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Custom Explosive Doesnt Explode

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So I have managed to get a custom explosive in game and place-able with ACE interaction.  I can even set a trigger but it will not detonate.


#define _ARMA_

class CfgPatches
	class Rodge_Explosives //Addon Name
		//Meta information for editor
		name = "Beer Explosives";
		author = "S. Rodge";
		url = ""
		//Required Information
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"};
		units[] = {"beer_explosives"}; //links to CfgVehicles classes
		weapons[] = {};
class CfgWeapons
	class Default;
	class Put: Default
		muzzles[] += {"beer_explosives_Muzzle"};
		class PutMuzzle;
		class beer_explosives_Muzzle: PutMuzzle
			displayName = "6-Pack Beer";
			magazines[] = {"6pac_Mag"};
			enableAttack = 1;
			showToPlayer = 0;
			autoreload = 0;
class CfgVehicles
	class ACE_Explosives_Place;
	class beer_explosives_place: ACE_Explosives_Place
		displayName = "6-Pack Beer";  // Name of the item
		model = "\beer\beer.p3d";  // Path to your model
        ACE_offset[] = {0, 0, 0};  // Offset of the interaction point from the model in meters on the X,Y,Z axis. Try setting this to the place where it makes most sense (e.g. to buttons/switches/pins)
		mapSize = 0.25;
		author = "S. Rodge";
		_generalMacro = "SatchelCharge_F";
		scope = 2;
		icon = "iconExplosiveGP";
		ammo = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo";
class cfgAmmo
	class PipeBombBase;
	class SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo: PipeBombBase
        soundActivation[] = {"", 0, 0, 0};  // No sound on activation
        soundDeactivation[] = {"", 0, 0, 0};  // No sound on deactivation
		hit = 200;
		indirectHit = 150;
		indirectHitRange = 12.5;
		dangerRadiusHit = 200;
		suppressionRadiusHit = 40;
		model = "\beer\beer.p3d";
		class CamShakeExplode
			power = "(20*0.2)";
			duration = "((round (16^0.5))*0.2 max 0.2)";
			frequency = 20;
			distance = "((3 + 16^0.5)*8)";
		mineModelDisabled = "\beer\beer.p3d";
		soundHit[] = {"beer\Sounds\C2.wss",3,1,500};
		defaultMagazine = "6pac_Mag";
		ExplosionEffects = "MineNondirectionalExplosionSmall";
		CraterEffects = "MineNondirectionalCraterSmall";
		whistleDist = 32;
		triggerWhenDestroyed = 0;
class cfgMagazines
	class CA_Magazine;
	class 6pac_Mag: CA_Magazine
		ACE_Explosives_Placeable = 1;  // Can be placed
		useAction = 0;  // Disable the vanilla interaction
		ACE_Explosives_SetupObject = "beer_explosives_place";  // The object placed before the explosive is armed
		ACE_Explosives_DelayTime = 1.5;  // Seconds between trigger activation and explosion
		class ACE_Triggers 
		{  // Trigger configurations
            		SupportedTriggers[] = {"Timer", "Command", "MK16_Transmitter", "DeadmanSwitch"};  // Triggers that can be used
            class Timer {
                FuseTime = 0.5;  // Time for the fuse to burn
            class Command {
                FuseTime = 0.5;
            class MK16_Transmitter: Command {};
            class DeadmanSwitch: Command {};
		author = "S. Rodge";
		scope = 2;
		displayName = "6-Pack Beer";
		picture = "\beer\UI\beer.paa";
		model = "\beer\beer.p3d";
		descriptionShort = "6-Pack Beer";
		class Library
			libTextDesc = "6-Pack Beer";
		descriptionUse = "6-Pack Beer";
		type = "2*		256";
		value = 5;
		ammo = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo";
		mass = 8;
		count = 1;
		initSpeed = 0;
		maxLeadSpeed = 0;
		weaponPoolAvailable = 1;
		allowedSlots[] = {901,701};


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