_Cargo_Tower_V4_F","military cargo tower"],
		["Land_PierWooden_01_10m_noRails_F","wooden pier"],
		["Land_PierWooden_01_16m_F","wooden pier"],
		["Land_PierWooden_01_dock_F","wooden dock"],
		["Land_PierWooden_01_hut_F","wooden pier"],
		["Land_PierWooden_01_platform_F","wooden dock"],
		["Land_PierWooden_02_16m_F","old wooden pier"],
		["Land_PierWooden_02_30deg_F","old wooden pier"],
		["Land_PierWooden_02_barrel_F","old wooden pier"],
		["Land_PierWooden_02_hut_F","old wooden pier with hut"],
		["Land_PierWooden_02_ladder_F","old wooden pier"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_b_blue_F","blue 2-story house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_b_brown_F","yellow 2-story house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_b_pink_F","pink 2-story house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_b_white_F","white 2-story house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_b_whiteblue_F","white 2-story house with blue trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_01_b_yellow_F","yellow 2-story house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_b_blue_F","blue 2-story house with white trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_b_brown_F","yellow 2-story house with brown trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_b_pink_F","pink 2-story house with white trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_b_white_F","white 2-story house with brown trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_b_whiteblue_F","white 2-story house with blue trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Big_02_b_yellow_F","yellow 2-story house with white trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_b_blue_F","blue single story house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_b_brown_F","yellow single story house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_b_pink_F","pink single story house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_b_white_F","white single story house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_b_whiteblue_F","white single story house with blue trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_01_b_yellow_F","yellow single story house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_b_blue_F","blue single story rectangular house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_b_brown_F","yellow single story rectangular house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_b_pink_F","pink single story rectangular house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_b_white_F","white single story house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_b_whiteblue_F","white single story rectangular house with blue trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_b_yellow_F","yellow single story rectangular house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_c_blue_F","blue single story rectangular house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_c_brown_F","yellow single story rectangular house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_c_pink_F","pink single story rectangular house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_c_white_F","white single story house with brown trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_c_whiteblue_F","white single story rectangular house with blue trim"],
		["Land_i_House_Small_02_c_yellow_F","yellow single story rectangular house with white trim"],
		["Land_i_Stone_House_Big_01_b_clay_F","dilapidated 2-story stone house with a balcony"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_01_b_clay_F","dilapidated stone hut with metal patchwork on the roof"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_01_b_raw_F","dilapidated stone hut with metal patchwork on the roof"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_01_b_white_F","dilapidated white stone hut with metal patchwork on the roof"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_01_c_clay_F","dilapidated stone hut with metal patchwork on the roof"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_01_c_raw_F","dilapidated stone hut with metal patchwork on the roof"],
		["Land_i_Stone_Shed_01_c_white_F","dilapidated white stone hut with metal patchwork on the roof"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_b_blue_F","blue 2-story shop with white trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_b_brown_F","yellow 2-story shop with brown trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_b_pink_F","pink 2-story shop with white trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_b_white_F","white 2-story shop with brown trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_b_whiteblue_F","white 2-story shop with blue trim and balconies"],
		["Land_i_Shop_02_b_yellow_F","yellow 2-story shop with white trim and balconies"],
		["Land_Supermarket_01_malden_F","supermarket with orange trim"],
		["Land_Barn_01_brown_F","dilapidated stone barn"],
		["Land_Barn_01_grey_F","dilapidated brick barn"],
		["Land_Shed_08_brown_F","dilapidated stone shed"],
		["Land_Shed_08_grey_F","dilapidated brick shed"],
		["Land_Lighthouse_03_green_F","green lighthouse"],
		["Land_Lighthouse_03_red_F","red lighthouse"],
		["Land_Bunker_01_tall_F","tall bunker"]




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Wow, that's brilliant thanks. That must have been really boring to do.

  • Haha 1

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On 02/10/2018 at 5:45 PM, Tankbuster said:

Wow, that's brilliant thanks. That must have been really boring to do.

Hehe, you might think so but do not underestimate the value of simple work. It was a great opportunity to recharge from working on this. ;)

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Nice one mrcurry I actually did radio voices for maybe 1/3d of those a awhile back -its much nice when a squaddie yells out "Enemy Yellow building! Contact Imminent" than "Enemy.Soldier. 100. Back" with no regard that hes in or around an actual building. Your list gives me motivation to continue on that

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2 hours ago, mrcurry said:

Hehe, you might think so but do not underestimate the value of simple work. It was a great opportunity to recharge from working on this. ;)

Oh absolutely. I've spent a number of evenings grinding out data. Relative positions of doorways for placement of booby traps, location data for Altis that is, unlike BI data, not shit to name but a few.

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Just wondering if anyone had any more thoughts about the visual aspect of this? I am playing a sound when the player brings the designator to bear on the target, but am thinking something visual would be nice too.

Any ideas, chaps?

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Here's the audio helper I have knocked up. It requires the player to be looking through a designator at the target.

I think some visual indication might be nice too?

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1 hour ago, Tankbuster said:

something visual would be nice too.

Any ideas, chaps?


Hello there Tankbuster !


You could use a Draw3D notification on your screen




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This is an example of my new GF Temperature script :



//________________	Draw3D	________________

GF_Temperature_Draw3D				= true;
GF_Temperature_color				= [1,1,1,1];
GF_Temperature_position				= [15,-12,25];	
GF_Temperature_width				= 1;
GF_Temperature_height				= 1;
GF_Temperature_angle				= 0;
GF_Temperature_shadow				= 2;
GF_Temperature_textSize				= 0.05;
GF_Temperature_font					= "PuristaMedium";

if(GF_Temperature_Draw3D) then {

//________________	MISSION_ROOT	________________

MISSION_ROOT = str missionConfigFile select [0, count str missionConfigFile - 15];

//________________	addMissionEventHandler	________________

addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {

	_format = format ["Air : %1 Sea :%2",GF_Temperature_Sum_Air,GF_Temperature_Sum_Sea];
	_Pos = positionCameraToWorld GF_Temperature_position;		
	drawIcon3D [
		MISSION_ROOT + "GF_Temperature\images\Celcius.paa", 
		GF_Temperature_color, 		//	color
		_Pos,						//	pos
		GF_Temperature_width,		//	width
		GF_Temperature_height,		//	height
		GF_Temperature_angle,		//	angle
		_format,					//	text
		GF_Temperature_shadow,		//	shadow
		GF_Temperature_textSize,	//	textSize
		GF_Temperature_font			//	font




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