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[HELP] Unlock Door with specific Item

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Hello everyone,

My problem that I want to unlock a gate door only if player has specific item.

I use a Trigger for that:

Activation for AllPlayer, present.

In the condition line  I put  this:  (Player need to have the Ace Cellphone to open gates).

"ACE_Cellphone" in items player;

In the On Activation line :

house1_1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',0,true];
house1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',0,true];

house1 and house1_1 are 2 concrete wall gates.

In my init.sqf file, I put this:

house1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true];
house1_1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true];

There a no problem, It's works fine!
My problem is how can the doors stay locked if the player loses or puts down the phone?

I try this In a new trigger, but it don't work,

!("ACE_Cellphone" in items player;);

Somebody can help me??? ;)

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First of all, if you have a trigger AnyPlayer present, with an area of course, you should have : this && "ACE_Cellphone" in items player;

If not, there is no more area consideration and you can let none none for the pre-condition of the trigger.


Then, make it repeatable and in on deact field:

house1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true];

house1_1 setVariable ['bis_disabled_Door_1',1,true];


  • Thanks 1

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