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Frozen Synapse 2

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I played the first Frozen and it was a nice little game. This one I haven't played yet, but I'm going too pick it up this weekend.


This guy does a really good series here and I just randomly picked out an episode: 


The games ai is pretty good by the looks of things. There is plenty of tactical play, but it does take time (so be warned). The first game, even playing the scenarios which I preferred and are not available in this title, were really thought out and quite time consuming, but very rewarding. This game now has a 'long turn' option, which may be useful.


In this title you get to play the city as a sort of campaign, its open so you choose your direction. Obviously there is little here in the way of graphics, however there is a lot when it comes to game-play.


So check it out if you like CQC and tactical play, in an open world/city setting.


Watch this series and you'll get a very good impression of what Frozen Synapse 2 is all about. I spent hours with the first title. This looks better tactically, but less so graphically, but who cares about graphics when good game-play is present.


I should add, there is MP mode and you can play several games at a time, a little like chess, with other people. Or just play straight head to head with the one person.

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They said they are going to put in a scenario generator later, which will be very nice indeed.


It's a good game.

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Scenario generator now included:

This is a great way to plan and execute cqc engagements. Very customisable with pretty good ai.

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