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Version 1.3: 12/30/2018:


IMPROVED: Cargo placement on Tugboat and Trawler
FIX: Missing Trawler cargo view
FIX: Removed smoke shells from Civ Tugs and Trawlers

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Hello, thank you for mod.

It is possible to change VIV coordinates in LCAC?



Also I have a question, there is no plans to release LCAC standalone from mod?

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2 hours ago, Ulmann said:

Hello, thank you for mod.

It is possible to change VIV coordinates in LCAC



There is an attribute inside of the config cpp that stablish the distance between vehicles in the cargo space. You would have to increase the value.

But... this will reduce the transport capabilities of the vehicle as there will be less space to transport things 

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I kept changing my mind about the VIV spacing... it can certainly be updated!

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Just wanted to say, the community appreciates all your hard and continuous work @hcpookie !!!

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great mod. wanted some more sea assets for a long time now.


do you think you could make a vme pla compatible patch/version with chinese guns on the mounts? i would do it myself but i dont know how.

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On 1/19/2019 at 9:41 AM, Ulmann said:

Also I have a question, there is no plans to release LCAC standalone from mod?

I 2nd this, I'd love to use a standalone LCAC combined with a standalone LHD, or a simple bundle of the two, rather than having to download entire packs to use just the units I want for a mission.


But... on a related note, have you used the ViV functionality with some sort of offshore base? I fear if its not doing the old "attachTo" thing that allows vehicles to drive on, attach, detach and drive off, that it will result in vehicles spawning in the water when unloaded from the LCAC if there is no solid ground nearby. I already had this problem with the LHD and the blackfish (haven't checked if the new LHD standalone or BI carrier have this problem): land a blackfish on the LHD (the old ATLAS one, where planes and helos placed on the deck in the editor start flying), unload its vehicles, and watch as they spawn underparachute off the side of the vessel and fall in the water: Not a big problem for an amphibious vehicle like the marshall, a big problem for an MBT or a Rhino. With the blackfish+Rhino combination, this could be "solved" by hovering just above the deck, and then unloading the cargo so that it dropped onto the deck, not the water.

I'd like to be able to not just deploy heavy armor from the well deck of a LHD, but also to recover heavy armor back to the LHD.


So have you tested this with any of the LHD mods out there (The old atlas standalone, my recent update of the Atlas standalone, the CUP one), can you deliver tanks too an LHD... or any sort of offshore base (since you can construct various offshore platforms in the editor) for that matter?

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10 hours ago, Ex3B said:

So have you tested this with any of the LHD mods out there (The old atlas standalone, my recent update of the Atlas standalone, the CUP one), can you deliver tanks too an LHD... or any sort of offshore base (since you can construct various offshore platforms in the editor) for that matter?

I can't really understand your question.  Have I tested with other mods?  No, not completely... I haven't the time to conduct such exhaustive testing.  Nor have I attempted to construct an offshore platform.  I'll be looking forward to your testing reports as it seems you have not attempted this either.

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Is there anyway to drive and load a vehicle on to the LCAC? When i try to drive 2 vehicles on the ship they always go flying into the air

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Hrm.  The LCAC uses the BIS vehicle-in-vehicle config so it should load up several vehicles at once no problem in the standard fashion.  However I am not sure you can drive onto it without problems.

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Yeah you can't drive them on say you already have a vehicle on the ship if you try to drive a second vehicle on the first goes flying in the air 

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To be clear, are you attempting to LOAD more than one vehicle?  Because loading via the BIS vehicle-in-vehicle "Load Vehicle" action works perfectly.

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So, sorry for that question again, but I don't understand, can we expect standalone LCAC version?

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Good news everyone!  Something new on the horizon...




STATIC Carrier Ulyanovsk - available to all sides


Yes I know the Uly was abandoned after the fall of the Soviet Union.  The model was available.  No I do not have any plans to add another carrier, so please don't ask.  Before asking "will it have XYZ" please read further:


Working so far:

 - 100% walkable deck AND lower hangar (you read this correctly!)

 - Working elevators (in the pic you can see the front elevator bringing a plane to the deck)

 - Catapults: both 2x "standard" steam cats and forward 2x ramp-launch catapult functions

 - Ramp launch for non-catapult enabled planes (e.g. you can take off from the ramp w/o using the cat, for example a recon plane)

 - Working carrier landing function (uses tail hook)

 - Unmanned area defense missiles (as in pic)

 - Unmanned CIWS cannons

 - night lights on landing deck

 - Working faction flag



- Add ladders

- Add recovery option when falling off deck

- spotlights and/or night lights for deck area

- Boat deployment and recovery platform


Not planned:

 - Making it move

 - Interior bridge

 - Anything else I forgot


Working landing requires using an addaction and addEventHandler to any plane(s).


Did I mention this is a STATIC ship?

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  • NEW: Ulyanovsk carrier
    • static ship
    • working catapults
    • tailhook landings
    • boat launch feature
    • walkable deck and hangar
    • working elevators
    • recovery ladders: ladders found at each elevator!
    • customizable numbers
    • UAV-based point defenses


Currently the geo LOD is funky and you can walk through walls... watch where you walk 🙂


  • IMPROVED: LCAC distance LOD's
  • FIX: Missing LCAC faction flags
  • FIX: Missing editor preview pics
  • FIX: CIV Patrol Boat popup error




Onboard SAM system has a magazine of 24 SAM's... this is the nautical version of the SA-15, aka the 3K95 (SA-15-N)



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OK "version1" of the carrier is out - I've focused mainly on the catapults and the tailhook landing so other parts may be rough. 


Artillery ASM (The P-700 Granit ASM's) can be accessed via a UAV controller.


Same for the point-defense systems... all accessible via UAV controller.


I put a really quick and dirty video guide together showing off the assets I've been working on.  I fixed the "floating aircraft" on the front catapults, so that warning can now be ignored:



Finally, the deck is COMPLETELY walkable...uly_plank.jpg?psid=1

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  • FIX: Indestructible gunners on some boats
  • FIX: Incorrect penetration rvmats
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Can you share source files for the LCAC?

I know it comes from Burnes Armories LCAC, and I used to have the original files, but I have messed mine up and need to start over.


Also, I see your Ulyanovsk carrier comes from here:



So both of these should be open source/ shate-alike, no?

I'd like to try and improvements of both of these (in particular the textures).

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@hcpookie  Any guide or framework to Uly Carrier? Just placed on editor does not allow MiG29SM (RHS) to land, it "penetrates" the upper deck and falls in the water.  Helicopters fall under the deck when trying to land too.
Thank you for all your work, Russian assets are very rare gems. 

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