Reid236 116 Posted September 23, 2018 Does anyone know of a script that drops mortars randomly around players not on top of them but around them in an area? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3547 Posted September 23, 2018 Here's a bit of a beefed up version of ambient arty impacts: //init.sqf GOM_fnc_spawnArtyShells = { params ["_impactCenter","_shellAmount","_shellType","_delayBetweenShells"]; for "_i" from 1 to _shellAmount do { _rndPos = _impactCenter getPos [random [0,50,0],random 360]; _rndPos set [2,500]; _shell = _shellType createVehicle _rndPos; _shell setPosASL _rndPos; _shell setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,0.8,0]]; _shell setVelocityModelSpace [0,0,-70]; sleep _delayBetweenShells; }; }; GOM_fnc_ambientArty = { params ["_centerObject","_shellType","_minDistance","_maxDistance",["_delayBetweenShells",1.5],["_delayBetweenRounds",15],["_simultaneousRounds",1],["_minShellAmount",2],["_maxShellAmount",6]]; GOM_fnc_ambientArtyEnabled = true; while {GOM_fnc_ambientArtyEnabled} do { for "_i" from 1 to _simultaneousRounds do { _impactCenter = _centerObject getPos [_minDistance + random _maxDistance,random 360]; _shellAmount = _minShellAmount + round random _maxShellAmount; _spawn = [_impactCenter,_shellAmount,_shellType,_delayBetweenShells] spawn GOM_fnc_spawnArtyShells; waitUntil {scriptDone _spawn}; sleep _delayBetweenRounds; } }; }; //to call it: _centerObject = player;//center object of bombing _shellType = "Sh_82mm_AMOS";//bomb type _minDist = 150;//minimum impact distance to center _maxDist = 1500;//max impact distance to center _delayBetweenShells = 2;//seconds between single shells _delayBetweenRounds = 10;//seconds between rounds _simultaneousRounds = 4;//number of bombings at the same time _minShellAmount = 2;//minimum number of shells per bombing _maxShellAmount = 6;//max number of shells per bombing _bomb = [_centerObject,_shellType,_minDist,_maxDist,_delayBetweenShells,_delayBetweenRounds,_simultaneousRounds,_minShellAmount,_maxShellAmount] spawn GOM_fnc_ambientArty; To make the arty stop simply set GOM_fnc_ambientArtyEnabled to false. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites